SUNDAY, June 12, 2016
- June 12, 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Carroll talks about how anti-gay rhetoric, and other hate talk about specific groups and activities, turn into acts of violence and terrorism. Carroll talks with Caitlan Lagrinas, a former Hawaii resident now living in Orlando, Florida, about The Pulse nightclub shooting. She tells us downtown Orlando is shut down while the police and FBI
investigate. She says no one in Orlando ever thought this would happen because there is not a lot of violence or hate talk, and it generally is a place where people can just be themselves. Caitlan and her friends are standing in line to give blood. She tells us the line is over 400 people, and they have been there for over four hours. The blood bank tweeted: "Thank you so much for the incredible support! Right now we are at capacity. Please make appmnt. 1.888.936.6283." Caitlan will be posting updates on Twitter, at hawaiianlion_31.

Caitlan Lagrinas, calling in from Orlando
Orlando, giving blood at the BIG RED BUS
- Carroll also talks about the Goddard Building in Kaneohe. Carroll received a letter, that was also sent to many other media sources, regarding boxes removed from the state hospital without EPA clearance. The writer says the boxes may have had asbestos residue on them, exposing workers, but the writer did not provide enough details to research his information.
Carroll expounds on this issue.
- Carroll also talks about problems getting records from the government. Governor Ige's policy of transparency is not working. In fact, based on responses to his requests for impact statements and other documents, Ige's administration is worse than Governor Abercrombie's administration.

Reflections at Yokohama Bay, Oahu, Hawaii
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.
Follow: Carroll Cox, Orlando, The Pulse, hate rhetoric, anti-gay movement, FOIA, transparency, Governor Ige.