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                   THE CARROLL COX SHOW  :  1080 AM




   SUNDAY, July 7, 2013


        Carroll's guests are Ernest Y.W. Lau, P.E., Manager and Chief Engineer of the Board of Water Supply and Tracy Burgo,  Communications Manager,  who discuss billing and infrastructure problems.  

        Ernest Lau has been with BWS since February, 2012.  He inherited many of the current problems and is dedicated to fixing them.  This includes hiring more field personnel and increasing call center response levels.  He says he "just found out about the 'estimated billing' problem and  is taking steps to correct errors over the next few months".  However, several callers and the  high number of computer estimates indicate ithe problem has been going on a lot longer.

        Carroll notes problems run deeper than just  billing issues.  He also asks about past problems noted in a 2006 audit, including business models, systems, contractors  and infrastructure.  (Link to audit)    

        Callers ask some good questions.  They want to know why the BWS claims they did not know about estimated bills and overbilling until "a month ago" since customers have been complaining for over a year.  Several examples were provided by callers, and Mr. Lau said he would personally look into the callers' problems.

        Many people have been receiving estimated water bills over the past few months, and some for much longer. BWS will be sending out adjusted bills based on actual meter readings, and will work with you if you owe money.   Be sure to call the BWS to work out  terms of payment.   Delinquent utility bills may impact your credit.     See the attached article  originally published by MSN.

        For more information, listen to our show from Sunday, 6/16, regarding BWS problems.

        Contact the Board of Water Supply:

        By phone.    (Link here for a list of phone numbers).

        Online:   www.boardofwatersupply.com

        Email:  contactus@hbws.org










                                                         In the cloud!

          Listen to our show  - 7/7/13: