Carroll's guest is Kevin Annett, calling in from Canada. They discuss the state of Indian affairs in Canada and, in particular, rape, abuse and genocide in the church-run Indian boarding schools. It is estimated that, since the 1870's, up to 250,000 children were forced into the schools, and half of them may have died. The school's intent
and purpose is the destruction of native culture and languages. Real education is discouraged by a policy to keep Indians from taking jobs from other Canadians. In addition, the churches are forcing Indians off their land, then selling it to logging companies.
The practice of forcing children into boarding schools was stopped in the 1980's, but the schools are still active. Since then, groups and individuals have been trying to investigate the abuse, mass graves, and other issues.
Click here for more information about the Canadian schools
Click here for a video about the problem - "Canadian Holocaust - Try Not to Cry"
Contact Mr. Annett at
Click here for more information regarding environmental injustice and clearcutting Indian lands in Canada.
The second hour Carroll discusses the state of government in the State of Hawaii and City of Honolulu. More furloughs are being considered for state and city workers. Carroll has not received documents he requested regarding education, nepotism, and EMS emergency services - just excuses. Apparently, refuse pickup has been canceled on Mondays
after the Christmas and New Year holidays, so no pickup for three weeks in some areas. This will be a big problem but the city is not responding to complaints. Also, refuse trucks are still broken and some routes are late or not completely picked up. The city chose Ansaldo to
handle the trains, but it is failing and the people in charge do not want to consider alternatives. In light of the recent fire at the Pacific Beach Hotel, Carroll talks about citations issued to the hotel for various work place violations.
So many problems and our taxes and fees are going up. What is it, if anything, the city and state are focusing on?

Thanks to Mary Ababa for above image of Pacific Beach Hotel on fire

Clearcutting in Canada
Evacuated - Pacific Beach Hotel workers