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11/27/16 - Sand Island Boat Ramp
LIVE SHOWS ARE NOW ON TALK808.COM, Sundays 9-11 a.m.

Update to Carroll's show from 6/17/18. Conservation Officer Patrick Chong Tim was just fined $10,000 by the Ethics Commission for his outside businesses. Listen to Carroll's 6/17/18 show talking about his concerns regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and Marine Corps Base Hawaii, and the use of DLNR resources on the base by a private company, iWaterman Pacific LLC. and why he was fined.

Listen to Carroll's show from 3/10/19 discussing Nuuanu Stream:. UPDATE 1/5/2020: The Hawaii State Department of Health, Clean Water Branch, fined the Board of Water Supply $420,000 under HRS, Chapter 342D-9, and is ordering corrective actions. The Notice of Violation and
Order was issued for illegally discharging sediment from the Nuuanu Reservoir No. 4 to State waters and failing to report the incident to the Dept. of Health.

12/22/19 - Carroll replays his show from 07/16/17, giving examples of waste, fraud and abuse by our government and the cost to the taxpayers. |

12/15/19 - Carroll repeats his show from 04/24/16 regarding the 42 inch water main under Dillingham Blvd that would effect the rail, and the city's lack of response to the information. We are now getting information about the work required to move the utilities out of the way of the rail.

11/24/19 - Carroll repeats his show from 11/8/15 talking about more waste of taxpayer money by city, state, and federal governments, and specifically, how a $16 million Consent Decree entered into by the Department of Environmental Services and the EPA and the U.S. Attorney's Office is being used and a City Council Resolution to audit the Environmental Services Branch.

11/17/19 - Carroll talks about a Palolo neighborhood that is sliding downhill. He also talks about the Red Hill oily pits.

11/10/19 - Carroll talks about about injustice in our environment and communities. It is all about politics. What is happening at Red Hill is a good example, and Carroll compares the issues there to what happened to the drinking water at Camp LeJeune, South Carolina and all the illnesses that occurred there.

11/03/19 - Carroll talks about the Red Hill fuel tanks, providing more information he recently recovered about leak monitoring. He also talks about sampling the leaking oil he found in a Halawa parking lot.

10/27/19 - Carroll replays his show from April 6, 2014, about DHHL's policy of leasing land to companies owned by people who are not native Hawaiian, then allowing those companies to dump on and pollute the land while not paying for their leases. He also discusses Abercrombie's secrecy in running the morning H-1 zipper lane to town and the afternoon lane in the Mililani direction.

10/20/19 - Carroll replays his show from September 20, 2015, discussing a history of the Red Hill Fuel Tank leaks.

10/13/19 - Carroll replays his show from December 20, 2015, regarding the H-Power audit.

10/06/19 - Carroll replays his show from February 12, 2012, foreseeing problems with the rail project.

09/29/19 - Carroll talks about toxic chemical disposal and cover-up on government properties.

09/22/19 - Carroll plays a recording of Joshua Lanikila Mangauil talking about why Hawaiians are protesting the Thirty Meter Telescope.

09/15/19 - Carroll talks about Mauna Kea and the Department of Land and Natural Resources' management problems.

09/08/19 - Carroll talks about oily sludge in a parking lot in Halawa he first reported in 2014 and the Red Hill fuel tanks.

09/01/19 - Carroll plays a recording of a 7/24/19 meeting on Kauai discussing the accuracy of water testing using phylochips.

08/25/19 - Carroll talks about the ongoing TMT protest at Mauna Kea. Today he talks about documents regarding past maintenance of the underground storage tanks (USTs) used by the telescope facilities on the summit of Mauna Kea.

08/18/19 - Carroll plays a recording of a 7/24/19 meeting on Kauai discussing the accuracy of water testing using phylochips.

08/11/19 - Carroll continues his discussion of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). Today he talks about the various agencies involved in the leasing and permitting process. Bridget Hammerquist joins the conversation to tell us about her visit to the Mauna Kea protest encampment.

08/04/19 - Carroll talks about the TMT protest and plays a recording of Joshua Lanikila Mangauil talking about why Hawaiians are protesting the Thirty Meter Telescope.

07/28/19 - Carroll continues his discussion regarding the TMT Telescope. Today he talks about the lease agreement between the Department of Land and Natural Resources and the University of Hawaii.

07/21/19 - Carroll discusses Governor Ige's proclamation regarding native Hawaiians protesting building additional telescopes on Mauna Kea and law enforcement by the DLNR and Coast Guard.
04/21/19 - Happy Easter! We are researching new issues and will be back on air, live, in a few weeks. Until then, please listen to our many past shows, listed below. Thank you very much for your support. |

04/14/19 - Carroll talks about corruption in Hawaii and the whole process of government, particularly in the Department of Land and Natural Resources led by Chairwoman Suzanne Case.

04/07/19 - A repeat of Carroll's show from 8/26/12. Carroll and
guests participate in a lively discussion regarding the development of the Nanakuli Village Center, an affordable housing project on Hawaiian Home's land.

03/31/19 - Carroll talks with Nathan Kau, retired meter reader, about the new automatic meter readers being installed by the Honolulu Board of Water Supply to upgrade their system.

03/24/19 - A repeat of 6/11/17 show with Carroll talking about illegal dumping in Hawaii and the lack of response from the Department of Hawaiian Homelands

03/17/19 - Carroll and Melodie Aduja, a member of the Environmental Caucus, discuss the degradation of our water quality in Hawaii.

03/10/19 -Carroll talks about muddy runoff from the Nuuanu Reservoir that has been occurring for the past two months.

03/03/19 - Carroll repeats his show from 11/1/15 talking about the Red Hill fuel spills, the Red Hill Task Force meeting on October 30, 2015, and documentation regarding past leaks he recovered from the Department of Health.

02/24/19 - Under Suzanne Case, Chairman of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, it appears there is an effort to privatize the DLNR so she can install her own agenda, and that agenda is not in the best interest of the public. The latest issue is fees for leasing land at the state harbors.

02/17/19 - Carroll talks about the Red Hill Fuel Tanks and the oily waste disposal site associated with the tanks, citing documents he recovered from the Hawaii State Department of Health under the Uniform Information Practices Act.

02/10/19 - Do we need Black History Month? Carroll discusses black history, racism, discrimination, sexual harassment, and homelessness.

02/03/19 - This week Carroll replays his 2/19/17 show regarding the proposed Kauai Dairy. This week the dairy project was canceled and equipment is up for auction. Listen as Bridget Hammerquist discusses the dairy and why Friends of Maha'ulepu opposed it.

01/27/19 - Carroll's guest is Richard Deconte. They discuss the rail and the city audits. Richard is hoping that a full audit of the rail will occur.

01/20/19 - In honor of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., his birthday, and his holiday, Carroll replays his show from 1/19/14.

01/13/19 - Carroll's guest today is Marsha Joyner. They discuss "Cannabis Chronicles, a 10,000 Year Odyssey". The book explores the hemp plant and its many uses.

01/06/19 - Carroll talks about Governor Ige's environmental policies, particularly in the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), the Department of Agriculture (DOA), and the Department of Health (DOH), and notes the well-being of our natural resources is being neglected.

12/23/18 - Carroll talks about EALs, drinking water, Red Hill and other contaminated sites. |

12/16/18 - Carroll talks about the closing (or sale) of the Big Island Dairy, north of Hilo on the Island of Hawaii. Carroll has been asking the state about the situation, but is not getting clear answers. Some people think the dairy is already closed, but it is still operating. Carroll provides information from the Notice of Violations the dairy received.

12/09 /18
12/09/18 - Carroll and guest Walter Chun discuss Environmental Action Levels, or EALs, and how they relate to Red Hill fuel tanks and military bases, and water and soil contamination.

12/02 /18
`12/02/18 - Carroll talks with attorney Jan Weinberg in a repeat show from July 8, 2012 |
The Big Island Dairy is shutting down! Listen to TALK808.COM for past shows about the Big Island Dairy.

11/04/18- REPLAY - Hawaii State Election Commission Accused of Voter Fraud - REPLAY FROM December 2, 2012

10/28/18 - Carroll and Rod Tam, former City Councilman and State Senator, talk about the rail project, the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA), and the 44 million dollars "needed" by November 20 in order to secure federal funds.

10/07/18 - Carroll talks about the State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), and their mandate to protect the land and wildlife of Hawaii. He then talks about the "resignation" of DOCARE Chief Robert Farrell and questions about what that means.

09/30/2018 - Carroll starts the show talking about the Red Hill fuel tanks. He continues with sewage spills, landfills, sewage treatment plants, and everything else that is detrimental to the environment and government does not seem to fix.

09/23/18 - Carroll replays a show from February 16, 2014, regarding information obtained from documents he recovered discussing past fuel leaks at the Red Hill fuel tank facility.

09/16/18 - Carroll talks about managing resources, and in particular the Anuenue Fisheries Research Center on Oahu currently used for hatching trout. He is concerned about what will be happening to the trout program. The second hour Carroll talks with Rod Tam, a former state senator. He brings insight into current activities of the state government.

09/09/18 - Carroll reviews results of state audits of government agencies and programs. He notes, information from the audit indicates some of the reasons why homeless and other programs do not work.

09/02/18 - Carroll's first guest is Aaron Rutledge. They talk about Dive Oahu's contract with the city to run beach concessions on the beach in Waikiki and how Dive Oahu has not fulfilled requirements of the contract. The second hour Carroll talks with a boat owner about the situation at the state harbors during the hurricane threat.

08/26/18 - Carroll and Bridget Hammerquist, of Friends of Maha'ulepu, talk about sewage spills during storms. Of particular concern is the Big Island of Hawaii and the community of O'okala. Bridget then tells us about concerns about the proposed dairy on Kauai.

08/19/18 - Carroll talks about our water supply and failing infrastructure, particularly a situation with pumps that are not working in Mililani Mauka. He also talks about a recent brush fire on state land near Whitmore Village, and the treatment of homeless people in Hawaii. Tina Quizon calls in to update us on the bus situation in Charlotte, NC, she has talked about in the past.

08/12/18 - Carroll talks about the Department of Land and Natural Resources' and NOAA's problems with monk seals and cats. The second hour Carroll discusses politics and elections with Albert Lanier.

08/05/18 - Carroll talks more about the Department of Land and Natural Resources' issues with the proposed training academy, the jet ski situation, and other concerns.

07/29/18 - Carroll talks about Governor Ige, Suzanne Case, DLNR, the National Guard, and leachate. |

07/15/18 - Carroll is now broadcasting his show live on the internet at Join him Sundays from 9 to 11 a.m. or return here to listen to his past shows. Today Carroll and Tina Quizon talk about current issues regarding the homeless, seals, cats, and the government. |
Above shows were broadcast LIVE on TALK808.COM
Sundays from 9 to 11 a.m.
Call in number is (808) 782-6627

06/17/18 - Carroll talks about concerns regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and Marine Corps Base Hawaii, and the use of DLNR resources on the base by a private company, iWaterman Pacific LLC.

06/27/18 - Carroll talks about a variety of subjects, from cats to EMS.

06/20/18 - Carroll talks about an incident that occurred during the flotilla on July 4, 2017, that demonstrates the abuse of power by Department of Land and Natural Resources, Department of Conservation and Resources Enforcement Division (DOCARE), Enforcement Chief Robert Farrell and one of his officers.

04/22/18 - Carroll's guest the first hour is Rod Tam. They talk about the "monster" homes being built around Hawaii, often without permits. The second hour Carroll's guest is Elizabeth Mitchell, President of the Association of Professional Observers. They talk about the disappearance of a number of observers aboard fishing vessels over the past few years.

04/15/18 - Carroll's guest is Natalie Iwasa, a member of the Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board, and now running for City Council. The second hour Carroll talks with Richard Deconte, then discusses unused state agriculture land being used as a dumping ground.

04/8/18 - Carroll's guest is John Carroll, running for Governor of Hawaii. Eric Ryan, President of Hawaii Republican Action, also joins in. John discusses his experience, his leadership skills, and the background he brings to the table that will give the state what it needs to get the job done.

03/25/18 - Carroll's guest is Eric Ryan, President of Hawaii Republican Action (HIRA). They discuss City Councilwoman Kimberly Pine's claim that she left the Republican Party because Donald Trump was elected President.

03/18/18 - Carroll's guests are Curt Cotrell, Administrator of the Department of Land and Natural Resources' Division of Parks, Micah and Jonathan Doan, and John Auwae from Protectors of Paradise. They discuss social media and its impacts on our parks, natural resources, and cultural and historical sites.

03/11/18 - Carroll's guest is Rod Tam. They discuss local issues including rail, bus service and the handivan.

03/04/18 - Carroll's guest is Rose Marie Gonzalez. They discuss concerns regarding the Hu Honua Bioenergy, LLC, plant reconstruction project in Pepeekeo, Hawaii. The second hour Carroll talks with Claudia Rohr about the project and her concerns.

02/18/18 - Carroll talks with members of a community in North Carolina having problems with changes to their bus service. Carroll then talks with Richard Braunskill about racism in America and a series of four films about global black history entitled Hidden Colors.

02/11/18 - Carroll talks about another endangered monk seal found with a hook in her mouth. He also talks about problems caused by H-Power being down, and problems getting information under the UIPA act.

02/04/18 - Carroll's guest is Tuskegee Airman Lt. Colonel Alexander Jefferson. They talk about World War II, the Sixties, and current history. He also provides information for purchasing his book, "Red Tail Captured, Red Tail Free".

01/28/18 - Carroll's guest is Mike Goodman, Director of the Hawaii Kai Homeless Task Force, dedicated to ending homelessness. They talk about HB 2014 and SB 2628 that will designate land for building homes for the homeless population.

01/21/18 - Carroll tells us how, once again, our government is all about friends and family. This point is well illustrated by Friday's committee hearing on the false missile alarm.

01/14/18 - Carroll talks about the "wrong button", being pushed and its effect on the state, the nation, and the world. Unfortunately, Hawaii has had many other "wrong buttons", and we wonder why.
2017 |

12/31/17 - Carroll talks about some of his past investigations and the response of government entities to the public. He also talks about Senator Donovan Dela Cruz and his "10% ownership" of DTL, Ltd., which he also claims to work with. DTL has contracts with the state agencies.

12/24/17 - Carroll reflects on a year of government promises, failures, and lies. The second hour a caller discusses the bus fare increase, the Handi-Van, and the bad service.

12/17/17 - Carroll starts the show with a discussion about Trump, his banned words, and his administration. He then plays an audio with more of Ray Soon's comments at the U.H. symposium he talked about last week. Finally, he talks about polluted streams, abandoned cars, and the lack of government response.

12/10/17 -Carroll talks about a symposium, Public Participation in a Polarized Era, he recently attended at the University of Hawaii. The discussion, aimed at developers, was about ways to control public input and participation in the development process.

