October 15, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carroll notes Suzanne Case, Chair of the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), is missing in action while whales beach themselves on Kauai and a boat is burning off Waikiki. And, where is Dan Dennison, the DLNR's spokesperson? The DLNR is responsible for the area. On Molokai a seal is dead, most likely bludgeoned to death, and nothing was said until Carroll brought
it to the public's attention. It seems the StarAdvertiser has little to say about the situations, and when they do, they are a day late, after the news was already reported on the Internet.
Carroll tells us the real story behind the stranding of the fishing boat, the "Pacific Paradise" and wonders where the Coast Guard was while the boat drifted around aimlessly, for hours, before grounding on the reef off Waikiki Beach. Supposedly, there is a very expensive system in place to protect the United States from threats. This could have been a boatload of terrorists or weapons.
Or, perhaps there was a major problem aboard and no one could notify authorities. Unfortunately, the Coast Guard and DLNR were not to be seen and now we have another environmental problem. Now DLNR's wardens and other workers are out there, but with little protection from what they may be exposed to as the boat burns. And there are more worries. While the boat burned for hours, the surrounding beach area was not cleared.
See more pictures and information on Carroll's facebook page.
The second hour Carroll talks more about the feral cat issue. There needs to be management of cats, and the people who care for them. Killing cats, as proposed in new boating rules, is not the solution. So far we haven't heard anything about the outcome of the new ruling. Has Governor Ige signed it?
The public wants transparency to help make informed decisions, as is their right. It's not happening. The necropsy of the monk seal recently killed on Molokai was not released. Now a necropsy will be done on the whales beached on Kauai. Will it be released? Will it show the Navy's sonar was the cause? If it was the
sonar, it will be denied once again, as so often happened in the past. Once again the Navy said they are not responsible because they had not done any testing within the previous 72 hours. If true, shouldn't NOAA be more aggressively trying to find out what is happening, since it seems to be happening so often?
Will anything ever change? Not with our government and its agencies such as NOAA and DLNR.

- What's going on? Waikiki is my home, too!


The "Pacific Dragon" is owned by Twol LLC, the same company that owns the "Pacific Paradise" stranded on the reef in Waikiki. The fishing boat was previously the "Elizabeth". The "Elizabeth" was engulfed in flames and severely damaged while docked at the harbor. Twol salvaged and repaired it, the renamed it.