Carroll brings you up to date on a couple of past issues. He first broke the story about Wesley Choi's embezzlement of state money. This week Choi was sentenced to ten years in jail. Why didn't his supervisors know what was happening, and if they did, why weren't they investigated?
Carroll also talks about DLNR issues, historical preservation and objections to the appointment of Randy Awo as permanent Chief of Law Enforcement, even though he does not have a law enforcement background in police work or attended a police academy. Carroll shares a letter from the Hawaii Government Employees Association regarding their concern about Awo's selection (see attached). A caller sounds off about the situation.
They also talk about Hannemann's campaign ad in today's Star Advertiser, and remind us of problems caused by or during his administration.
The second hour Carroll talks about the recent Civil Complaint filed by families of the victims of the Waikele Storage Unit explosion due to unsafe conditions and fireworks stored in the cave. The use of the caves and lack of regulations is a problem Carroll has discussed on his shows in the past. See attached, including a copy of the Complaint.
Carroll also talks about the state of disrepair at Pokai Bay. For years the breakwater has been broken due to storm and wave action, particularly after what took place during Hurricane Iniki. Why no maintenance? Jump in and See attached for more pictures of the breakwater and the Heiau at Pokai Bay
