SUNDAY, February 16, 2014
Carroll provides more information obtained from documents he recovered regarding recent and past fuel leaks at the Red Hill fuel tank facility. During his research he learned the State Department of Health and the military have been covering up the number and size of leaks that have occurred over the past 60 years. The state
is required to notify the public about chemicals found in water even though they may not provide a health risk. They did not do this. One response was that the facility was secret. That may have been true 50 years ago, but everyone knows about it, and some have even taken tours of the facility in recent years. State Senator Mike Gabbard and Representative Chris Lee have called for a hearing, scheduled Friday, 3/7/14, at 1 p.m.,
State Capitol Room 329. Please contact them if you have questions or comments for the hearing.
Link here to questions Carroll sent to the State Department of Health. They indicated they would provide answers next week.
UPDATE February 18: Carroll obtained a letter dated February 12, 2014, from the Department of Health to the Navy, inquiring into the Red Hill fuel tank facility's release of fuel oil, saying: "This letter addresses the requirements of DOH-UST Program and the regulations governing USTs under Hawaii Administrative Rul (HAR) Chapter 11-281 Underground Storage Tanks." Link here to the full letter.
Note: Carroll provided many of the documents he recovered to the StarAdvertiser. They used the documents for their front page story "Fuel leaked dozens of times over 6 decades, Navy says". on Sunday, February 9.
Carroll also provides more information about radiation on trash trucks discussed on our 1/5/14 show. Radiation detectors were installed on trucks from 2000 to 2006, but are not working. They were discontinued in 2007. Link here
to a letter from the City Deptartment of Facilities Maintenance, dated 1/28/14. Another example of lack of protection for the people.
- Follow: fuel leaks, contaminated water, Deptartment of Health, EAL, water quality, drinking water, contaminates., safe drinking water, Navy, Pearl Harbor, Red Hill, trash truck radiation.

This, and other kittens, like this one, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months. They have been neutered and trained, so now they just need your love.
Who can resist these two kittens?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.