12/03/17 - Carroll talks
with callers from North Carolina about how poor the bus service is in
their particular area. He then talks more about the longline fishing vessel, Pacific Paradise, stuck on the reef off Waikiki, and the cat colony at Sand Island Park.

11/26/17 - Carroll addresses the sexual harassment issues and the fragmentation of other social problems including victims of discrimination by race, sex, religion, and disability. The second hour Carroll continues his discussion about feral cat colonies, and in particular, the one at Sand Island.

11/19/17 - Carroll talks about tree cuttings dumped into the Ala Wai Canal, a small, neglected pond in Campbell Industrial Park that is home to many birds, and the status of the city's bike share program. |

11/112/17 - Carroll's guest is Albert Lanier, a retired journalist As an investigative reporter, Lanier started looking into the rescue of two women "lost at sea" and talks about his concerns. Carroll also discusses the Coast Guard and their handling of the longline fishing vessel stranded on the reef off Waikiki Beach.

11/05/17 Carroll discusses the upcoming seminar, "PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN A POLARIZED ERA, The Good, the Bad, the Future". It appears the purpose of the seminar, presented by Ulupono Initiative, is how to organize and restrict the public comment process regarding the impact developmental projects may have on the environment in Hawaii.

10/29/17 - Carroll's guests are Michah Doane, Jonathan Doane, Stacie Doane and Jon Ross Auwae from Protectors of Paradise, a nonprofit organization dedicated to cleaning up the West Side of Oahu. Their mission is to assure protection of the land and wildlife from abusive activity, and preserve the beauty for future generations to come.

10/22/17 - Carroll tells us more about the sinking of the Hawaii-based fishing vessel, the "Pacific Paradise" and the foreign fishermen who were aboard. |

10/15/17 - Carroll talks about the fishing boat, "Pacific Paradise", and tells us the real story about how it was stranded on the reef off Waikiki Beach. Where were the DLNR, NOAA, and even the Coast Guard? |

10/8/17 - Carroll talks about the issues of the day, including lies, protests, delays, ethics and rules. |

10/01/17 - Carroll addresses the "bend the knee" controversy instigated by President Trump. It is NOT about the flag and the National Anthem as Trump wants you to believe. Instead of telling us how to react, listen. Carroll also asks how do politicians get corruption to work for themselves?

09/24/17 - Carroll's guest is Don Phillippi, who has lived on his boat at Keehi Boat Harbor for the past 28 years. In February, 2016, Phillippi was threatened with eviction from the harbor because he was feeding cats at the harbor. Carroll and Mr. Phillippi discuss the situation regarding the Department of Land and Natural Resources and the cats.

09/17/17 - Carroll continues his discussion regarding the Department of Land and Natural Resources' (DLNR) proposal to kill or destroy feral cats at state harbors, and in particular, DLNR spokesperson Dan Dennison's bully postings about Carroll's stories.

09/10/17 - Carroll talks about the feral cat situation and new rules that will prohibit feeding cats at the harbors and allow the actual killing of cats starting in January 2019.

09/03/17 - Carroll talks about biosecurity in Hawaii and a recently completed audit of the Department of Agriculture's Plant Quarantine Branch.

08/27/17 - Carroll shares his latest information regarding the Biki bike share program. He also talks about abandoned cars on the Waianae Coast.

08/20/17 - Carroll and guest Rod Tam, a former state senator, start the show with a discussion of politics and racism in Hawaii. Carroll also talks about a big problem at the Nu'uanu Pali Lookout because there are not any rest rooms for the busloads of tourists.

08/13/17 - Carroll discusses the many questions of ethics and conflicts of interest involved in how Biki was set up with guests Rod Tam, a former state senator, and Dave Moskowitz from Waikiki.

08/06/17 - How did Biki bike racks pop up all over the city with no notice to the public or an Environmental Impact Study? Carroll explores the issues. |

07/30/17 - Carroll continues to talk about PSI's default on government contracts. He and a caller discuss DLNR's proposal to ban cats from the state's harbors. |

07/23/17 - Carroll talks about lack of government transparency in Hawaii and how hard it is to get information, as illustrated with the defaulted city contract with PSI, Inc. The second hour Carroll talks about the investigation of President Trump.

07/16/17 - Carroll gives examples of waste, fraud and abuse by our government and the cost to the taxpayers. |

07/09/17 - Carroll discusses social injustice and what it means. He illustrates with an issue regarding trash pickup in Waipahu. He also continues his discussion regarding the heavily polluted Iwilei stream he started talking about last week.

07/02/17 - Carroll's guest today is a city lifeguard who has had staph, strep and other infections of concern from working on the beach in Waikiki. The second hour he talks about a stream in Iwilei, that flows into the ocean, polluted with a milky white substance.

06/25/17 - Carroll talks about what is happening with Thomas Square. The second hour Carroll talks about city contracts for the photovoltaic solar building in Campbell Industrial Park.

06/18/17 - Carroll talks about the deplorable state of the Waikiki Beach showers. The Department of Health investigated in 2012, but they are in even worse shape now, with runoff into the ocean. |

06/11/17 - Carroll talks about illegal dumping in Hawaii and the lack of response from the Department of Hawaiian Homelands.

06/04/17 - Carroll talks about problems with imported fish.

- 05/28/17 - Carroll talks about problems at DLNR.

05/21/17 - Carroll's guest is Psycotherapist Rita Soman. They talk about empowering yourself and dealing with stress and addiction through your subconsciousness with self-help. Callers discuss her presentation and what they are doing for themselves. The second hour callers discuss other issues.

05/14/17 - Carroll's focus is on how Scott Enright, Director of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, as well as other department heads including DLNR and Agriculture, run their departments under the management of Governor David Ige. Scott Enright has come to the forefront due to his oversight of issues at the Big Island Dairy in O'okala, on the Big Island of Hawaii.

05/07/17 - Carroll talks about the number of fish products shipped to Hawaii that are inspected and refused by the state's Department of Agriculture, and what it means to the people. He also talks about the rail, taxes, and the government. Whom is the government serving? It is not the people.

04/30/17 - Carroll starts the show by talking about speaking out. Callers weigh in on many subjects.

04/23/17 - Carroll talks about labor unions and whom and what they represent. He also discusses the extent of toxic pollution under the streets and surrounding properties, and under the homeless population in Iwilei.

04/16/17 - Carroll's guests are Koohan Paik and April Weber, a member of the O'okala community. They talk about the many slugs that have invaded their community, and they are particularly concerned because of the spike in rat lungworm disease.

04/09/17 - Carroll talks about rat lungworm disease transmitted by slugs. Residents of O'okala on the Big Island say there has been a big increase of slugs in their area. The second hour Carroll talks about the results of privatizing government jobs and agencies.

04/02/17 - Carroll talks about Mayor Caldwell's press release saying the city is no longer accepting household combustibles at Waimanalo Gulch Landfill. He also talks about information he received about donations to charities, and a second meeting he attended regarding the Big Island Dairy.

03/26/17 - Carroll starts with a discussion about the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and who needs it, referring to an article in today's StarAdvertiser. The second hour he discusses the Big Island Dairy, the community meeting, and the Hawaii Department of Health investigations.

03/19/17 - Carroll's guest is Bridget Hammerquist, President of Friends of Maha'ulepu (FOM). This week Carroll and FOM went to O'okala, on the Hamakua Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii to visit with community members living below the Big Island Dairy (BID) and learn firsthand what the situation is for their community.

03/12/17 - The first hour Carroll's guests are Dean Otsuki and Suzanne Frazier from B.E.A.C.H - Beach Environmental Awareness Campaign Hawaii. Their mission is to reduce and remove plastic marine debris from our ocean, streams and shores. The second hour Carroll's guests are Tommy Yarbrough and Sharon Yarbrough, President of SEH - Sisters Empowering Hawaii. On
Sunday, March 26, 2017, they will be honoring six women at their 2nd Annual Women Making History Awards Luncheon.

03/05/17 - Carroll talks about taxes, fees, politics, and dysfunctional government.

02/26/17 - Carroll and callers talk about the nuts and bolts of local politics, including taxes, cost of living, and a dysfunctional government. The second hour Carroll talks about the vexatious request bill, House Bill 1518, introduced by Representative Scott Saiki.

02/19/17 - Carroll and Bridget Hammerquist, President of Friends of Maha'ulepu, bring us up to date with current developments regarding the proposed industrial dairy farm on Kauai.

02/12/17 - Carroll talks about a nation of laws and a nation of flaws, and how we now are learning firsthand about the big lies. The second hour a caller talks about a proposed development in the Kahalu'u wetlands.

02/05/17 - Carroll and Dr. Jill Voeks, a veterinarian and conservationist, talk about feral cat colonies in Hawai, the Trap, Neuter, Return, and Manage (TNRM) program, and the government's proposal to kill feral cats.

01/29/17 - Carroll talks about the Honolulu Board of Water Supply overcharging Bellows Air Force Station for their use of water. He then talks about corruption and the issues facing the State of Hawaii.

01/22/17 - Carroll's guest today, Bridget Hammerquist of Friends of Maha'ulepu, is back to bring us up to date with new developments regarding their opposition to the proposed industrial dairy farm on Kauai. The second hour Carroll talks about ethics at the Department of Land and Natural Resources, with the example of personal use of a helicoptor used for drug enforcement with no consequences.

01/15/17 - Carroll and KWAI were off the air today, but link to Carroll's poem "TEARS OF FEAR".

01/08/17 - Carroll talks about Police Chief Kealoha, Mayor Caldwell, Rolloffs' bankruptcy, the multiple sewer line breaks at Ko 'Olina, and stockpiles of coal ash at Campbell Industrial Park. |

01/01/17 - Carroll starts the show with a number of topics regarding living in Hawaii, doing the right thing, and getting along with others. The second hour frequent caller Richard Deconte joins the conversation.
2016 |

12/25/16 - Carroll talks about his work and results over the past year, and how listeners have supported him. Thank you to our many listeners, supporters and friends! We are looking forward to next year with several major investigations in the works.

12/18/16 - Carroll's guest today is Attorney Jan Weinberg. The first hour they discuss some of the reasons why Hawaii has so many problems with government agencies. The second hour Jan Weinberg and OHA Trustee Keli'i Akina talk about how he won the election over an incumbent, and his plans for working with OHA. Carroll also starts the show by talking with a caller about the demolition
of the University Square shopping center at King St. and University Ave.

12/11/16 - Carroll talks about an email he recovered from the city regarding Dr. Baird Flemming's resignation as Director of the Honolulu Zoo. In it Flemming notes that on 10/31/16, prior to the election, he told Mayor Caldwell he was resigning. Carroll also talks about misinformation from the city regarding a sewer break at Ko'Olina, and leachate leaking from city garbage trucks
as they travel down our roadways.

12/04/16 - Carroll's guests are Bridget Hammerquist, President of Friends of Maha'ulepu, and Charles Tebbutt, Attorney for Friends of Maha'ulepu. They discuss the results of this week's court ruling regarding the proposed dairy farm on Kauai.

11/27/16 - Carroll and Cathy Goeggel, from Animal Rights Hawaii, talk
about the issues behind the problems at the Honolulu Zoo and the Honolulu Zoological Society. Carroll also discusses the condition of the Sand Island Boat Ramp, and the dump of an unknown substance into a stream in Aina Haina.

11/20/16 - Carroll's guest today is Attorney John Carroll, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in the last election. The second hour Carroll talks about his recent zoo stories regarding the hippo exhibit and the loss of zoo accreditation. He also talks with callers about political parties.

11/13/16 - Carroll's guest, Eric Ryan, from the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), returns this week to talk about the elections and what they mean.

11/06/16 - Carroll's guest today is Eric Ryan from the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA). They talk about Republicans, Kymberly Pine, Cedric Gates, political corruption, and politics on the Waianae Coast.

10/30/16 - Carroll talks about political candidates on the Waianae Coast, particularly Cedric Gates and Marc Paaluhi, who are running for House of Representatives for District 44. DeMotte Connor, a Nanakuli resident, calls in to clear up things the Gates's campaign is saying about him. Gates calls in and he and Connor debate the issues. |

10/23/16 - Carroll and Natalie Iwasa, Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board Chair and forensic CPA, talk about the twenty charter amendment questions on this year's ballot. They debate whether you should vote yes or no, or leave the question blank.

10/16/16 - Carroll's guest the first hour is Karlen Ross, running for the State House representing Hawaii Kai. The second hour Carroll and guest Kioni Dudley talk about the rail and a meeting regarding several resolutions about the rail coming up this week.

10/09/16 - This week Attorney Jan Weinberg once again sits in as host of The Carroll Cox Show. The first hour's guests are Keli'i Akina, Ph.D., running for OHA Trustee-at-large, and Mililani Trask, running for OHA Trustee for the Big Island. The second hour Jan's guests are attorneys Michael Stern and Steve Hisaka. They specialize in personal injury cases. They talk
about what you need to do, and why it is important to hire a lawyer if you are injured.

10/02/16 - This week Attorney Jan Weinberg sits in as host of The Carroll Cox Show, with guests John S. Carroll, currently running for the U.S. Senate, and Makani Christensen, who ran against Brian Schatz for the U.S. Senate seat in the primary. They discuss politics and what it takes to run for office, particularly when you
are outside the "system".

09/25/16 - Carroll's guest is attorney Mike Ostendorp. They talk about the recent Associated Press article published by the StarAdvertiser regarding commercial fishing in Hawaii entitled "Floating Prisons". Mike Ostendorp tells us the article is one-sided, explains the industry is monitored and controlled by many government agencies, and everyone is
aware of the situation.

09/18/16 - Carroll's guest is Keli'i Akina, Ph.D., a candidate for the position of Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) Trustee-at-large. Dr. Akina tells us how OHA affects everyone and everything in Hawaii. This election will have a big impact on the future of Hawaii, for both Hawaiians and locals alike. Listen to find out why.

09/11/16 - Carroll and Kathleen "KC" Connors discuss the City of Honolulu's "TheBus" system. Service for the Windward and North Shore is bad, with buses only coming once an hour. They are often late, so people cannot get to their jobs on time and kids end up hitch hiking to school. The situation is unacceptable, and
needs to be fixed.

- 09/04/16 -Carroll's guest is Cathy Goeggel from Animal Rights Hawaii. They talk about the Honolulu Zoo and animal welfare. The second hour talks about politics, the zika virus in Hawaii, and how what is under the old Sprint building on Dillingham Boulevard may effect the rail project.

- 08/28/16 - Carroll's guest is former City Councilmember Rod Tam, who is now running for the state senate. They talk about a landslide in Nuuanu that broke a temporary sewer pipe and is damaging homes as sewage spills out of the pipes onto the homeowners' property and dirt piles up against their walls

- 08/21/16 - Carroll's guests are attorneys Jan Weinberg and John Carroll, who is also running for the United States Senate. John Carroll talks about the campaign issues he is concerned with. Carroll and Jan Weinberg talk about the Department of Health, Hepatitis A, food inspections, and tainted fish.

