SUNDAY, October 3, 2010
Carroll discusses the Pew Charitable Trust, their contractor in Hawaii, Mr. Jeremy Personius, and their underhanded tactics to obtain my 18 years of professional knowledge, research and documentation of shark finning in Hawaii. Karen Hermann calls in to discuss how they approached her for technical support.

- Shark finning is big business in Hawaii
- Click here for a copy of the letter I sent to the Pew Charitable Trust regarding the situation with Mr. Jeremy Personius, who stole my intellectual property on shark finning. Pew's president, Rebecca W. Rimel, Pew's upper management, and Matt Rand, the Director of Global Shark Conservation refused to respond to my letter or take action, even though Matt Rand agreed what Personius did was wrong.
Jeremy Personius
- It should also be noted Jeremy Personius committed this act while working with the Conservation Council for Hawaii, who manages the financial aspects of his work for Pew.
We also discuss a threatening email with offensive language attacking me, that was sent to the Abercrombie campaign and which I heard about secondhand. Although it was about me, the Abercrombie Campaign will not release it to me.

- Neil Abercrombie
note: file size is approx. 14 MB