March 10, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Carroll is now broadcasting on the Internet at www.talk808.com. Listen live on Sunday mornings, 9-11 a.m.
- We want to hear from you. Call 808-782-6627 to participate.
Carroll talks about muddy runoff from the Nuuanu Reservoir that has been occurring for the past two months. Nuuanu residents asked Carroll for assistance because they were not getting any information about what was causing the Nuuanu Stream, and neighborhood streams that feed their fishponds, to become muddy and full of silt. The Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) is responsible for the reservoir, and the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) is responsible for the land it sits on. Carroll tells us what he found.
First, Carroll reads an email with the BWS response to inquiries. The BWS says because they were dredging the reservoir, it was stirring up the silt. But, then they opened one of the flood gates, allowing silt-laden water to flow out. However, per the BWS, a cable broke and they could not close the gate, and they say, the problem only started recently. The minutes of various meetings of the BWS clearly show the unlawful discharge of silt-laden water was being allowed as a result of ongoing dredging activity in the reservoir.
Note: The pictures and video of muddy water flowing down Nuuanu Stream into the ocean. The mud and silt are also flowing into the Nuuanu fishponds that contain valuable koi (Japanese carp). How much damage is actually being done by this situation?
Carroll continues his discussion with information from other documents he received. He notes, the BWS has been dumping silt from the reservoir for at least two months, and has documentation backing this up.
Carroll concludes, the state is covering for the city, and the city for the state, and no one admits to problems until they are caught red-handed. He believes, this was not a spill, but a deliberate dump of silt-laden water to help clean the reservoir. Now he is filing a formal complaint.
- 1. Map of Reservoir.
- 2. Permit Letter.
- 3. Meeting Minutes 02/06/19.
- 4. Meeting Minutes 02/13/19.
- 5. Meeting Minutes 02/20/19.
- 6. Meeting Minutes 02/27/19 .

Oh oh!