- 08/14/16 - Carroll and callers talk about the elections. Carroll also tells us what he was told when he asked the state about the dust from the solar farm being built in Waianae.

- 08/07/16 - Carroll talks with mayoral candidate Tim Garry about issues of concern, local media and the elections. The second hour Carroll talks about more problems at the Department of Land and Natural Resources. He also talks about the elections and issues with callers.

07/31/16 - Carroll and Natalie Iwasa continue their discussion about the Ethics Commission. The second hour Carroll talks about the impact of an approximately 160-acre solar farm being built next to a school, Kamaile Academy, and
a community of homes, in Waianae.

07/24/16 - Carroll's guest the first hour is mayoral candidate Tim Garry. Carroll and Tim talk about city and state ethics, and problems with the Ethics Commission. The second hour Carroll talks with mayoral candidate Ron Hochuli and issues he is concerned about. There are many candidates running for mayor. Maybe we should listen to some
of the others besides Caldwell, Carlisle and Djou. |

- 07/17/16 - Carroll's guest is John A. Kilpatrick, Ph.D., an economist with Greenfield Advisors, a global real estate consulting firm. They talk about the economic impact of the proposed industrial dairy on Kauai. Carroll and callers also discuss social issues.

07/10/16 - Carroll talks about the Hawaii Department of Health, the outbreak of Hepatitis A, and the 7/3/16 sewage spill at Kewalo Basin that was not reported until after the 4th of July holiday. |

07/03/16 - Carroll talks about a protest on Friday, July 1, over issues at the Haleiwa Beach House. Jack Reid and TJ bring us up to date on the status of the community's concerns and the city and state's response. Carroll also tells us more about Suzanne Case, Chairman of the Department of Land and Natural Resources,
and her firing of Tommy Friel as head of the Department of Conservation and Resource Enforcement..

- 06/26/16 - Carroll talks about operations at the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and Suzanne Case's firing and forced resignation of DOCARE Chief Tommy Friel. The second hour Carroll talks with attorneys Bernie Bays and Mike Carroll about their appearance before the 9th Circuit Appellate Court in Hononlulu regarding GMO crops on Maui.

- 06/19/16 - Carroll and guest Bridget Hammerquist bring us up to date on Friends of Maha'ulpu and the proposed dairy farm on Kauai.

- 06/12/16 - Carroll talks about how anti-gay rhetoric, and other hate talk about specific groups and activities, turn into acts of violence and terrorism. He also talks about government transparency.

- 06/05/16 - Carroll, Jack Reid and Bob Justice talk about the closing of the Haleiwa Beach House after their discussion on last week's show. They also talk about the effectiveness of neighborhood boards. The second hour Carroll talks about lack of transparency and the latest issues with the Red Hill fuel tank leaks.

- 05/29/15 - Carroll and Blake McElheny talk about Andy Anderson and the Haleiwa Beach House restaurant he recently opened after remodeling the old Jameson's Restaurant without proper permits and septic tank upgrades. Andy Anderson is wrong, but it is the government that is the real problem.

05/22/16 - Carroll and his guests Sheila Young and Nawahine Kaho'opii discuss their concerns with practices at the Kauai Humane Society and the Hawaii Island Humane Society.

05/15/16 - Carroll discusses the City Ethics Commission, including his complaint about Mayor Caldwell conducting campaign activity on city property. |

05/08/16 - Carroll and guest Jack Reid talk about the deteriorating condition of the Paumalu Bridge. The second hour Carroll's guest is Rod Tam. They discuss the ethics of Mayor Caldwell's campaign rally on the steps of City Hall and government transparency.

- 05/01/16 - Carroll's guest is Karen Awana, former State Representative for the Waianae area. They talk about the many issues faced by the Waianae Coast residents.

- 04/24/16 - Carroll and callers talk about the rail project, bureaucrats, and the appointment of Colleen Hanabusa as chairman of the HART board. Carroll also talks about problems recycling Kirkland water bottles sold by Costco.

- 04/17/16 - Carroll and callers talk about the rail audit, and Carroll adds more information not included in the audit or being discussed by HART and city officials.

04/10/16 - What is the real cost of rail, particularly how the socio-economic costs are adding to the overall cost to residents of Hawaii? Carroll also continues the discussion started last week about an HCDA donation to the Ocean Safety Division, with a link to
answers to his questions. The final topic is an illegal dump site at Keehi Lagoon. But, this time it is DLNR doing the dumping.

04/03/16 - Carroll talks about a big public announcement made in 2014 regarding a donation of a state-of-the-art rescue boat, dock, and state-of-the-art office facility made by the Hawaii Community Development Authority and Ward Village to the state at Kewalo Basin Harbor. Bridget Hammerquist brings us up to date on Friends of Maha'ulepu activity. Carroll
also talks about Suzanne Case and DLNR. |

03/27/16 - Carroll's first guest is Carl Berg, Ph.D., head of Surfrider Foundation Kauai and Blue Water Task Force Kauai. They monitor water quality in oceans and lakes. Carroll's next guest is Sylvia Thompson, owner and chef of Greens & Vines Gourmet Raw Vegan Restaurant. They talk about how to prepare delicious raw foods and eating healthy.

03/20/16 - Carroll's guests are John Carroll and Rod Tam. They continue their discussion about the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, also known as the Jones Act. The question is, should it be modified or repealed, and will it benefit Hawaii if it is? Can the question even be answered?

03/13/16 - Carroll's guest is journalist Albert Lanier. They discuss the elections, and statements from the Republican Party saying they are "taking the country back." Even the Democrats have problems, so where will this leave the rest of the country?

03/06/16 - Carroll's guests are former City Councilmembers Rod Tam and Tom Berg, discussing the big issues facing the people of Hawaii, includng our government, the economy, and the rail. They also discuss the Jones Act. |

02/28/16 - Carroll's guest is Attorney Tony Locricchio. He discusses his problems with the Disciplinary Board of the Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) for the Judiciary of Hawaii, and explains the facts.

- 02/21/16 - Carroll's first guest is Cathy Goeggel, President of Animal Rights Hawaii. They discuss the slaughterhouse and rendering plant in Campbell Industrial Park. Callers talk about environmental issues. Carroll plays the 911 tape he requested and received from the
City and County of Honolulu Emergency Medical Services. He also talks about Indiana's objection to a Covanta recycling plant similar to what we have here in Hawaii.

02/14/16 - Carroll discusses current issues and events with guest Rod Tam. Topics include state government, city government, DLNR, ethics and obtaining information. |

02/07/16 - Carroll discusses the Department of Land and Natural Resources' handling of the January boating accident near Kailua Bay, Hawaii, that killed Sri Shim and left his stepson seriously hurt. A lot of questions, but "no comment" is all we hear.

01/31/16 - Carroll talks about bills being introduced giving "rights" to farmers, specifying counties cannot enact laws or ordinances to restrict common agriculture practices. The bills are causing
serious concerns by local citizens who also have rights to clean air, clean water, and a clean environment. He also talks about how white goods are being handled by the city.

01/24/16 - Family and friends of Sri Meheula Shim gathered Saturday afternoon, January 23, 2016, at Magic Island to celebrate his life, and to return Sri to the ocean he loved. Carroll has been researching why he died after being hit by a boat in Kailua Bay. Apparently, once again, the Department of Land and Natural Resources is involved in
a big problem they cannot handle.

01/17/16 - Carroll discusses a number of things today, including the military helicopter crash, the Department of Land and Natural Resources' comments regarding guns and Muslims, the killing of albatross at Kaena Point, and trash and a landside by the freeway interchange in Aiea that no one seems to be concerned about.

01/10/16 - Carroll tells us about the January 7, 2016, gas leak on Kamehameha Highway in Pearl City, Oahu, that caused major delays in traffic and prevented people from leaving the area for up to six hours because some had cars parked in a nearby parking lot that was closed because firemen were concerned that starting up cars would iginite
the gas. Kiewit, the contractor who is responsible for this portion of the route, barely cut the surface before they hit the gas line. What will happen on the rest of the route?

01/03/16 - Carroll explains why we should be worried about the United States Coast Guard former Voice of America site in Maili contaminated by PCBs, and the homes built immediately adjacent to the property.
2015 |

12/27/15 - Carroll and callers discuss the government's ability or willingness to resolve problems. He also talks about Mayor Caldwell's appointments to the Honolulu Charter Commission, and more about the management of H-Power and Covanta contracts.

12/20/15 - Carroll continues discussion of the City and County of Honolulu's H-Power audit dated December, 2015, providing additional information he researched this week, incuding Lori Kahikina's statement the problems occurred prior to her, and Mayor Caldwell, taking office. He also talks about ocean access in Hawaii.

12/13/15 - Carroll discusses the City's H-Power audit, dated December, 2015. A link to the audit is posted on his show page. He also talks about the operations and practices of H-Power and its contractors. Listen as Carroll reveals some of the shocking details.

12/06/15 - Carroll's guest is Shayne Enright from the Honolulu Emergency Services Department, Ocean Safety Division. She explains how her division protects people in the ocean. Carroll and callers also discuss media reporters going on to work for the government.

11/29/15 - Carroll talks about the environmental impact of Oahu's H-Power plant and what the Board of Water Supply and EPA say about it. The second hour Carroll continues his discussion regarding feral cats, monk seals, and toxoplasmosis.

11/22/15 - Carroll and callers discuss current environmnetal and political issues. Carroll also brings us up to date on past topics, including PCBs and other toxic chemicals on the former Voice of America Coast Guard site in Maili, sewage spills, and the recent death of monk seals allegedly from cat toxoplasmosis. |

11/15/15 - In light of today's climate of African Americans being stopped for little cause, and sometimes shot and killed, Carroll talks about some of the history of slavery and its ramifications after the Civil War and up to today's current events.

11/08/15 - Carroll talks about more waste of taxpayer money by city, state, and federal governments, and specifically, how a $16 million Consent Decree entered into by the Department of Environmental Services and the EPA and the U.S. Attorney's Office is being used and a City Council Resolution to audit the Environmental Services Branch..

11/01/15 - Carroll talks about the Red Hill fuel spills, the Red Hill Task Force meeting on October 30, 2015, and documentation regarding past leaks he recovered from the Department of Health.

10/25/15 - Carroll continues his discussion about toxic land in Ma'ili, West Oahu. Jim Dittmar talks about the dredging project in Hawaii Kai. Carroll also talks about the Ewa Shaft water well for the Ho'opili project, and sewage and wastewater being discharged into Kaneohe Bay at Heeia Pier.

10/18/15 - Carroll talks about the rail's Environmental Impact Statements, ethics, and transparency. He also talks about a transitional homeless shelter in Maili on property that was tested and found to be contamitated with high levels of heavy metals that exceed Department of Health and EPA safe residential levels.

10/11/15 - Carroll talks about systemic problems in appointments and hiring practices at the Department of Land and Natural Resources under Chairperson Suzanne Case.

10/04/15 - Carroll talks about the appointment of Dr. Bruce Anderson as head of the Department of Land and Natural Resources' Aquatics Division. He also talks about new developments regarding a lawsuit between Schnitzer Steel, Island Recycling, Inc, and the State of Hawaii Department of Health.

09/27/15 - Carroll tells us about Tina Quizon, a homeless veteran who is experiencing medical problems and not getting the appropriate care, or housing for recovery, from the Veterans Administration or the U.S. Vets, that she has earned and deserves.

09/20/15 - Carroll talks about a history of fuel leaks in Hawaii, from the fuel tanks on top of Red Hill, to sites down the hill at Pearl Harbor, and the points between. How many fuel leaks and toxic dump sites are there, how big are they, and what is the government saying about it? Can we even trust what the government says?

09/13/15 - Carroll talks about the state of affairs at the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. He received a ruling from the State of Hawaii, Office of Information Practices, stating the DHHL must give him documents he requested, and why. He explains how you can use the ruling, and document, to obtain information from DHHL you may need to support your concerns
or claims.

09/06/15 - Carroll talks about fraud and the proverbial vacuum cleaner salesman. Carol Nielsen Gilbert tells us her story about a salesman, Vitolio (Leo) Laban, and how he sold a vacuum cleaner to her. The second hour Carroll talks about the political movement for state's rights, how it affects racism and our society in general, and how history repeats itself.

08/30/15 - Carroll provides additional information about the contaminated soil around Radford High School and Makalapa Elementary School. The second hour Carroll talks about the many sewage spills occurring in Hawaii.

08/23/15 - Carroll's first guest today is Albert Lanier, a local freelance reporter. They talk about how the news is covered in Hawaii. The second hour Carroll's guest is news reporter James Dooley. He talks about investigative reporting and his just-published book, Sunny Skies, Shady Characters: Cops, Killers, and Corruption in the Aloha State.

08/16/15 - Carroll starts the show with caller participation in a discussion about "black lives matter". He also brings us up to date on his involvement with the Red Hill Fuel Tank story.

08/09/15 - Carroll continued his research regarding contaminated materials hauled from a Radford High School project to a D.R. Horton housing development in Kapolei. He now talks about the problems of unequal justice handed out by the Hawaii State government. If you are the "little man"
you will be the one indicted, not the big businesses who donate to campaigns and lobby politicians.

08/02/15 - Carroll talks about problems farmers are experiencing regarding farmland they lease across from the Turtle Bay Resort. Some of them have been farming the land for thirty years. Now that the conservationists have won their fight to conserve some of the land the hotel wanted to use for expansion, the hotel is putting the squeeze on the farmers across the street.

07/26/15 - Carroll's guests are Dr. Judy Carman and Dr. Stephanie Seneff. They discuss concerns with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food. Carroll also talks about contaminated dirt from a Radford High School project transported to a D.H. Horton home building site in Kapolei.

07/19/15 - Carroll talks about our inefficient government, starting with Mayor Caldwell and the City Council to Governor Ige and the legislators. He also talks about Jason Redulla's gun on his facebook page.

07/12/15 - Carroll talks about issues where the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH), and the City and County of Honolulu have failed the public, including the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill, multiple fuel tank leaks, fires, sewage spills, and trash in our streams. He also talks about the sea cucumber situation.

07/05/15 - Carroll brings us up to date with current developments regarding the 2014 fuel tank leaks at Keehi Lagoon. He also talks about the large fire at Island Recycling, Inc., at Campbell Industrial Park.

06/28/15 - Carroll talks about sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers have been taken for years under a permit issued by the state. Now there is an emergency ruling banning their take. Where has the DLNR been if only now it is a problem, and that problem was caused by a facebook picture? Listen as Carroll explains the issues.

06/21/15 - Carroll talks about the Board of Water Supply (BWS) public meeting regarding drinking water quality at the Red Hill aquifer, and what the military is doing about fuel leaks from storage tanks above the aquifer. He also talks about hooks in the mouths of monk seals, and NOAA's response.

