Carroll's guests today are Bridget Hammerquist, Katherine Muzic, Ph.D., and Jay Kechloian of Friends of Maha'ulepu. They bring us up to date on the proposed Kauai dairy farm issue. After some grubbing and grading of the property in preparation for the dairy farm, bacteria and nitrate levels in the nearby stream rose significantly. That stream flows directly into the
ocean, potentially damaging coral as well as presenting a problem to ocean users. People are concerned that placing over 600 cows on property up slope of the beach will have a significant impact on the area. After The Surfrider Foundation tested the stream they reported finding high levels of bacteria. Friends of Maha'ulepu then asked the Hawaii State Health Department Clean Water Branch (DOH) to test the stream and post warning signs. After about a year DOH finally conducted a test and found high levels of bacteria, as reported by The Surfrider Foundation, but still has not posted signs. The state claims they did not want to favor the hotel that was initiating a lawsuit. DOH blamed the pollution on human fecal matter, saying people were using an old guardshack near the stream as a bathroom. However, there was no evidence in the guard shack to back up that claim. Now DOH is attributing the problem to pigs, ducks and other wildlife. The Friends of Maha'ulepu are hoping, with a change of
administration at DOH, warning signs will finally be posted at the stream as they requested. So, not only is the proposed dairy a problem, there is currently a problem that needs a solution. If the dairy farm is approved the problem may become a lot worse for the entire area, including drinking wells, the ocean, and the coral reef. It may become impossible to fix.
The guardshack DOH said caused stream pollution
Polluted stream flowing into ocean
Jay Kechloian tells us his $100,000 matching fund to stop the dairy farm was successful. They have raised over $250,000 dollars, but still need another $100,000 to file a lawsuit and take action. Now another donor has come forward with a $50,000 matching fund donation. Double
your gift by giving now! Send your donations to: Friends of Maha’ulepu, P.O. Box 1654, Koloa, Hi 96756. Please review the following websites and help out.
Link to our prior shows regarding the dairy farm on 11/30/14 and 02/08/15, and 03/08/15.
Visit their website for more information, make a donation (every dollar
will help!), and sign a petition. There is also a copy of the plan for building and managing the dairy farm. You may also contact Friends of Maha'ulepu at 808-742-1037, or email to:
Visit for information about the dairy farm, or contact Amy Hennessey at 808-544-8973.
The second hour Carroll plays First Lady Michelle Obama's commencement address to the graduating class of 2015, Tuskegee University, Alabama, regarding racism, including the Tuskegee Airmen and some of her own experiences. It is a speech of encouragement. She tells the graduates to answer the questions - who
am I and what do I care about. Don't just throw up your hands and give up. Live up to your own expectations and choose your own path. Band together to build your communities, and vote. Do something to lay the groundwork for future generations."
A caller criticizes the speech, illustrating exactly how some people feel. Another caller says her speech is for all of us. The debate is on.
May 6, 2015: Link here to video of Carroll Cox on ThinkTechHawaii, discussing watchdoging the government on the environment.
Another great restaurant recommendation from Carroll: Valentina's Ristorante at 85-915 Farrington Highway, Waianae, Hawaii - give it a try!
Follow: Carroll Cox, Bridget Hammerquist, Jay Kechloran, Friends of Maha'ulepo, Hawaii Dairy Farms, Kauai dairy farm, cows, clean water, runoff, coral, pollution, Michelle Obama Tuskegee speech.
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