SUNDAY, July 03, 2016
- July 07, 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Carroll talks about a protest on Friday, July 1, at the Haleiwa Beach House. The restaurant remains open, and is even allowed to serve alcohol, even though they do not have proper building permits and their septic system is overflowing into the next-door pond where children play. Listen to Carroll's shows of 05/29/16 and 06/05/16 for pictures and story. Big guys can do anything, but the little guy is punished for every little thing. Is this the America we, and the founding fathers, expect and want?

- Carroll goes on to illustrate the point by discussing Suzanne Case, Chairman of the Department of Land and Natural Resource, firing Tommy Friel, her appointment for head of the Department of Conservation and Resource Enforcement after he tried to clean up corruption in the system, including allegations of missing guns and sexual misconduct. He
also had conflicts with
Case regarding hiring a new branch chief for the Big Island. Carroll relays some of the information he has heard about hiring practices, and Friel's subsequent firing. He contacted Suzanne Case, DLNR and the state regarding the allegations but they will not answer. Carroll was told to call Dan Dennison in communications, but Dennison will not answer. During his investigation Carroll has put a lot of bits and pieces together, and has learned
Case denied any knowledge of the hiring of a branch chief. But apparently she had direct participation in the process.
- Jack Reid calls in to talk about politics and corruption, particularly in trying to deal with the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) regarding the Haleiwa Beach House restaurant. Reid wonders why the governor and mayor are allowing the restaurant to stay open without proper permits and all
the violations.
Reid notes traffic is also a problem, and a study is needed, and required, to address that issue. Reid is expecting some information, and hopefully decisions, from the city on Tuesday, July 5, and from the Liquor Commission on Friday, July 8.
- The second hour TJ calls in to update us on the status and give us more information about the Haleiwa Beach House and neighboring fish pond. TJ says what Anderson is doing is "just wrong" and talks about some of the problems. She tells us, the rules are there to protect the community, but Anderson is allowed to ignore them and do
whatever he wants. TJ tells us a big concern should be the safety of the second floor deck that was built without permits. We have heard many stories of railings breaking and balconies collapsing. TJ also tells us about a local resident who built a house without a permit and was told to tear it down immediately or face big fines. He tore it down. Carroll tells us DPP is corrupt, and is not working with the Department of Health, even though they
both should have the same concerns over the health of the citizens of Hawaii.
- Carroll plays a PSA announcement from Friends of Maha'ulepu regarding the proposed dairy on Kauai. Carroll is still having problems getting documents about the dairy. He was even told emails he requested were deleted.
- Once again, today's show illustrates just how badly the system is broken.
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.
Follow: Carroll Cox, Department of Land and Natural Resources, DLNR, DOCARE, Tommy Friel, Suzanne Case, Haleiwa Beach House, Andy Anderson, Jack Reid, TJ, Hawaii Department of Planning and Permitting, Hawaii Department of Health.