06/14/15 - Carroll's guest is Ernest Y. W. Lau, P.E., Manager and Chief Engineer for the Honolulu Board of Water Supply. He discusses the letter he recently sent to 170,000 customers regarding what is being done to protect the quality of drinking water in the aquifer under the Red HIll Fuel Tanks.

06/07/15 - Carrolll's guest is Dr. Hector Valensuela. He has been harassed and ostrasized by the Deans at the University of Hawaii, where he teaches, because of his stance against GMO products.

05/31/15 - Carroll tells us more about ALEC - the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC says they "want to take back their country", but what does that mean? Carroll illustrates how it is not for the people, but for big business. Cathy
Goeggel of Animal Rights Hawaii, talks about the upcoming international protest against dolphins and whales in captivity on June 6, 2015

05/24/15 - Why didn't the city clean up a trashed house in Kaimuki after a law was passed last year allowing them to do so? Information about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), that designs and votes on bills at closed-door meetings with legislators. Also, an interview with Chef/owner Stevina Kiyabu of Valentina's Ristorante in Waianae. A great place to eat!

05/17/15 - Carroll's guests today are Bridget Hammerquist, Katherine Muzic, Ph.D, and Jay Kechloian, of Friends of Maha'ulepu. They bring us up to date on the proposed Kauai dairy farm issue. Carroll play Michelle Obama's commencement address at Tuskeegee University.

05/10/15 - Carroll and guest Elizabeth Mitchell talk about problems at the National Marine Fisheries Service going much deeper than Mr. Michael Tosatto and the local office. It
is due to the ethical and political climate of the U.S. Department of Commerce as a whole, from Inspector General Todd J. Zinser on down.

05/03/15 - Carroll asks NOAA questions about the death of Monk Seal N24. Cathy Goeggel, President of Animal Rights Hawaii, is concerned about dangerous animals on the restricted list, such as grizzly bears, given permits to be imported for temporary shows in Hawaii, such the State Fair. |

04/26/15 - Carroll talks about what corruption really is. There are problems with the freeway, the rail project, the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill, and many other city and state projects. Carroll explains what they all have in common.

04/19/15 - Carroll's guests, Kanoe Cazimero, and Kilohana Silve, from the Iwalani Foundation for Breast Cancer Awareness, return to discuss their Hulathon on May 1. Carroll also discusses a number of current issues with callers.

04/12/15 - Carroll talks about possible problems with another Governor Ige nominee, Linda Takayama, to head the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. He also continues discussion regarding waste of money at DLNR.

04/05/15 - Carroll continues his discussion about the Department of Land and Natural Resources, reading letters he received from anonymous sources about what they observed happening at the DLNR. The second hour Dr. Kioni Fdiscusses the Hoopili Project and its effect on traffic and the rail.

03/29/15 - Carroll's guests are Kanoe Cazimero, and Iwalani Tseu, head of the Iwalani Foundation dedicated to breast cancer awareness. They want you to know how important early detection is, and they are there to support you.

03/22/15 - Carroll starts the show with musicians Robert "Bobby" Parks and Duane Ka'aiali'i, live, in studio. The second hour Carroll talks about politicians and high-level government workers becoming lobbyists immediately after leaving office.

03/15/15 - Carroll talks about political corruption and abuse in the state government. He discusses many of the current issues in play.

03/08/15 - The first hour Carroll talks with Bridget Hammerquist, Jay Kechloian, and other members of Friends of Maha'ulepu. They tell us more about the area, and bring us up to date with the organization's opposition to a proposed industrial
dairy farm on Kauai. The second hour Carroll tells us more about what is happening at the Department of Land and Natural Resources.

03/01/15 - The first hour Carroll talks about government, the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the lack of ethics enforcement. The second hour Carroll talks with Joshua Noga and Tim Vanderveer of Defend Oahu Coalition and No Ko'olau Loa, about Keep the Country Country.

02/22/15 - Carroll and Richard DeConte talk about the hidden costs and rail's real impact on Hawaii. The second hour Carroll talks about the pending appointment of Carlton Ching to head the Department of Land and Natural Resources. He also talks about trash in our streams and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

02/15/15 - Carroll talks about rail and its impact on Hawaii. Should it be stopped? Can it be stopped?

02/08/15 - The first hour Carroll brings back Bridget Hammerquist from Friends of Maha'ulepu to bring us up to date with the organization's opposition to a proposed industrial
dairy farm on Kauai. The second hour Carroll continues his discussion, started on last week's show, regarding the Hawaii Fueling Facilities Corporation (HFFC) jet fuel spill on Sand Island.

02/01/15 - Carroll's guests are Cindy Aban and Maria Smith, medical assistants at Kaiser Permanente and members of Local 5. They discuss the upcoming strike at the Kaiser clinics. The second hour Carroll talks about violatons of environmental laws in Hawaii and the Hawaii Fueling Facilities Corporation (HFFC) oil spill.

01/25/15 - Carroll, and guests, Colonel Al Frenzel, USA (Ret.) and Jack Defeo, continue their discussion regarding military downsizing in Hawaii.

01/18/15 - Carroll starts the show with speeches and music to honor Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. The second hour Larry Rushing, this year's Grand Marshall for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Parade, joins Carroll to talk about racism in America,

01/11/15 - Carroll and Marsha Joyner start the show with a discussion about the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade and justice in America. The second hour Carroll's guest is Colonel Al Frenzel, USA (Ret.). The military has been told to cut a minimum of 100,000 personnel across 19 states. Approximately 19,000
soldiers may be cut from Hawaii, and Schofield/Wheeler may be closed. They discuss the issues.

01/04/15 - Carroll's guest is Cathy Goeggel , President of Animal RIghts Hawaii. They talk about animal welfare, cows, rats, and the Department of Land and Natural Resources.
2014 |

12/28/14 - Carroll continues his discussion of racism in America. He also talks about the possibility of the military downsizing in Hawaii, and some of the environmental repercussions if they do. |

12/21/14 - Carroll talks about the rail project, government corruption and racism in America. |

12/14/14 -Carroll, Dr. Carl Berg of Surfriders Foundation, Kauai Chapter, and Bridget Hammerquist, of Friends of Maha'ulepu, continue the discussion regarding opposition to the proposed 2,000 cow dairy farm on Kauai. Be sure to check out the many pictures and news story links on today's web page.

12/07/14 - Carroll discusses high levels of toxic chemicals and pollutants found on land at the Kakaako waterfront due to its past use as a landfill and industrial area.

11/30/14 - Carroll's guest is Bridget Hammerquist from Friends of Maha'ulepu. She tells us more about the proposed dairy farm in Maha'ulepu Valley on Kauai.

11/23/14 - Carroll talks about issues with Kauai dairy farms' impact on the environment. The discussion continues with callers discussing sustainability and ethical responsibility, entitlements, welfare and retirement.

11/16/14 -Carroll, and guest Richard DeConte, discuss the HandiVan and why it is not working at an acceptable level. The second hour Carroll talks about water quality problems and sewage treatment plants.

11/09/14 - Carroll and Choon James discuss the recent allocation of HUD funds, that were supposed to be paid back due to misuse, to build a new fire station in Hauula. Carroll and other callers discuss the issues of homelessness and why HUD funds are not being used to help when so much is needed. |

11/02/14 - Carroll talks about the "war on the homeless", an indictment for imported FRONTLINE Combo pet medication that has not been approved by the EPA, and the many sewage spills and trash dumps in Hawaii officials are doing nothing about. |

10/26/14 - Carroll and Bruce Wilson discuss Hawaii gubernatorial candidate Duke Aiona and his running mate, Elwin Ahu's religious beliefs and connection to the International Transformation Network. The second hour Carroll talks about the deteriorating condition of our schools and what is, or is not,
being done about it.

10/19/14 - Carroll and Richard DeConte continue the discussion about the rail project, HART, and the Hawaii Stadium Authority.

10/12/14 -Carroll talks about issues regarding the rail project, HART, and the Hawaii Stadium Authority.

10/05/14 -Carroll's guest is Charles Popken, a former manager with Hawaiian Pumping Specialists, LLC. He talks about their deliberate, and illegal, dumping of sludge and petroleum by-products from military bases into a stream
adjacent to, and flowing into Kawainui Marsh.

09/28/14 - Carroll and guest, Mr. Jay Lawrence Friedheim of Admiralty Advocates, talk about the Jones Act, or Merchant Marine Act. The second hour Carroll talks with Malia Delapenia and Gina Snowden about the upcoming 10th Annual Hawaii Belly Dance Convention, October 10th through the 14th.

09/21/14 - Carroll, and Kauai County Councilman Gary Hooser talk about GMOs.

09/14/14 - Carroll, callers, and guest, Tom Berg, talk about fishing, GMO's, the Board of Water Supply audit, politics, and other issues of the day. |

09/07/14 - Carroll and callers talk about religion and politics, Duke Aiona, Elwin Ahu, and other candidates for office in Hawaii. |

08/31/14 - Carroll talks about government contracts with friends. Who is getting the contracts, and how many cost overruns are approved after contracts are issued? He also talks about the coconut rhinoceros beetle, an invasive species that is killing our palm trees, and how green waste is handled by the city.

08/24/14 - 08/17/14 - Carroll talks about taxes, the zoo, and how government tells stories that cover-up or hide real situations.

08/17/14 - Carroll, Tom Berg and callers debate current issues including GMO's and the cost-overuns on the Honolulu rail project. Carroll also talks about "Rosey" the Hippo. He asked the city specific questions about her death and how it may relate to contracted work on the hippo area, but he did not receive answers. |

08/10/14 - Carroll and callers debate the "not so surprising" results of the primary elections in Hawaii.

08/10/14 - Carroll talks about problems with Hawaii's political campaigns and candidates, particularly Governor Neil Abercrombie's bid for re-election.

07/27/14 - Carroll's guest today is Michael Golojuch, candidate for the State of Hawaii House of Representatives, District 42.

07/20/14 - Carroll talks about campaigning in Hawaii. Gubernatorial candidate David Ige joins Carroll the second hour to discuss environmental issues and take questions from listeners. |

07/13/14 - Carroll talks about our ocean resources as managed by the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

07/06/14 - Carroll talks about the culture of Hawaii and its government that has allowed violent crime in Hawaii to expand to where it is today. John Nolan and Uncle Joe Tassill join the conversation.

06/29/14 - Carroll's guest is Ron Kang, a retired worker from Kamehameha Schools. He discusses the landfill/illegal dump recently reported on the Kapalama campus of Kamehameha Schools.

06/22/14 - Today's show is about being homeless in Hawaii, the city's confiscation of property, and its violation of constitutional law. Guests include people living on the street in Kakaako, attorney Brian J. Brazier and "Solar Guy" Jeff Davis, who are trying to do something about it.

06/15/14 -Today's topic is civil rights for the LGBT community. Carroll's guests are Kelli Keawe and Hina Wong-Kalu. They are transgender women, here to talk about their lives in general and living in Hawaii.

05/08/14 - Carroll's guest is beekeeper Howard McGinnis. It is the time of year bees swarm. If you see a swarm, call someone immediately, such as the University of Hawaii, the Department of Agriculture, or a beekeeper. Don't try to spray the bees, it will only cause problems. The second hour Carroll talks about the death penalty in Hawaii.

06/01/14 - Carroll's guests are Brian Jeremiah, running as a republican for House of Representatives District 41, and Curt Fevella.

05/25/14 - Carroll's guest is Mr. Raymond "Ray" Emory, retired, U.S. Navy, and a survivor of Pearl Harbor. He talks about the West Loch Disaster, where more than 130 African Americans lost their lives in an ammunition explosion in 1944.

05/18/14 - Carroll's guests are Edna Francha, Melody Aduja and Courtney Brown. They discuss the various issues behind the high rate of foreclosures over the past few years.

05/11/14 - Carroll's guests today are Curt Fevella and Tom Berg. They talk about a grant of $100,000 given to Hawaii State Representative Rida Cabinilla's nonprofit organization, the Ewa Historical Society, to maintain a cemetery in Ewa that already has a contract to be maintained.

05/04/14 - Carroll talks about Waste Management of Hawaii, Inc.'s 13-count indictment for management issues at the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill, and his concern about why the State Department of Health and the City and County of Honolulu were not also indicted.

04/27/14 - Carroll discusses problems with Honolulu's Emergency Medical Services Division's (EMS) ambulance service, an article about the state Department of Health, written by Gary Gill, in today's StarAdvertiser, and another article
about the Red Hill fuel leak, also in today's paper.

04/20/14 - Carroll and callers discuss the state of homelessness in Hawaii and the lack of real solutions. They also continue the discussion about problems at the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, and what can be done to fix them.

04/13/14 - Carroll tells us how recent illegal dumping once again illustrates how big a problem we have with our government and leaders. |

04/06/14 - Carroll talks about DHHL's policy of leasing land to companies owned by people who are not native Hawaiian, then allowing those companies to dump on and pollute the land while not paying for their leases. He also discusses Abercrombie's secrecy in running the morning H-1 zipper lane to town and the afternoon lane in the Mililani direction..

03/30/14 - Carroll talks about an oil substance bubbling up in a parking lot in Halawa, what the state Department of Health says about it, and what the records say. Apparently the oil has been under the parking lot since before 1968 when the Navy turned the property over to the state. There is also a large pit on the
site containing Malathion and DDT that were dumped by the Department of Agriculture. Listen for more information. |

03/23/14 - Carroll talks about Kymberly Pine's resolution to waive back taxes owed by a Nanakuli community organization, and more problems with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, illustrating just how dysfunctional they really are. |

03/16/14 - Carroll brings us up to date on past issues including Red Hill Fuel Tanks, Lalamilo septic tanks, trash pickup and other wasted of money. He also discusses the hearing for Mike Wilson's appointment as Associate Justice to the Hawaii Supreme Court. |

03/09/14 - Carroll's guests are Mr. Leonard Low and his attorney, Mr. Paul Herran. They discuss the public health and safety issues with Mr. Low's, and other residents', Individual Wastewater Systems (IWS) at the Department of Hawaiian Home Land's Lalamilo community in Kamuela, Hawaii.

03/02/14 - Carroll's guests today are Tony Locricchio, attorney for the Kahuku Plantation Residents Association (KPRA), and a few members of the association. They are asking for historical preservation of their plantation lifestyle as a representation of Hawaii's culture. They tell us about their court cases and the "numerous acts of harrassment" they have
been subject to.

02/23/14 - Carroll continues his discussion about the Red Hill Fuel Tank Facility's fuel leaks, giving specifics about past spills and the Red Hill Oily Waste Disposal Pit that are documented in materials he obtained from the Hawaii State Department of Health.

02/16/14 - Carroll provides more information obtained from documents he recovered regarding recent and past fuel leaks at the Red Hill fuel tank facility.

02/09/14 - Carroll's guests are James Rivers - International VP BCTGM for the 4th Region where the Memphis Lockout is taking place, and Earle Earley - Local VP of local 252G, the local union representing the workers locked out
at the Memphis cereal plant. They continue the discussion of Kellogg's Memphis Production Facility's employee lockout. Carroll also discusses the
Red Hill fuel leak.

