NEW - 6/24/15 - On his March 8, 2015 show, Carroll talked about problems with Frazer McGilvray's waste of tax payer money and abuse of employees at the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR). McGilvray is no longer employed by DLNR, but the new administration is considering rehiring him as a manager. On June 23, 2015, HawaiiNewsNow featured a story about DLNR's problems with McGilvray. Link here to the story. Also, for more information read Carroll's March 24, 2015 article about McGilvray's abuse of position.
Today Carroll talks about monk seals and drinking water.
Carroll attended the June 18th Board of Water Supply (BWS) public meeting regarding drinking water quality at the Red Hill aquifer, and what the military is doing about fuel leaks from storage tanks above the aquifer. he Navy has proposed a list of actions, approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Depart.ment of Health (DOH), but the Board of Water Supply, many state
officials, and the people of Hawaii say it is not enough. Unfortunately, the health of Hawaii's citizens is being put behind the desires of the Navy. The Board of Water Supply says the proposed liners will not sufficiently protect the aquifer, and part of the Consent Decree will insulate the Navy from prosecution for current and future damages. Some years ago the area was declared a "Superfund" site by the EPA. Why is the Navy, EPA and DOH in such a hurry to sign the document before going through
the whole process? What are they covering up?
Link here to Carroll's 6/14 show discussing the issues with Ernest Y. W. Lau, P.E., Manager and Chief Engineer for the Honolulu Board of Water Supply.
Carroll first discussed the Red Hill Fuel Leak during the following shows in February, 2014. He also included a writeup with pictures regarding the situation:
Link here to shows for 2/9/14, 2/16/14, 2/23/14, and 3/30/14.
Link here to listen to testimony from citizens who attended the 6/18/15 BWS meeting.
You can add your comments regarding the proposal at Also email comments to

This month two monk seals were found at Kaena Point with hooks in their mouths. The first incident was immediately reported to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service, but they did not do anything about it and had a number of different excuses for their inaction. After the situation was reported in the news media, NOAA told the media it was too dangerous to remove the hook because the seal
was on the rocks, and, they were not going to do anything because the hook would work its way. The second seal was found in the same situation, by the same people who reported the first seal. Knowing NOAA was probably not going to do anything, Carroll and the seal watchers first notified the media. This time NOAA complained about the situation not being reported to them immediately, and came out the next day to remove the hook. Also, last month a monk seal died after being under the care of NOAA
(link here to that story).
Carroll notes, something must be done to assess the impact of fisheries on monk seals, a critically endangered species on the brink of extinction.
Llink here to information about monk seals
Link here to NOAA 2014 List of Fisheries
SHOUT OUT - Monk Seal's talk is golden