Carroll talks with Kauai Councilmember Gary Hooser about GMO Bill 2491. The bill came about because the big chemical and agriculture companies will not answer questions about GMO farming in Hawaii, including what chemicals are being sprayed on their crops. This is something we should, and need to know. Also, our farmers need to know that the GMO/ pesticide bill only
applies to very large agribusiness. It
will not impact basic
farmers, just very large users of pesticides.
It should be noted, the big businesses are doing industrial research so they should not be treated as "farming" for tax breaks and other considerations. There should also be a moratorium on any additional expansion until Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) have been conducted.
Carroll and Gary also talk about Governor Abercrombie's recent involvement in the GMO debate, and the problems of getting information from our government. It is government's role to protect the people, so, what are they doing? Gary Hooser tells us state agencies are preventing the public from knowing what is happening and the big businesses are considering
hiring lawyers to sue the county if a bill is passed. Gary also tells us many local lawyers and organizations are preparing to defend the county if this happens. People are stepping up, including doctors, the Nurses' Association, unions, and ordinary citizens, to study, learn, and bring transparency to the GMO debate. See www.garyhooser.com for more information and how to contact him. Link here to our 6/23/13 show where Gary Hooser previously talked about GMO.

Farming kicks up dust - what is in it and
how close is it to our schools and homes?
The second hour Carroll continues his discussion about molasses in the harbor. In his research he learned that Chris Lee, a member of the U.S. Coast Guard, is also the safety manager for Matson. Carroll sent out requests for information to see if there was any conflict of interest in his two roles regarding the spill, particularly in considering the manner
in which it was reported and handled. For example, The 2012 DOT letter about a leak in the pipeline was not released until several days after the fact, and the U.S. Coast Guard's statements that everything was Okay because the molasses was being dispersed out to sea. There are laws, and what should be considered logical practices and procedures to do right, but, our opinion, DOT, DLNR, the Coast Guard, and Matson, have not responded appropriately
to this incident. Once again, government should be doing the work of the people Carroll discusses recent examples including the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill releasing medical waste into the ocean, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, the recycling program, the rail, the Board of Water Supply, and SER Trucking dumping dredged material without permits. Too many to even think about!.