02/02/14 - Carroll talks with Ron Baker and Kevin Bradshaw, from the Memphis Bakery Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM), and Eric Gill, representative for Hawaii's Unite Here! Local 5 union, about Kellogg's Memphis Production Facility's lockout of 226 employees over their proposed
two-tier employee system and its fairness on future employee wages, hours, healthcare, and other compensation.

01/26/14 - Carroll's guest the first hour is Charles Canamar, the veteran protesting his long wait for prosthetic legs from the Veterans Administration. The second hour Richard DeConte talks about the lack of government transparency and the may questions the public has about rail, housing, Kakaako, and other Honolulu projects.

01/19/14 - Carroll's guests are Massachusetts State Representative Byron Rushing, as well as Marsha Joyner and Rod Tam, frequent participants on our show. They discuss the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the civil rights movement, and affordable housing.

01/12/14 - More about the "Lack of information" about the City's sale of affordable housing, with guests Jane Pascual, Rod Tam and Bob Nakata.

01/05/14 - Carroll and his guest, Jolanda Kahele, talk about radiation in our garbage and how it can affect the health of the refuse workers who pick up our trash.
2013 |

Carroll talks with Charles Canamar, a disabled veteran having problems getting prosthetics from Tripler. The second hour Carroll talks with Ben Char about problems he is having with the Department of
Hawaiian Home Lands regarding land in Waimanalo he is leasing from DHHL.

Carroll talks about doing what's right. Thanks to all of you who helped out this year! He also talks about Uganda's treatment of gays, former Lieutenant Governor Duke Aiona's involvement with Uganda, a polluted stream in Waipahu, and other examples of government out of control and lack of accountability.

Once again our Honolulu City Council has disappointed us. Carroll's guests Jane Pascual, Steve Lohse, and Rod Tam continue last week's discussion about the sale of Honolulu's affordable housing, and what happened to the resolutions at the City Council meeting earlier this week.

Carroll's guests are Jane Pascual and Steve Lohse, residents of Chinatown Gateway Plaza. The topic is the City of Honolulu's plan to fast-track the sale of this, and eleven other affordable/mixed-income properties to the detriment of the current residents.

Carroll first talks about the article in today's StarAdvertiser regarding billing problems at the Honolulu Board of Water Supply. He then talks with the Reverend Jonipher Kupono Kwong from the First Unitarian Church about tonight's first same-gender marriage ceremony and equal rights for all.

Carroll brings you up to date about the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Commission, the Honolulu Board of Water Supply and the Department of Land and Natural Resources. |

Carroll's guests are Attorney Melodie Aduja and Mr. Courtney Brown, a foreclosure expert. They talk about how homeowners got caught up in the mortgage crisis, and what to do if you are one of them.

Carroll's guest today is Helen Wai. She talks about how she is being harassed and intimidated by Robin Danner regarding her contract with the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) to provide consultations to beneficiaries regarding lease problems and foreclosures.

Carroll talks with Bruce Wilson and David Crumrine about Ed Silvosa and the expansion of his International Transformation Network ministry of political control and hate in Vallejo, California. The second hour he talks about contracts issued by the Honolulu Board of Water Supply for their new computer system and infrastructure changes.

Carroll starts the show with a discussion about the special legislative session on gay marriage. The second hour Carroll talks about behind the scene manipulation and selection of contracts issued for the new computer system installed at the Honolulu Board of Water Supply. Next Carroll talks with Nani Giltner about Courage House Hawaii and the sex trafficking of young
girls in Waikiki.

Carroll and guest Wayne Kobashigawa talk about the deplorable condition of the Kikiaola Small Boat Harbor boat ramp on the Island of Kauai, operated by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation. Next Carroll gives more examples about problems with Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, including what is happening in Kauai.

Carroll talks about "truth in government", bringing us up to date on recent stories. Uncle Joe Tassill calls in to continue discussions about molasses in the harbor, abandoned homes, land leases, and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.

Carroll's guests are Edna Franco, who says she was falsely accused of being a "distressed property consultant", her attorney, Melody Aduja, and Ms. Merlina Tubayo, who says she was tricked by the Office of Consumer Protection into making a statement against Ms. Franco. Although Ms. Tubayo retracted her statement, Ms. Franco
was featured in a StarAdvertiser story about consumer fraud published 10/5/13.

Carroll talks with Kauai Councilmember Gary Hooser about GMO Bill 2491. The second hour Carroll continues his discussion about molasses in the harbor and other examples of why government is not working for the people.

Carroll's guest is Louie "The Fish" Denolfo. Louie and his son, Captain. Joaquin Denolfo, run a fishing guide service at Keehi Lagoon, where they witnessed the effects of the big Molasses spill on September 8.

Carroll talks about many issues including a hit and run in Nanakuli in January, 2006 and the sludge dumped in Waianae. Richard Conti calls in to talk about the rail project.

9/8/13 - Carroll and Poka Laenui discuss SER Trucking Inc. dumping sludge from Hawaii Kai Marina on their property in Waianae. |

Carroll plays speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and talks about how his message is still relevant today. He then talks about where the "mud" came from that spilled on the H-1 freeway on August 31, and how it shut down the freeway for four hours. He also talks about the volunteers working to keep the Hawaiian Rail Society's railroad running. |

Carroll talks with George Grace III about problems he is having with the State, and the City and County of Honolulu, regarding his racetrack property in Kalaeloa.

Today's topic is how and why Road and Highway Builders, LLC was given a key to a locked gate and use of a roadway passing through property owned by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands so their overloaded trucks can bypass the state inspection station. |

Carroll discusses Governor Abercrombie's intervention and influence on the political process. Is it too much? Why didn't Abercrombie allow the natural political process regarding the complaint against Senator Gabbard and Representative Har, and their stance against same sex marriage, take its course?

Carroll and Rod Tam continue the discussion of trash pickup. Rod provides insight from the political side. |

Who are they? Carroll discusses what has happened to U.S. citizens privacy and personal rights.
Carroll has a number of topics to share with us today, including broken trash trucks, disfunctional patrol boats, and GMO corn on the roadways. |

Carroll talks about trash not being picked up on time due to a shortage of front loading trash trucks. He also talks about a variety of other subjects including DHHS, DLNR, and BWS. |

Carroll's guests are Ernest Y.W. Lau, P.E., Manager and Chief Engineer of the Board of Water Supply. and Tracy Burgo, Communications Manager, discuss billing and infrastructure problems at the BWS.

Carroll talks about government and abuse of power First, Choon James talks about the City and County of Honolulu's efforts to seize private property in Hau'ula Then Carroll talks about NOAA and the proposed changes to shark finning laws. He also talks about shearwaters at Pokai Bay and plays an audio of their distinct call.

Kauai Councilmember Gary Hooser, and Fern Rosenstiel discuss Kauai Bill 2941 regarding excessive use of pesticides and genetically modified organisms. The second hour
Carroll talks with Kioni Dudley about the Ewa Development Plan and the Hoopili
Project. Pearl Johnson, from
the League of Women Voters, announces a forum and panel discussion about city budget.

Carroll talks about problems at the Board of Water Supply. A caller asks for quality management, good customer service, and doing it right the first time.

Carroll and former City Councilmember Rod Tam talk about tax credits, affordable housing, and behind the scene politics. The second hour Carroll talks with Dr. Elizabeth MacNeill, the Tuberculosis Physician with the Hawaii State Department of Health.

Carroll and guests Jack De Feo and Al Frenzel discuss the upcoming "Makaha Bridges Replacement Project", with plans to upgrade the portion of Farrington Highway that cuts through the middle of Makaha Beach Park instead of rebuilding the road around the park in a safer location, as the community requested.

Carroll and guests Michael and Carolyn Golojuch talk about civil rights, hate crimes, and gay issues. The second hour Carroll and guest Richard DeConti discuss public transportation and politics, and the effect it has on citizens with disabilities.

Carroll talks with Carolyn Golojuch about U.S. Vets and how City Councilmember Kymberly Pine did not disclose that she works with U.S. Vets when she was approached with a complaint about them. |

Carroll and guest Calvin Griffin bring us up to date on the situation at the U.S. Vets facility at the YWCA in Honolulu.

Carroll, Howard McGinnis, Alicia Forester Scott and Dave Hunter are back to moderate a national panel of bee experts and talk about what is happening to the bee population. Panalists include Steve Petterson, Ph.D., Suzanne Wainwright-Evans, Carole Sevilla Brown, Joe Fahey, and Randy Bigbie.

Carroll talks politics, musical chairs, police states, corruption, entitlements, and losing control of our politicians.

Carroll's guests, Howard McGinnis and Kim Falinski, are back to talk about the plight of bees. The second hour he talks about Rail-Volution and Pacific Resource Partners.

Carroll talks about a number of subjects including a bill to define "journalists" under protection of the shield law, billing by the Board of Water Supply, and ethics at the Ethics Commission. |

Carroll, Calvin
Griffin, and Tina Quizon continue the discussion about the
treatment of veterans in Hawaii.

Carroll talks about the U.S Vets facility at the YWCA providing expired luncheon meats and soft drinks for the women vets to eat, some nearly a year old.

More from Carroll Cox |

Carroll talks about the bottle bill and what is really happening to the glass, and government's treatment of the homeless, illustrated by what is happening with the U.S. Vets program at the YWCA. A caller talks about North Shore development.

Carroll discusses the Board of Water Supply's practice of estimating your monthly water usage instead of actually reading your water meter. The second hour he talks about Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa and her dealings.

Carroll goes to the dogs. He talks about the inhumane treatment of dogs by the dog meat industry in Hawaii. He also talks about the waste of taxpayers' money at the Board of Water Supply, and issues of racism in Hawaii.

The first hour Carroll talks more about the inner workings of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and, in particular, a permanent lease for 300 acres of agriculture land on Kauai granted to former DHHL Commissioner Stewart Hanchett. The second hour he talks with Dr. Patricia Bragg about living healthy.

Carroll talks about Black History Month and civil rights for all people in Hawaii, and abondoned homes on Hawaiian Home Lands.

Carroll's guests are Michelle Kauhane, Robin Danner, Renwick "Uncle Joe" Tassill and his wife, "Aunty June". They discuss the confirmation hearing for Jobie Masagatani, Governor Abercrombie's selection to Director of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, and what is going on within the department.

Carroll talks about recent news stories about illegal grading, dumping and pollution at the Kalaeloa Raceway Park and wonders why other businesses are not being prosecuted for the same problems. He also talks about the "hurried work force" environment in the City's trash pickup service lead to disaster now and
in the future.

Carroll talks with Jim Crockett, Dr. Eileen Hilton, Julie Sharrer, other members of the Windward Coalition, and his many callers, about excessive noise from late night and low-flying aircraft at the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base.

Carroll talks about details of the just released investigation report of the fireworks explosion at Waikele Caves in 2011 that killed five people.

Carroll talks about the role of law enforcement by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and animal protection by the Hawaiian Humane Society. The second hour Carroll talks with football player Vince Manuwai about charity and "pushing through". |

Carroll talks with guests about events surrounding the opening of the new homeless shelter for women vets in Makiki, and Congresswoman Hanabusa's statements about Bill O'Reilly's comments about Asian-Americans in Hawaii. |
2012 |

12/30/12 - Carroll talks about gun control and the root of the problem in our government and society. |

12/23/12 - Caroll talks about the roots of poverty, Polly Grace's annual Christmas party for the homeless, and Pam Burns and the Hawaiian Humane Society's reaction to the court's decision regarding animal cruelty.

12/16/12 - Carroll and guest Gary Hooser talk about the PLDC, environmental laws, and citizens working with their legislatures to get things done. The second hour Carroll talks with residents of Hauula about stream maintenance and flooding. |

12/09/12 - Carroll talks about escalating violence surrounding cockfighting on the Waianae Coast. He also talks about the Hawaiian Humane Society and the total control they have over animals in Hawaii. |

12/02/12 - Carroll talks about the many other problems, besides missing ballots, at the polls during the election on November 6, 2012. He provides a set of documents illustrating the problems. |

11/25/12 - Carroll talks about issues of the day including the elections, the DLNR, the Hawaiian Humane Society, and the PLDC fiascos.

11/18/12 - Carroll and guest Glenn Shiroma talk about the PLDC (Public Land Development Corporation), and problems with the approval process. The second hour Carroll talks about the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill.

11/11/12 - Carroll and Marsha Joyner talk about the election and call for an investigation into the violation of voters' rights. |

11/4/12 - Carroll's guest is Terri Peake. She discusses her many illnesses caused by silicone breast implants, their removal, and the problems she's been having trying to prove her case against the manufacturer. |

10/28/12 - Carroll continues his discussion about an illegal dumpsite near Whitmore Village, with drivers coming forward to talk about how it is done.

10/21/12 - Carroll talks about an illegal dumpsite near Whitmore Village, and the problem he is having getting records, or even concern, from the state. He also talks about the state of disrepair at Kaukonahua Bridge near Wahiawa, and more about Hawaiian Homes leased lands in Nanakuli.

10/14/12 - Carroll's guest is Eric Ryan, who brings us up to date on the status of his complaints and allegations regarding the offices and political campaigns of Kymberly Pine and Tom Berg.

10/07/12 - Carroll's guests the first hour are Andrew Jamilla from the Waimanalo Neighborhood Board and Shelly Teixeira-Vickery, a long-time resident of the community. They talk about the late-night gun fire and bombing noise from Bellows. The second hour Carroll talks with Cloudia Charters about what is nice about Hawaii.

09/30/12 - Carroll gets serious about the culture of corruption in Hawaii. He illustrates with a story about Navy-owned land around the Waipio Soccer Field being used as an unauthorized dumping ground of contaminated and hazardous materials.

09/23/12 - The first hour Carrol talks with Malia Delapenia and Gina Snowden about the upcoming Annual Hawaii Belly Dance Festival. The second hour Carroll gives more information about the proposed Hawaiian Home's Land development in Nanakuli.

9/16/12 - Carroll and Bruce Wilson discuss religion in government. The second hour Carroll continues discussion about the importance of voting, a problem with IPADS and Verizon, and torn up playgrounds in Maili. |

9/9/12 - Carroll and Marsha Joyner talk about the right and privilege of voting, and how to register to vote. Carroll and callers continue discussion regarding problems with politics, political parties, and empty chairs. They also discuss Kaneohe Marine Air Corps Base's testing of explosions for the Blue Angels' Air Show.

9/2/12 - Carroll talks with Richard Deconti about cuts in service and other problems with TheBus and Handi-Van. The second hour Carroll talks about the parade in Nanakuli to honor the little league and ladies' softball championship teams. The final topic of the day is the claim that too many monk seals and turtles around the islands are causing problems with fishing.

8/26/12 - Carroll and guests participate in a lively discussion regarding the development of the Nanakuli Village Center and affordable housing project on Hawaiian Home's land.

