Carroll's guest, Linda Delacruz, talks about the documentary "Vincent Who?", to be screened May 1, 2012, from 5 to 7 pm at the downtown Laniakea YWCA, Fuller Hall. Vincent Chin was murdered in 1982 because of his race. His killers got probation and a fine. Tickets are available at
Check out the movie trailer at For more information email
Carroll talks about the need for environmental protection, the "fine" for dumping cement in Maililii Stream, law enforcement, and the suspension of environmental laws in Hawaii. He is particularly concerned about how DLNR is being run.
Polluters are running rampant. On Kauai Carroll found a company stripping machinery for scrap metal then leaving the fuel, hydraulics, oils, etc. on the ground instead of disposing of them properly. Thousands of gallons were dumped on refuges, National Botanic Garden land, private property, land close to a reservoir, and other state lands. The
State Dept. of Health says they do not have enough information
to prosecute.
Carroll wants the politicians to know they work on behalf of the people. Seems like some are forgetting that fact.

Baby stilt in the stream
Note: The City and County of Honolulu settled on a fine for dumping cement in Maililii stream but did not mention any benefit to the birds impacted by the problem, just another water study.
