SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2011
Carroll talks about bees with Dr. Ethel M. Villalobos, University of Hawaii professor and director of the UH Bee Project, UH Field Technician Scott Nikaido, and local beekeeper Howard McGinnis. Due to mites and beetles, the wild bees that pollinate our crops have almost disappeared. In 2005 a mite infestation decimated our local hives . The
population is recovering thanks to the help and research of the UH Bee Project, but new pests may be coming in.
If you see a swarm of bees - Don't spray, Let them stay. Call a pro and in a short time the bees will be relocated to a new hive where they can do some good. For help removing bees contact Howard McGinnis at 808-258-7296, or email him at howard@nalo-meli.com Look for Nalo Meli honey at the farmer markets.

Bees Do It
LINK here to pictures of UH and Howard at work
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