8/19/12 - The topic today is THE BUS -- and the people speak up! Carroll and guests
Barbra Armentrout, spokesperson for the No. 14 Bus Petition, and Richard Deconti, CFADAR, lead the discussion, exposing some of the issues affecting the community.

8/12/12 - Carroll talks about "private scrap haulers" who pick up refrigerators, stoves, etc. ahead of the city bulky item pickup. He also talks with callers about a number of other issues including politics, animal rights, seal turtles and monk seals.

8/5/12 - Carroll continues the discussion about the increase of aircraft noise at Kaneohe Marine Corps Base over the past couple of years. The second hour Carroll talks about the bad behaviour of politicians, including details about a large grant to one nonprofit organization with political ties.
7/29/12 - Carroll talks with Yvonne Johnson about the increase of aircraft noise from Kaneohe Marine Corps Base over the past couple of years, and illnesses caused by years of exposure to contaminated drinkiing water at Camp LeJuene, SC. The second hour Carroll continues the discussion about problems at Next Step Shelter with several callers.

7/22/12 - Carroll talks with Dave Cannell, who tell the story of how it is to be sick and homeless, and how it happened to his family.

7/15/12 - Carroll's guests are Jeffrey and Kerena Vegas, who own a home sitting on land leased from Bishop Estate. They tell us their home has been flooded four times, and talk about the problems they are having with Bishop Estate while trying to fix it.

7/8/12 - The first hour Carroll talks with personal injury Attorney Jan Weinberg. He talks about the business of personal injury lawsuits, tort reforms, costs, settlements and the jury system. The second hour Carroll talks about problems at the Department of Community Services and issues regarding City Councilman Ernie Martin and his "circle of friends",
a convicted drug smuggler.

7/1/12 - Carroll and his guest, Dr. Thomas Loudat, discuss the pros of cons of going solar. The second hour Carroll talks with Don Persons, a realtor with an office in Eaton Square, about the improper disposal of cyanide and other chemicals by the jewelry business above his office, and the lack of response from the city and state.

6/24/12 - his week Carroll talks about the corruption involved in grants to various nonprofit organizations. An eyewitness tells us about seeing the attempted rescue of sheep stuck on a ridge in Makapu'u.


6/10/12 - Carroll and Attorney Mike Ostendorp talk about rail, political promises and corruption, fairness of tax breaks, and many other topics of interest. The second hour
they talk
with the president of the Federal Firefighters Union, Mr. Reid Shimabukuro, about the Lualualei fire.

6/3/12 - Carroll talks with K.C. Connors, MaryAnne Long, and other concerned citizens about cuts to TheBus Route 55 (Circle Island), traveling thru Kaneohe, the North Shore, Haleiwa and Wahiawa. The second hour he talks with Douglas Oringer about the need to test for radioactivity in our food and water after the Fukushima incident.

5/27/12 - Carroll talks about problems at Pokai Bay, the Complaint filed by the families of the victims of the Waikele Caves fire, problems at DLNR and politics. |

5/20/12 - Carroll talks about the environment, foam, politics, favortism and abuse of office. To illustrate part of the problem, he plays a recording of a recent Nanakuli Neighborhood Board meeting.

5/13/12 - Carroll discusses contaminated fish, blocked streams, and sewage and garbage dumped into our rivers, lakes and ocean. The second hour Carroll talks with Alex Santiago, who is running for City Council.

5/6/12 - Carroll's guest for the first hour is Attorney Frank O'Brien, a private attorney specializing in child abuse and neglect, particularly in cases against the state. The second hour Attorney Mike Ostendorp joins Carroll to discuss politics.

4/29/12 - Carroll's guests are Wes Nakama and Jason Ubay from AAJA. They discuss the very moving documentary film "Vincent Who?", to be screened Tuesday, May 1, 2012, from 5 to 7 pm at the downtown Laniakea YWCA, Fuller Hall. Vincent Chin, a Chinese American, was beaten to death in 1982 following his bachelor party, because of his race. His
words - "It isn't fair." His killers got probation and a fine. Think about it.

4/22/12 - Carroll talks about the need for environmental protection, the "fine" for dumping in Maililii Stream, law enforcement, and the suspension of environmental laws in Hawaii.

4/15/12 - Carroll's guests are Dr. Hector Valenzuela from the University of Hawaii and Dr. Phil Bereano from the University of Washington. They discuss issues regarding GMO. Carroll also continues his talk regarding politicians, particularly Mufi Hannemann's record as Honolulu city mayor.

4/8/12 - Carroll continues his discussion of what's happening politically in Nanakuli and on the Waianae coast. He clears up some of the confusion and backs up statements with documented facts regarding Kimo Kelii, Mufi Hannemann, Tom Berg and others.

4/1/12 - Carroll talks about various activities involving politicians and representatives on the neighborhood boards of west Oahu.

3/25/12 - Carroll's guest is Esther Kia'aina, running to represent Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. She discusses her position on economic opportunity for small businesses, social and environmental issues, women's rights and right to choose, same-sex
affordable housing, taxes, rail, and health care.

3/18/12 - Carroll discusses how to live healthy naturally with Dr. Sandra Michael and Dr. Terry Shintani. Topics also include protection from exposure to radiation in the environment and improving your health with scalar technology.

3/11/12 - Carroll and Poka Laenui discuss the controversy and protests regarding disinterments at Kawaiaha'o Church. There are several confusing issues and questions regarding what can and should be done with old graves in a church cemetery, and what will be the church's future plans for the disinterred bones.

3/4/12 - Carroll continues his discussion of contaminated soil around housing on Hawaii's military bases. He talks with Walter Chun about how the contaminated soil was exposed after old houses were torn down and foundations removed. The second hour he talks with Michael Ostendorp about traffic and corruption in the city and state governments.

2/26/12 - Tuskeegee Airman Lt. Colonel Alexander Jefferson is back to talk about his experiences in World War II. The second hour Carroll discusses the recent characterization of a vandalism in Red Hill as a hate crime.

2/19/12 - Carroll talks about the cover-up of a problem with contaminated soil in housing areas at Hickam, Schofield, and other military bases. The second hour he talks with a military couple scammed when trying to rent an apartment on Oahu. Listen here to find out what to watch out for.

2/12/12 - Carroll's guests are Professor Panos Prevedorus and Cliff Slater discussing what's up with the rail project.

2/5/12 - Carroll's guest is Honolulu City Councilmember Tom Berg talking about the lack of infrastructure in Hawaii and answering callers' questions. Carroll also continues discussion of GMO and why the Legislature is holding up labeling bills.

1/29/12 - Carroll covers some of the current issues affecting Hawaii today. The first hour he discusses the possibility of politics coming into play at O'lelo due to direct ties between Governor Abercrombie's administration and public access TV. The second hour he talks about the problems with our school boards and charter schools.

1/22/12 - Guests the first hour are Dr. Jim Anthony, discussing the Koolauloa Sustainable Communities Plan for Lai'e and the North Shore and Craig Chapman, from Friends of Malaekahana, discussing the people's park in Malaekahana. The second hour Carroll talks with Dr. Hector Valenzuela and Dr. Melissa Yee about GMO.

1/15/12 - Carroll, Pam Davis, of Animal Advocate, Inc, Liz Rizzo, a journalist with The Examiner, Elzbieta Trzeciak and her husband, Patrick Pettingill, talk about what the Hawaiian Humane Society did with Elzbieta's beloved dog, Rex.

1/8/12 - Carroll talks with Marsha Joyner about the NAACP dinner and awards ceremony originally scheduled at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, but moved to the Mariott, after protests, due to the ongoing worker's strike at the Hyatt. Carroll also talks more about the Ethics Commission and the DLNR.

1/1/12 - Carroll talks about the resignation of city employee Patty Teruya due to ethics violations, and how the situation was handled by the Ethics Commission and the "Press". He also discusses the first Civil Unions Ceremony that took place right after midnight, on January 1, 2012.
2011 |

12/25/11 - Carroll continues his discussion about Hawaii's charter schools. He attended the audit review meeting on 12/19, and plays a tape of Marian Higa's presentation here. It is very enlightening. She does a great job discussing "Autonomy without Accountability" - auditing both academics and operations.

12/18/11 - Carroll continues his discussion about Hawaii's charter schools, how the news media is whitewashing the situation, and how the DOE and local school boards are covering up.

12/11/11 - Carroll talks about problems with EMS ambulance services. He also talks about Haseko's change in plans for their new marina community known as "Ewa Marina

12/04/11 - Carroll's guest is Elliot Ackerman, COO of Americans Elect 2012. Their website gives individual citizens the ability to participate, come to a consensus and nominate candidates to run as a non-partisan party on the ballots of all 50 states.

11/27/11 - Carroll's guest is Rod Tam. They discuss what is going on "behind the scenes" of our government. Rod served on the city council for many years, and he knows what he's talking about.

11/20/11 - Carroll's guest is Kevin Annett. They discuss the state of Indian affairs in Canada and, in particular, rape, abuse and genocide in the Indian boarding schools run by churches since the 1870's. The second hour Carroll continues discussion of problems in city and state government.

11/13/11 - The first hour Carroll continues his discussion about nepotism and ethics in government, and the unequal treatment of complaints and punishment based on who is involved. Recently, he received a detailed complaint regarding EMS Services. He is investigating the allegations, but starts the discussion here. The second hour Carroll's guest is Terri Morgan, author of Playing
the Genetic Lottery, a fictional memoir of growing up with parents with schizophrenia. She provides an insight into what schizophrenia really is.

11/06/11 - Carroll's first guest is Rebecca Woodland, author of The Blonde Vegetarian. They discuss Operation Christmas Child - Samaritan's Purse, a project to pack a shoebox with items for kids in need. The second hour Carroll talks with Dr. William Bolman and Jessica Wong about the history of, and increase of cases of autism in children.

10/30/11 - Carroll talks about ethics and nepotism in city and state government, and Governor Abercrombie's image and status in the State of Hawaii. Examples include Brandon Cayatano's paintball business, Stephen Schatz's appointment to head of "Race to the Top", and several other ethical issues.

10/23/11 - Carroll and his guests, Marti Townsend, Alice Greenwood and Lucy Gay, discuss the Waianae Sustainable Communities Plan. The plan has changed drastically since its inception and no longer reflects the communities' vision. Find out why here.

10/10/11 - Carroll talks with William Hoshijo from the State Civil
Rights Commission about unemployment and job discrimination. Is the government motivated to provide enough funding for the
commission to be effective, particularly during this time of high unemployment?

10/09/11 - Carroll talks about the recent resignation of a number of Abercrombie's staff and what may be behind the situation.

1002/11 - Carroll and Eric Ryan continue their discussion of the state of disarray within the Republican Party of Hawaii after the resignation of their party chairman exposed many of the internal problems they previously denied.

09/25/11 - Carroll and his guests, Christin Matsushige of the Hawaii Cat Foundation and Kim Williams, talk about the advantages of TNR - the TRAP, NEUTER AND RETURN program - that humanely reduces feral cat populations.

09/18/11 - Carroll and attorney Michael Ostendorp continue their discussion of Abercrombie's emergency proclamation, and DLNR Chairman William Aila's role in the process.

09/11/11 - Carroll and attorney Michael Ostendorp discuss Governor Abercrombie's proclamation, signed 6/14/11, suspending state statutes protecting the environment, historic sites, public access to recreation areas, and environmental policies. For what reason, and why wasn't the public informed? Carroll also brings
us up
to date regarding parts containing radioactive materials from the U.S. Marine helicopter that crashed on the Kaneohe Sandbar.

09/04/11 - Carroll talks about his uncovering the story of radiation leaked at the Kaneohe Bay SandBar after a Marine helicopter crashed on March 29, 2011. The leak was never disclosed to the state, the first responders or the public. Why the big

08/28/11 - Carroll talks with Lucy Gay and Poka Laenui about KAHEA - the Hawaiian Environmental Alliance, and what is happening on the westside of Oahu. He also talks about Governor Neil Abercrombie and the "promises" he made during his campaign - particularly about DLNR, now worse than ever.

08/21/11 - Carroll talks with Jim Anthony regarding the status of development in Laie and keep country country. He then brings us up to date on the Rex Johnson story. The second hour he talks with Momi Robins author of Candy Canes and Coke. She talks about helping kids avoid the
pitfalls of
serious relationships at a young age.

08/14/11 - Carroll talks with Eric Ryan, who has an inside track on local politics. They discuss the recent Ethics Commission confirmation of a complaint filed by Carroll Cox regarding Andrew Jamila, and how it is the tip of the iceberg of corruption in government. Eric also tells us more about Tom Berg's "political actions and racist rants", and how Patty
is tied in to the mess.

08/07/11 - Carroll talks about what is wrong with politicians, the Sand Island Treatment Plant and the Aloun Farms' case. |

07/31/11 - Eric Ryan, the center of an escalating political controversy with Rep. Kymberly Pine, Councilman Tom Berg and others, returns to discuss politics in Hawaii. Eric plays several recordings of Tom Berg in action, showing what life is like behind the scenes.

07/24/11 - Today's guest is Eric Ryan, center of a controversy with Rep. Kymberly Pine and Councilman Tom Berg that has had a lot of media coverage. However, all we have heard are one-sided accusations of hacking and other crimes from Ms. Pine, and character assassination from Mr. Berg, who fired him from his staff when the controversy started. Here's
what Eric
has to say.

07/17/11 - Carroll tells what happened on the trial run of the new trash trucks we originally reported on several weeks ago. Attorney Tony Locricchio presents three proposals to help solve Hawaii's big problems with land, food and transportation, and discusses the coming global warning

07/03/11 - Carroll, and his guest, Pam Davis, talk about how our government is caught in lies, and they have proof! Listen to our show, and view the documents.

06/26/11 -- Carroll talks about an illegal dumpsite he found containing waste from Norwegian Cruise Lines. Alledgedly the items were dumped by The Trashman, LLC, which has a contract to pick up NCL's trash from its ships, including the
Pride of America.
Also, Jim Bannigan is in the studio to talk about Bill 37, currently under consideration to reinstate tipping fee waivers for recyclers.

06/19/11 - The first hour Carroll talks with Keith Rollman about sustainability projects and, in particular, tipping fee discounts for automobile scrap residue (ASR). The second hour Carroll talks with Pearl Johnson from the League of Women Voters, and Dr. Kioni Dudley from Friends of Makakilo, about the
rail project.

06/12/11 - The topic today is Fighting Gamecocks. Carroll and guests discuss all sides of the issue. |

06/5/11 - Carroll and Mr. Jim Bannigan, the former manager of Schnitzer Steel Hawaii, talk about the new bill cutting recycling fee waivers for waste going into our Waimanalo Gulch Landfill. Is it enough?

05/29/11 - Carroll talks with Michele Leao, Steven Pratt and Karlel Crowley about problems their non-profit organizations, Konishiki Kids Foundation and the Shaka Foundation, experienced while working with City and County of Honolulu Special Events Coordinator, Ms. Patty Teruya.

