SUNDAY, October 26, 2014
Carroll and Bruce Wilson discuss Hawaii gubernatorial candidate Duke Aiona and his running mate, Elwin Ahu's religious beliefs and preaching they are going to deliver the entire State of Hawaii to God. Aiona
is, or has been, strongly connected to Ed Silvoso's International Transformation Network (ITN). We discussed the issues during the last election, in 2010. They are still valid today. (See our 4/25/10 show, our 5/2/10 show and our 10/24/10 show.)
Carroll starts today's show by playing an audio clip from an ITN video showing Aiona speaking at Silvoso's 2010 conference in Argentina.
The problem is not religion, it is a particular religion's concept and desire to enforce its beliefs on others.
Bruce Wilson's website is www.talk2action.org. He also writes for www.twocare.org
Ed Silvoso's website is www.transformourworld.org
The second hour Carroll talks about the deteriorating condition of our schools and what is, or is not, being done about it. Prior to the primary election there was a six million dollar contract to identify and document dangerous conditions, and what else needs to be fixed, in our school buildings. The contract, issued to Jacobs Project Management Company,
was to develop a long-range Facilities Master Plan to address the problems caused by years of deferred maintenance. However, shortly after the primary election, and Abercrombies big loss, a stop-work order was issued on October 16, 2014. Among other issues, Jacobs claims the state asked Jacobs to modify their report by pushing expected life cycle of some building components out by twenty-five percent.
On Wednesday, October 22, Carroll reported a dumpsite in Kapiolani Park. There were piles of debris dumped by street sweepers. Two days later, the site was clean, even though the city claimed the material was there for a study(?). Not only that, approximately ten much-needed parking spaces, previously taken up by the dump, are now available.


Follow: Carroll Cox, Bruce Wilson, Duke Aiona, Elwin Ahu, candidates for Hawaii governor, Hawaii elections, religion in government, Ed Silvoso, ITN, Jacobs Project Management Co., school maintenance, Kapiolani Park dump, city street sweepers, Mufi Hannemann.

Keeping an eye on the prize
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.