Carroll talks about problems farmers claim they are experiencing regarding farmland they lease across from the Turtle Bay Resort. Some of them have been farming the land for thirty years. The farmers tell us, now that the conservationists have won their fight to conserve some of the land the hotel wanted to use for expansion, the hotel is putting the squeeze on the farmers across the street. You probably have driven by their fruit stands, and even enjoyed their excellent "Kahuku sweet corn" and other fruit and vegetables.
The farmers lease their land from Turtle Bay Mauka Lands, L.L.C. Carroll's research shows that Wendy Gady, an employee of the Turtle Bay Resort, was once secretary of the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation Group and reportedly worked for Nalo Farms. The farmers tell us she is working with Nalo Farms, Dean Okimoto, and Turtle Bay Mauka Lands/Turtle Bay Holding, L.L.C., to "upgrade" the farmland. However, the farmers say she is behind a lot of their recent problems that appear to be harassing them off the land. Gady is originally from Iowa, and had, or may still have, problems with unpaid loans and her business there. She was also behind many of the problems the farmers in Kunia were experiencing with their farmland.
One of the farmers, Mr. Tomas, calls in to tell us what is happening from his perspective. The farmers have month-to-month leases. Even so, the Turtle Bay company wants the farmers to take out loans and pay for million-dollar infrastructure changes and a paved road across the property. They also have a number of other requirements that will put hardships on the farmers, and may eventually put them out of business or allow Turtle Bay to kick them off the land. Because the farmer leases the land, he may be kicked out at any time. However, if the farmer loses his farm he will still be liable for the infrastructure loans. Mr. Tomas also tells us about new changes and requirements for running their fruit stands, as well as what they could or could not grow, and where they could sell it. For example, the company wants to charge each farmer $200 a week to "spruce up the stand".
Link here to email we received representing Turtle Bay's response to the story.
They also provided the following links about their plans:
Link here for a draft of the new contract for the farmers
Link here to more pictures and the farmer's story.
The Hawaii state government worked out a deal with the conservationists and the Turtle Bay companies for use of land near Kewela Bay. The government claims it is also trying to reform agriculture into big business. Now, once again, the little guy is being hurt. It looks like we may be losing more valuable farmland, an excellent tourist site that presents a real Hawaii experience away from Waikiki, and one of the best places for locals to get sweet corn, papaya, mangos, and other fresh, local fruit and vegetables.
Carroll would also like you to know about the Coxless Crew, the first four female crew to row across the Pacific Ocean. They are rowing to support women with breast cancer and other life changing events. They left California in April, and just arrived in Hawaii. They will be leaving for Samoa on Tuesday, July 28, and will end their journey in Australia. The crew is asking for donations to support their charities. Visit their website to learn more and make a donation at Also, please LIKE their facebook page. Their goal is 100,000 Likes.
Four ladies in a little rowboat crossing the big ocean. Amazing!