05/22/11 - Carroll
continues his discussion of government waste, fraud and abuse. For example: new trash trucks not in service, fee waivers for recyclers, the open DLNR
administrator position, who gets state press releases and responses to
direct questions, and difficulty getting information from
OIPA. He also talks
about Mr. Bill Mahas' recycling company trashing paradise in four different
locations, and getting away with it!

05/15/11 - Carroll, Poka Laenui, and Panos Prevedorous discuss the rail and city infrastructure. Jim Bannigan discusses the bill to cancel reduced fees for dumping byproducts of the scrap metal business. Carroll discusses new city trash trucks sitting unused because they do not accommodate three workers.

05/08/11 - Carroll talks about taxes, leaking oil at an old storage site, fireworks in a Waikele Cave, coverups, getting information, and obtaining documents under FOIA.

05/01/11 - Carroll talks with Matthew Schwartz, Executive Director of the South Florida Wildlands Association about nuclear power plants and the proposed expansion of Florida Power and Light's Turkey Point Power Plant in south Florida. They also talk about effects of development, agriculture and alien species on wildlife in the Everglades and Keys, and other similar
to what we
have in Hawaii.

04/24/11 - The first hour Carroll talks with Amy and Keith Roylance. Their cat, Kramer, was put in state quarantine when they moved here after short notice. A couple of weeks later he could not walk and X rays showed his hind leg was broken. They were told to submit a request for reimbursement of medical expenses, which "may" be approved after
a lengthy
The second hour Carroll talks with former DPP planner Pam Davis about the city's withdrawal of a Notice of Violation against the Navy at Waikele Caves, and its effect on current conditions in the valley.

04/17/11 - The first hour Carroll talks with Dr. William Harris, MD, about the advantages of a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and its effect on Type II diabetes. The second hour Carroll and Dr. Harris talks about our crumbling infrastructure and the rail "gravy train".

04/10/11 - The first hour Carroll talks about the fire at Waikele Caves and conflicting stories from the government about the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill spill in January.
The second hour he talks with Mark Fergusson, Cathy Goeggel and Dr. Bill Harris about the slaughterhouse bill.

04/03/11 - Carroll discusses ethics in government, the Ethics Commission, how politicians and their friends abuse the system and unequal treatment of offenders. Examples include Nestor Garcia's "job" with the Kapolei Chamber of Commerce, Patty Teruya's relationship with a non-profit organization, Rod Tam, and other state and city workers

03/27/11 - Carroll's guest today is Yumi Kikuchi from the Harmonics Life Center, Kamogawa, Japan. They discuss the dangers of radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant and what our governments are not telling us.

03/20/11 - Carroll talks about bees with Dr. Ethel M. Villalobos, Director of the UH Bee Project, Field Technician Scott Nikaido, and beekeeper Howard McGinnis. Due to mite and beetle infestations, bees have almost disappeared. The population is recovering thanks to the help and research of the UH Bee Project. If you see a swarm of bees - Don't spray, Let them stay.

03/13/11 - Carroll discusses issues with callers, including ethics, nepotism, taxes, unions, gas prices, pot holes, tsunami sirens, and FEMA trained employees taking the day off. He also talks about a bill to put plants in Lake Wilson to fix water quality.

03/06/11 - Carroll has been investigating issues with treated sewage spilling into Lake Wilson for many years, and now debunks claims made by the DLNR, the media and others regarding the recent stories about stuck valves and water levels in Lake Wilson, and particularly the quality of water in the lake.
During the second hour Dr. Robert Geffner, Clinical Research Professor of Psychology, talks about the 8th Annual Conference on Preventing, Assessing and Treating Child, Adolescent and Adult Trauma in Hawaii. This is an important issue. Anyone can attend the conference to learn valuable information.

02/27/11 - Live, in studio, local musicians Robert "Bobby" Parks , Francis Mahe and Alexandra Richardson play some of their music and talk about being musicians. Carroll discusses his investigation of the H1N1 virus at the Waimanalo Job Corps and Governor Abercrombie's definition of "mainstream" media.

02/20/11 - Guests today are Robin Kaye, Henry Curtis, Martha Evans, and Butch
Gima discussing the
proposed industrial wind power plant on Lana'i -- a huge wind farm to
supply a small amount of power to Oahu.

02/13/11 - Carroll, along with Scott Foster, discusses the senate hearing on senate bill 803 "Death with Dignity". Why is it a small group of senators can kill a bill based on the one-sided emotional testimony of the religious community, health care industry and other special interests instead of having a full and true debate on the issue? Is this
The second hour Carroll talks with Rebecca Woodland, author of "The Blonde Vegetarian", a cookbook of healthy recipes and information on the vegetarian life style.

02/05/11 - Today's guests are Dara Carlin and Attorney Michael Ostendorp discussing child custody issues, domestic violence and problems with temporary restraining orders (TROs). Callers tell their personal stories of problems with the family court system.

01/30/11 - Carroll continues his discussion about the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill, revealing conflicting statements from the city, state and Waste Management Hawaii about the cause of the spill and posting documents containing the facts.

01/23/ 11
01/23/11 - Carroll talks about the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill overflow during the so-called "100 year storm", and the "sterilized" waste that washed into the ocean and continues to wash up on our beaches.

01/16/ 11
01/16/11 - Carroll Cox, Marsha Joyner, Carol Golojuch and Scott Foster honor Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday with a discussion on making things better for all people.

01/09/ 11
01/09/11 - Today's theme is the failure of community master plans to include the local community in the plan.
The first hour Carroll's guest is Dr. Jim Anthony, discussing Envision Lai'e, BYU, and attempts to develop Lai'e. The second hour Carroll talks with Attorney Tony Locricchio about problems with Kamaaina Kids / Kamaaina Care's recently acquired contract to run He'eia State Park.

01/02/ 11
01/02/11 - Carroll talks with Kurt Tseu and Erwin Kuwata from the Board of Water Supply, and Stuart Yamada and Mike Miahira from the Department of Health about a recent finding of chromium VI in our water at one undisclosed location on Oahu.
The second hour Carroll talks about how laws are passed because of a problem with a few abusers, such as the new law regarding bulky items trash pickup, while the real problems are not addressed.
2010 |

12/26/ 10
Carroll ties up loose ends from 2010 and talks about things he is looking forward to in 2011. He also plays some of his favorite music to close out the year.
Topics include compromise as an important part of politics, furloughed city employees working overtime on Saturdays, water quality testing, toxic chemicals in our dumps, corruption and abuse by our political leaders,and the disparate treatment of ethical complaints against Charles Djou, Rod Tam, and the Liquor Commission.

12/19/ 10
Carroll talks with Choon James and KC Connors about the Envision Laie Development Plan. The community says massive development will damage both the tourist and film industry, destroying the vision of Hawaii they are looking for. Is this what the people want?"

12/12/ 10
The first hour Carroll talks with Dr. Barth Green, founder of Project MediShare. They are treating cholera and other diseases, and working to alleviate suffering in Haiti
The second hour we talk about the story "The Neighborhood Commission reprimands Koolau Loa Board for Ignoring Public" with Laie resident Bill Racoma.

12/05/ 10
The first hour Panos Prevedorus joins Carroll to talk about the just released study of projected costs for a fixed rail system on Oahu over the next 30 years. There are alternatives. Let's consider them before it's too late, particularly when there are so many other things, such as outdated sewer systems, that must be done.
During the second hour Carroll talks with Delores Lauing, who knew Mark David Chapman when he lived in Hawaii in the 70's. Chapman murdered John Lennon 30 years ago, on December 8, 1980. She provides some insight to his character and his life.

Carroll's guest, J. Thomas Steinmetz, is head of the Hawaii Tourism Association, a private company set up to monitor and promote Hawaii tourism. His association is having problems working with the state run Hawaii Tourism Authority in promoting tourism in Europe. Steinmetz is also publisher of eTurboNews, an online global travel news service.
During the second hour Carroll talks about several ethic complaints filed against a city employee, Ms. Patty Teruya.

Carroll and his guest, Summer Nemeth, discuss construction of the Ka'ena Point Predator Fence, particular why construction has started now, during nesting season.
During the second hour Carroll and Summer discuss DLNR, Laura Thielen, Mark Young, and the head of law enforcement job held open for him for more
than a year while he completed his duties with the United States Coast Guard. Now, why did Young quit after only a few months on the job? Laura will also be leaving in a couple of weeks. Should she be hiring his replacement after this fiasco?

Attorney Michael Ostendorp is the host today. The first hour his guests discuss problems with child protection agencies. The second hour he talks with Kamaaina Termite and Pest Control.

Carroll talks with Mrs. Ethel Min who, after working 20 years for a contractor handling the Department of Labor's Job Corps, was fired at the age of 82. She was injured at work but was denied worker's comp as well as retirement benefits. Prior to this she received excellent reviews. We are asking the Department of Labor why. Listen to her stories about teaching at the job corps.
ALSO: SPECIAL FAVORS DOG CITY GOVERNMENT! Carroll provides examples of special favors, and hopes they do not continue under the new administration.

The first hour Carroll's guest is Konishiki, talking story about growing up in Nanakuli, life in Japan, being a kid, and the Konishiki Kids Foundation.
During the second hour Bruce Wilson and Rachel Tabachnick provide additional information and video about Hawaii politicians involved with the International Transformation Network and its plans to "put its foot on Hawaii".

Carroll brings back Bruce Wilson to discuss Lt. Governor Aiona's denial of his membership in Transformation Hawaii and his ties with the International Transformation Network.
During the second hour Greg Holzman and Scott Mijares discuss the proposed expansion of the Hawaii Humpback Whale Sanctuary and their concern with the dangers of Federal control of our State waters for the use in protecting corals, sea turtles, and Monk seals.

Carroll's guests are Cora Sanchez and Allen Lennard from Haleiwa, discussing the Haleiwa Sustainable Communities Plan and the City and County of Honolulu's "underhanded tactics" in the proposed sale of land to private citizens for a hotel in Haleiwa.

Carroll talks about politics and the upcoming elections. Can political promises be turned into actions? |

We discuss the Pew Charitable Trust, their contractor in Hawaii, Mr.Jeremy Personius, and their underhanded tactics to obtain my 18 years of professional knowledge, research and documentation of shark finning in Hawaii. We also discuss a threatening email, attacking me, that was sent to the Abercrombie campaign.

- Due to technical difficulties at KWAI 1080, our show is not available this week.
- Please come back next week for another new and exciting show!

Carroll discusses Furlough Fridays, the sit-in, our education system and our government with members of Save Our Schools Hawaii.

Carroll and callers discuss issues regarding campaigns and problems with current city government.

Carroll and callers discuss the upcoming elections and how information is (or is not) handled by the media.

Carroll's guest worked at the Mailiili'i Stream site when the city illegally dumped loads of concrete into the stream to create a "maintenance" road. Here is the real story!

Carroll's guest is Dr. Timothy S. Johnson from The Frederick Douglass Foundation and Leo Bogee from World Christian Leadership, discussing their support of the Republican party and "black conservative values", their criticism of black democratic leaders, and their stand on anti-abortion and gay marriage/civil union issues.

Carroll's guest is Marti Townsend, from KAHEA, talking about Tropic Land Company's request to rezone agriculture land to build an industrial park. He also discusses Mufi's campaign ad comparing himself to Neil Abercrombie.

Carroll discusses accountability in government and bring you up to date on a variety of topics including Mufi's campaign calling Hawaii News Now to complain about Carroll on their broadcasts.

Carroll's guest is John Carroll, Republican candidate for governor of the state of Hawaii

Carroll continues his discussion regarding the national "Local 5 Hotel Workers Rising" campaign, about ordinary working people pushing back and holding Wall Street accountable. Guests are Mike McGurn and Kaleo Aarona, Local 5 members and particpants in the protest at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki, on July 22, 2010.

Carroll's guests are Eric Gill and Lauren Ballesteros from the Local 5 hotel workers union. They discuss participation in the national "Local 5 Hotel Workers Rising" campaign, about ordinary working people pushing back and holding Wall Street accountable.

Carroll discusses Governor Linda Lingle's announcing her veto of HB 444, the Civil Union Bill, on July 6, 2010, and the events surrounding her press conference. Why did the state require Equality Hawaii to get a Special Use Permit to rally at the capitol, but not the church groups, organized by Pastor Francis Oda, who were permitted to demonstrate on the 5th floor of the capitol outside the governor's
office, as well as in the areas "permitted" by Equality Hawaii?
More Information: Link here for pictures, audio and video from the rally

Carroll's guests, Michael Golojuch, Jr. of PFLAG-Oahu, and Holly J. Huber of Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of State and Church discuss civil rights and lobbying by nonprofits, particularly the Hawaii Family Forum.

Carroll and his guests, Choon James and Marvin Iseke from Hauula, discuss seizure of property by big government through eminent domain. Also, Hannemann's Leeward Coast Community Benefit Program called into question (see attached).

Carroll's guests are Carolyn Golojuch, President of PFLAG-Oahu, and Hannah Miyamoto, a local attorney, discussing issues regarding Hawaii Business Roundtable's letter to Governor Linda Lingle advocating killing HB444, The Civil Unions Bill. The Roundtable is a group of big business CEO's with the purpose of influencing government with their agenda.

Carroll and his guest, Calvin Griffin from Hawaii Bulletin Board, discuss facts about Mufi Hannemann's hidden "side trip" to Pittsburgh for a fundraiser and how the media handled the story after Carroll brought it to their attention. Media has an obligation to accurately and completely report stories, even if they are negative to someone they support.
Click here for a TIMELINE of events leading up to the Pittsburgh trip and subsequent news stories.
June 15 I filed a complaint on campaign spending violations with the State
Campaign Spending Commission. (see attached)
See additional information about Hannemann's trip in below link for 06/10/10

BREAKING NEWS - On June 9, 2010, Mayor Hannemann attended a fundraiser in Pittsburgh for his mayorial campaign. However, his press release said he went to a meeting in Washington DC on 6/9 to discuss rail funding, then on to Oklahoma for a mayor's conference on 6/10. Why didn't he mention the trip to Pittsburgh in his press

Carroll and his guest, Jim Brewer, producer of Employees Today, talk about big business, politics and corruption, including problems with BP and job outsourcing. What's happening to our country's democracy?

Carroll presents information
about Mayor Mufi Hannemann's manipulation, behind the scenes activities, and
strong arm tactics to have city council members change their votes on resolution
10-114 (Revision to the Waianae Public Infrastructure Map) for the benefit of
friends and political connections.

Carroll talks about the Department of Health's April 22, 2010, press release confirming "Cases of Salmonella Related to Eating Raw Tuna", and his finding that the ahi was purchased at Kuru Kuru Sushi in Pearl Kai Shopping Center.

