July 9, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carroll discusses social injustice and what it means. He illustrates with an issue in Waipahu. Consistently, trash is not being picked up on Aniani Place because the street is narrow, and if cars are parked on the street, the trash truck will not go down the street. In other places cars are ticketed or towed if blocking trash trucks. Perhaps smaller
trucks are needed for older areas of the city. Unfortunately, there are many other streets, in Waipahu and other neighborhoods, with the same situation. Maybe trash pickup is bypassed due to the ethnic population of the neighborhood? Something needs to be done about this horrible situation. Here is what the street looks like.
Carroll then continues his discussion regarding the polluted stream in Iwilei and how our government lies to us. He cites a number of documents, from 1970 to the present, regarding the condition of the stream, high levels and sources of contaminants, and the many proposals for remediation to clean it up. He also refers to a statement Gary Gill made in 2010 when
he was Deputy Director of the Hawaii Department of Health. After another complaint Gill said the problem was caused by rotting leaves settling to the bottom of the stream, like the Ala Wai Canal.
This is just another example of lack of environmental enforcement, and another reason why our ocean and coral look like they do now. Even worse, signs have not been posted regarding the quality of water, and people are fishing in it.
Carroll and callers discuss what can be done about this and other city and state problems.

Link to Carroll's video of fish in the stream
Link here to Carroll's discussion on his show of 7/2/17
Link here to HawaiiNewsNow story on 7/3/17

Why isn't weekly, scheduled service picking this up?