SUNDAY, June 5, 2016
- June 5, 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Carroll, Jack Reid and Bob Justice talk about this week's closing of the Haleiwa Beach House after their discussion on last week's show (Link here to 5/29/16 show.) The whole problem can be
blamed on a government that allows this situation to develop. The same thing is going on in Kunia where un-permitted homes are being built on agriculture land. Jack tells us that Andy Anderson claimed he had a courtesy permit, but after checking he learned there is no such thing. Also, fines are so low it can still pay to run a business illegally. Fines need to be raised so it will not be profitable to run a business while operating illegally and paying fines.
- Carroll and Bob also debate the effectiveness of neighborhood boards. Boards have good intentions, and many communities are on top of things. But, some community board members are very political, making it all look bad. Neighborhood boards also need to be reviewed and held accountable. Board members work voluntarily. Many work very hard, but the
government says they are only "advisory". This sometimes doesn't sit well after all of their hard work.
- The second hour Carroll talks about decisions being made regarding the Red Hill fuel tank leaks without including the public's input. Meetings are being held with the Hawaii State Health Department, the Navy, and the EPA without any notices or transparency to the public. Carroll discussed this Red Hill situation many times, starting in February, 2014.
Search our Podcast List for "Red Hill" to find our many shows on the subject and posted documents.
- On April 3, 2016, Carroll talked about a big public announcement made in 2014 regarding the donation of a state-of-the-art rescue boat, dock, and state-of-the-art office facility made by the Hawaii Community Development Authority and Ward Villages to the state of Hawaii at Kewalo Basin Harbor. Today the StarAdvertiser published a story about the donation, with quotes from Carroll Cox. Link here to the 4/3/16 show.
- Listen next week when Carroll talks about this auto parts site:

- Carroll recommends Perfect Auto Shine in Waimalu for your next car detailing. Their website is www.perfectautoshine.com and phone number is 366-8360. He recently had his car done and
was so happy with the personnel and the results he wants to let you know about it.

These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.
Follow: Carroll Cox, Jack Reid, Bob Justice, Haleiwa Beach House, Andy Anderson, neighborhood boards, Hawaii Department of Health, Red Hill fuel leak, EPA.