Today's topic is the monk seal, one of the most endangered marine mammals in the U.S, and politics behind actions by DLNR, WESPAC, and U.S. Marine Fisheries Service that will adversely impact monk seals and sea turtles.

Carroll discusses the problems with the way the media is reporting the story about Lt. Gov. Aiona and other politicians connection to ITN, the International Transformation Network. |

- 05/02/10
- 8:00 am
Bruce Wilson returns to continue discussion about Hawaii politicians and ITN |

- 05/02/10
- 9:00 am
Jennifer Kishimori, founder, former President of, and recently terminated by OSPCA, talks about internal problems regarding mismanagement and donations at OSPCA.

- 04/25/10
- 9:00 am
- Extra
- hour!
Carroll's special guest at 9 am is Bruce Wilson, leading a discussion about Hawaii politicians, including Mayor Hannemann, Lt. Gov. Aiona, City Councilman Okina and Senator Norman Sakamoto, and their ties
to the International Transformation Network (ITN). ITN supports religion in government and anti-gay/civil-union legislation here, and in Uganda.

- 04/25/10
- 8:00 am
At 8 am Carroll talks with City Councilman Rod Tam regarding city government issues, what he proposes to do, and his experiences at city hall.

Lyla B. Berg, Representative for the18th District and candidate for Lt. Governor, is back to talk about various bills before the legislature. Speak up now - the deadline is midnight, Friday, April 23.

Today's guest is Marti Townsend of Kahea, The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance, discussing coral protection. Researchers sampling coral using an open system of recycling water between coral storage tanks and the ocean led to contamination of the coral in other areas of the ocean from diseased coral in the tanks.

Pam Davis of Animal Advocate Inc. is back to discuss problems citizens have working with our disfunctional government.

Lyla B. Berg, Representative for the18th District and candidate for Lt. Governor, is back to talk about politics and leadership in government agencies.

Carroll discusses issues surrounding the hiring of a new DoCARE chief at DLNR.

Join Carroll and his guest, Dr. Marsha Green, for a lively discussion of whales and their "sanctuary" in Hawaii. Is NOAA taking care of the whales? Is there an effective management plan?

Carroll talks with Representative Lyla B. Berg, 18th District. Topic is how to work with legislatures to get things done.

Carroll's guests are Carole McLean and Kimberly Lowe from The Friends of He'eia State Park. They recently lost their lease to Kama'aina Kids, whose plans include fee
for use, “ecotourism”, kayak tours, piers & construction. Once again, DLNR is involved.

Carroll leads a discussion about the Democratic Party and their inability to get things done. Are they really the party of the people?

Russ Inouye talks about the 2nd Annual Hawaii Ocean Expo at the Blaisdell, On Saturday, February 27, 9am-7pm, and Sunday, February 28, 9am-5pm.

Carroll talks with Pam Davis, President, Animal Advocate, Inc., about who oversees the integrity of NGOs (non-government organizations), including the Humane Society and PEW Trust.

City Councilman, and mayoral candidate Donovan Dela Cruz talks with Carroll about rail, trash, law enforcement, building permits, infrastructure, and how the city effects your everyday life.

Carroll continues his discussion of politics, the Pacific Century Fellows program, the Ethics Commission, and integrity in Hawaii.

Of special concern this week is the "Waikele Caves", a canyon area next to Waikele that is zoned for and could be used as a beautiful recreation area. Unfortunately it is now filled up with industrial storage areas and businesses trashing up the landscape.

Although we were off the air this week, please check out our broadcast page for information regarding the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade on 1/18, shipping trash, and other news. |

Carroll's and his guest, Summer Mullins, continue discussion about fishermen's problems at Kaena Pt., with Laura Thielen and with the DLNR.
2009 |

Jeanie Li, J. L. Mandrell and Huang Chi Kuo are back to continue their discussion about fishing rule changes by DLNR, closed areas, and harassment by officers.

Carroll and his guests, Jeanie Li (a concerned citizen), J.L Mandrell from The Makai Society and Huang Chi Kuo discuss rule changes by the Department of Land and Natural Resources that impact fishermen and boaters. DLNR can now propose and pass rules, such as restricting fishing access and introducing park user fees, on its own, without any regulation or oversight!

Carroll and his guest, Alphonso Braggs, President of the Hawaii Chapter of the NAACP, discuss its mission to "ensure the political, educational,
social, and economic equality of all persons".

Carroll and his guest, Calvin Griffin, discuss local politics, including shipping trash and the missing bypass road on the west side. What are our leaders doing? Remember next time you vote!

Carroll talks about the problems caused by partisan politics, internal conflicts at the Hawaii SPCA, and other topics of interest.

Carroll's guests, Cathy Goeggel and Anjie Pham from Animal Rights Hawaii, and Attorney Mike Ostendorp, discuss feral animals in Hawaii, City Council Resolution 09-0311 for Reduction and Control of Feral Animals at Honolulu Botanical Gardens System, Animal Damage Control (ADC), and an orchestrated attack on birds and animals by our government .

The Carroll Cox Show wants consumers to be aware of, and concerned with, recent "fresh fish" advertisements by Foodland and the sales practices of other markets. Guests Karyn Herrmann and Attorney John Parker talk about carbon monoxide treated fish and imported fish advertised as fresh with Hawaiian "local" names.

Carroll continues his discussion of government politics and ethics, and encourages people to research information on the Ethics Commsision website,

Carroll discusses politics, ethics, and efforts to get information from the government.

Carroll brings you up to date on previous issues : Humane Society actions in Mississippi, blind monk seals, and the rail EIS

Carroll's guests are Ronnie Graves and Allan Schwartz, former members of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Emergency Rescue Team. After the problems we exposed with the Pang Animal Haven "rescue", we found many others have also raised concerns regarding HSUS' unprofessional conduct and "unethical" and inaccurate publicity. Most
of the emergency team have resigned due to these issues.

Professor Panos Prevedouros, University of Hawaii Civil Engineering, sits in for Carroll today to discuss rail and other transit options with Cliff Slater,

Today's guest is congressional candidate, and former Congressman for the 2nd Congressional District, Ed Case.

Today's guest is Panos Prevedouras discussing the proposed rail transit system

The topic is City Council member Charles Djou's bill to ban people from sitting and sleeping on sidewalks.

Listeners call in to discuss politics and issues with Carroll.

Carroll brings you up to date on some topics from the past

Carroll and his guest, Attorney Michael Ostendorp, continue discussion regarding Animal Haven and the problems they are having with the Hawaiian Humane Society after the owner, Bonnie Pang, passed away and her husband called the Oahu SPCA for help with the animals. More Info

Carroll talks with Jennifer Kishimori, founder of the Oahu SPCA, and CatFriends Hawaii and Pam Davis, President, Animal Advocate, Inc. regarding problems Jenny
is having with the Hawaiian Humane Society after the Oahu SPCA rescued 400 animals from the Pang property. Also, Pam, and callers, talk about problems they are having with HHS.

Carroll talks with Scott King about the drowning at the Hilton Hawaiian Lagoon. |

This week Carroll talks "Clunkers" with Dave Roth, Executive Director of the Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association,
He also provides information about a mysterious drowning at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Lagoon (more info)

This week Carroll talks with Mr. Glenn Imaoka regarding claims of illegal dumping and worker's exposure to depleted uranium and unexploded munitions at the Schofield Barracks target range

This week Carroll talks about our government's waste and abuse of taxes.

Waianae kids talk about their education on illegal dumping and other environmental issues impacting the Waianae coast

Talking story with Fred Barnett, author of "Shark Stories, 101 Amazing Real-Life Shark Tales"

Talking story with Shirley McGreal, IPPL - International Primate Protection League.

Today's guest is Louie the Fish. Carroll and guest host Scott Davis discuss the Anuenue Fish Hatchery closure. Follow the money and learn how politics comes into play.

Carroll, Tina Quizon, and Josh Tickell talk about the movie FUEL. There are many alternatives for green energy. See the movie, learn what is behind our dependencies on fossil fuels, and get started with a green energy plan!

Carroll's guests are Michael Ostendorp and Richard Ruais, Executive Director, Bluewater Fisherman's Association. The topic is the status of sustainable ocean-wide fisheries.

- Carroll and his guest, Kim Kalama, discuss the military and their reasons for closure of the beach at Bellows

Carroll and his guest, Bob Duerr of Hawaii Fishing News, discuss what's killing our whales, fish and other ocean resources.

Carroll and his guest, Pam Davis, President, Animal Advocate, Inc, discuss invasive species, animal control and government.

Carroll and his guest, Stephen Joseph, discuss alternative energy sources and recycling.

Carroll recaps several issues discussed in the past, including carbon monoxide treated fish, sharkfins and the DLNR.

Carroll looks into how Hawaii state agencies, and federal agencies in Hawaii, use non-profit organizations, such as the Hawai'i Conservation Alliance, to propagandize environmental issues to generate extra money, while suppressing its citizen's voice and opinions.

Community members from Kona discuss the state and the landowner's request to
delist the Pua’a II Agricultural Fields Archaeological District from
the state and federal register
of historic places. The request was voted down at a hearing
by the historic review board
- a big victory for a community that was strongly discouraged from protesting
the issue.

Carroll talks with Clayton
Young, President Ohana Bird Club, Phoenix Morgaine from Wild Bird Rehab Haven,
and Florence Hulihee, President Alha Hawaiian Parrot Assoc. about their concerns with House Resolution
669 “ The Non Native Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act” to be heard by congress on April 23, 2009. The bill was introduced by Delegate Madeline
Bordallo (D- Guam

A discussion regarding State Senate President Colleen Hanabusa, issues on the Waianae Coast, and Ko'Olina.



Big Brother gives Big Business a Big Break - Management issues at the DLNR

Carroll is broadcasting live from the Hawaii Yacht Club and Mitch's 4th Annual Sushi Shootout Fishing Tournament, sponsored in part by Mitch's Sushi Bar, Pardises Beverages, Corona Beer, and TT&D Tropical Trim and Design, Haleiwa. PICTURES

Carroll and Tina Quizon talk about problems with the FDA's negative response to requests for information.

The Tuskegee Airman are back! Listen as they talk about their life experiences.

The Tuskegee Airman talk about their experiences and current events. More Information: Tuskegee Airmen News

- Carroll talks about government issues including importation of sharkfins, military sewage dumps, corruption and waste of funds.

Today's topic is domestic violence with guests Tina Quizon and Pastor Leo J. Bogee, Jr.

Carroll talks with American Friends Service-Hawaii. AFSC's focus is to assure that state policies bridge work and welfare.

Carroll talks about the State Health Department's lack of response to the use of non-food grade crude salt in laulaus and other food products in Hawaii

Carroll continues Superferry discussion with Koohan Paik and Jerry Mander, and their book, "The Supperferry Chronicles" |

Carroll's guests, Irene Bowie and Koohan Paik,
discuss the Superferry audit report
and Koohan Paik's book "The Supperferry Chronicles"
Summary of Audit Rpt
Full Audit Rpt - in PDF

Carroll talks about the health risk of eating imported fish
treated with carbon-monoxide, and status of recent protest and other action
2008 |

Tina Quizon is back this week to continue discussion about the environment and personal well-being

- Carroll's guest is Tina Quizon from O'lelo's show "Pathways to Paradise", broadcast every Monday at 6:30 PM, Channel 49.

Our guest this week is MEALS ON WHEELS, dedicated to helping Oahu’s elders and individuals with disabilities preserve their independence at home.

Steve Guttman talks about mortgage fraud, and a call in from Freddie Mac provides additional information. |

Talk story with Nalani Olds - Hawaiian history and culture |

- State Government, The PACIFIC SHORES and other issues that should concern us

Master Fishermen Al Bento talks about how to catch "The Big One" |

A discussion regarding local fish vs. imported fish, salmonella, and carbon monoxide with Michael Ostendorp and John Hernandez.
Pictures of local Hawaii fish auction and FDA documentation of rejected shipments of imported fish

- Discussion regarding how the Gulick homeless "structure" collapse illustrates government mismanagement and inaction
- Also, we have pictures and a list of violations and complaints

- Discussion regarding tolerance of DUI and sex offenders,
- racial discrimination, and corruption in the city's government.
- What is happening to expensive equipment disappearing
- from the Sand Island Treatment Plant? We have the answers.

Discussion with Hui O’ Pikoiloa, a community organization made up of people
who wish to keep the Mahinui Hillside in Kaneohe zoned as conservation land instead of rezoned for use as a cemetery.

DLNR's authorization of gill nets is killing endangered Hawaiian monk seals, and other issues regarding government's mismanagement of the environment |

A discussion with Shana Peete, Andre Wooten and Daphne Barbee-Wooten from the African American Lawyers Association regarding the Rex Johnson emails and racism in Hawaii

- A discussion regarding the effects of air pollution from an auto painting shop and the lack of response from government agencies to the community's complaints

A discussion regarding ethics, politicians, HTA and the Rex Johnson emails |

Carroll and Jim Brewer discuss the elections, the candidates, and the proposed rail system. |

- Carroll discusses issues regarding
- The Sand Island Treatment Plant

- Carroll discusses issues regarding
- Native Hawaiians and DLNR with Kim Kalama

Panos Prevedouras, mayoral candidate for the City and County of Honolulu, continues his discussion with Carroll |

The Wahiawa Lions Club discusses their various programs to help the community |

Mr. Charles Totto, from the Ethics Commission |

Carroll's guest is Ann Kobayashi, mayoral candidate for the City and County of Honolulu |

Carroll's guest is Panos Prevedouras, mayoral candidate for the City and County of Honolulu |

DLNR - PART II - Carroll discusses various issues with Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources |

- Carroll discusses various issues with DLNR and
- the unequal application of justice and the law

07/06/08 |
- Carroll discuss our government's handling of the rail project,
- the landfill, and the Sand Island Treatment Plant

06/29/08 |
- Followup on PA Landfill and previously frozen fish,
- treated with carbon-monoxide

06/22/08 |
Carroll and his guest talk about WESPAC |

06/15/08 |

06/08/08 |
- Carroll and his guest discuss issues regarding abandoned cars on a Big Island property, and how
- our state agencies have failed to act appropriately

06/01/08 |
- Broadcast LIVE from the Hawaii Yacht Club, sponsoring
- the 19th Annual Goodwill Industries Fishing Tournament

05/25/08 |
E-WASTE - What do we do with old computers? |

05/18/08 |
Big Brother gives Big Business a Big Break |

05/11/08 |
Hawaii Dept. of Health, the FDA, and Salmonella Fishgate: Imported fish treated with carbon monoxide |

05/04/08 |
The Magnusen-Stevens Act, Closure of Bottom Fishing |

04/12/08 |
- Carroll discusses Salmonella in imported fish - PART I
- witih Calvin Griffin, The Hawaii Bulletin Board Radio Show
04/26/08 |
- Carroll discusses Salmonella in imported fish - PART II
- with Calvin Griffin, The Hawaii Bulletin Board Radio Show