Carroll talks with Richard Deconti about cuts in service and other problems with TheBus and Handi-Van. Richard had to resign from his organization, CFADAR, due to pressure on the organization after negative comments he made on our 8/19/12 show. He
wants to know if the problems with bus service are caused by federal money being diverted to rail to prove Hawaii has a "strong financial plan", which is necessary to receive additional federal funding for rail. He also talks about Tom Berg's fight against rail and the City Council's effort to censure him by passing legislation, as well as the many conflicts of interest by our council members. Richard quotes some of Gary Okino's statements about how
the City Council was
elected to represent the people, so we do not need a public vote on rail,
The second hour Carroll talks about the awesome parade in Nanakuli to honor the little league and ladies' softball championship teams, and other kids' teams from the Nanakuli area. The kids, the organizers, the police department and the other participants all had a great time. Link here
to see more photos. It took a community to put this
together, but the community particularly wants to thank Patty Teruya for organizing this wonderful day.

We salute you!
The final topic of the day is the claim that too many monk seals and turtles around the islands are causing problems with fishing, so they should be de-listed. How many of them have you seen around the island? Is it too many monk seals, or too much trash and overfishing causing the problem?