SUNDAY, September 5, 2010
Carroll and callers discuss the upcoming elections and how information is (or is not) handled by the media and campaigners.
To illustrate some of the lies and innuendos of campaigning, more information is provided regarding trash shipment violations and suits, Mailiilii stream dumping, sewage dumping, etc.

- Investigating the issues
- Gubernatorial Candidate Mufi Hannemann boasts a two million dollar
plus campaign war chest. Hannemann also
boasts that he is supported by local labor unions, and he claims to be a champion of local jobs for
local people and locally owned businesses.
So, why is Hannemann’s campaign worker, Lee Williams, publicly
disclosing and admitting to Carroll Cox, on the “CARROLL COX SHOW”, that the Hannemann
campaign had some of their campaign banners made in the Philippines. The money spent in the Philippines could have
and should have been spent here to help the local workers and businesses.
- Listen to Lee Williams’ comments and conflicting statements
about his working with Hanneman’s campaign and being paid by the Hannemann
campaign. Williams claims he routinely drives
the large truck with the two 9 ft. Hannemann campaign banners (pictured below), waves signs, and
places signs around the island of Oahu. The banners reportedly cost $80 - $90
each and were produced in the Philippines. Hannemann also has bumper stickers made in
the Philippines. The truck is stored in
Waimanalo, Oahu, on property owned by Kevin and Carol Andrews. The truck is reportedly owned by a son of the
Andrews. A check of recent campaign spending
reports did not reflect their names or their campaign activities, but they may have submitted a supplemental report since I last checked. We will follow up.

Reportedly banners like this were made

- Attend the Gandhi International Institute for Peace rally, in celebration of Ghandi's birthday, on October 2, 10:00 am, outside the Honolulu Zoo by the Gandhi statue. This is the International Day of Peace, with interfaith discussions, multi-cultural dances, and the Royal Hawaiian Band. To donate or volunteer, contact Dr. Raj Kumar, 808-372-1444, rkumarhi@yahoo.com, or visit their website at gandhianpeace.com.
- Link here for other news
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