SUNDAY, December 15, 2019
- December 15, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii. .
Carroll repeats his show from 04/24/16 regarding the 42 inch water main under Dillingham Blvd that would effect the rail, and the city's lack of response to the information. We are just now getting information about the work required to move the utilities out of the way of the rail.
- Carroll and callers talk about the rail project, bureaucrats, and the appointment of Colleen Hanabusa as chairman of the HART board. Hanabusa says she can save the rail, but is that even possible? She has been part of the process all along, so what new ideas will she bring? And, where is the expensive consultant who is supposed to be advising HART
so they can avoid problems that keep popping up, adding to the cost overruns? So many uncertainties are making everyone uncomfortable. Hopefully, someone can bring the project together, completing the engineering plan from start to finish.
- The latest "surprise" to many people, and according to the news story to Mayor Caldwell and newly appointed Colleen Hanabusa, is the 42-inch water main under Dillingham Boulevard that was finished about eleven years ago, after ten years of work tearing up the street. The water main is the primary source of water for Honolulu, Waikiki and Hawaii
Kai. The removal or redirection of the pipe will be expensive, costing hundreds of millions of dollars, and will require another environmental impact statement. If it stays where it is, what will protect the pipe from the weight of the rail? If it breaks, can it be fixed if it is under the rail, and how much will the water undermine the rail? We asked the Board of Water Supply questions about the water main. Many of the responses to our questions
were to "please contact HART". See the following links about the water main:

These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.
Follow:: Carroll Cox, Honolulu rail project, HART, HART audit, HECO, Dillingham Boulevard, utilities, water main, Costco Kirkland water, the bottle bill, HI5, plastic bottle recycling.
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