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                   THE CARROLL COX SHOW  :  1080 AM




   SUNDAY, September 14, 2014


    Listen to our show:



        Carroll and guest Tom Berg start the show with a discussion about the decline in fish populations and the many issues with fishing in Hawaii.   Carroll points out a lot of the problems lie with our agencies and elected officials.  There is not enough regulatory enforcement of violators, or acknowledgement of some of the causes, such as runoff from land laced with chemicals,  and streams clogged up with garbage.    There are many broken pieces contributing to the decline in the fish population, and they all need to be addressed. 

        A caller mentions that Monsato (as in GMOs)  showed up at a teacher's conference to hand out logo bags with information about grants and funding.   This is nothing but politics and propaganda, and should not have been part of the conference.  Per the caller, most attendees were offended, and were not happy about carrying around the bags.  This leads to more information about the GMO issue from Tom Berg.

        Another topic is the release of an audit of the Honolulu Board of Water Supply,  and Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's statement that any money that was over-collected from water users should be kept by BWS to fix things.  Does this make sense?  The audit also did not address a former BWS worker directing a contract to himself.  Carroll first brought this up, and discussed  the issues on many of his previous shows (see 7/7/13 and 7/14/13).

        Tom Berg also brings up his request to make Hawaii the first state to ban the sale of fur products, similar to what we did to ban shark finning.     A caller asks Berg about the possibility of Congress reversing the Citizens United rule allowing corporations to fund political candates.   Callers debate whether the rule is good or bad for the smaller candidates.  

        Carroll asks, do we really know what our government is doing?   Are they accountable?  Can we effectively protest?

        What is racism?  Carroll reads part of an email he received from a state game warden that is particularly racist in its content, while portending not to be.  Carroll explains why, and wonders why  a state worker is distributing this kind of  nonsense. Please see attached.

          Special note:   On Thursday, September 11, HawaiiNewsNow reported a story about an oil spill at Keehi Lagoon. Carroll worked with reporters on the story and now tells us more about the over 3000 gallons of oil released into the ground.  

          Link to Carroll's story and pictures here.     

          Link to KGMB story here.



        FYI:   Another caller announces a free family fitness event at the Atkinson YMCA on Wednesday, September 17, at 9:30 a.m., and again at 5:00 p.m.   All ages are welcome to participate in muve dancing games.    Call 941-3344 for more information.


          Follow:  Carroll Cox,  Tom Berg, fishing,  DLNR, enforcement, Western Pacific Fisheries Council, runoff,  pollution, keehi Lagoon, oil spill, Hawaii State Department of Health, DOH, Board of Water Supply.



                                      Yes, we see, and feel, what you are doing.

                                                   It's time to turn around.  


                                             So, why is all the coral turning gray?










        These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home.  Ages range from 3 to 12 months.  

        They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained.   Now, all  they need is your love.  Who can resist a new kitten?


        To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.