January 27, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Carroll is now broadcasting on the Internet at www.talk808.com. Listen live on Sunday mornings, 9-11 a.m.
- We want to hear from you. Call 808-782-6627 to participate.
Carroll's guest is Richard Deconte. They discuss the rail and the city audits. Richard is hoping that a full audit of the rail will occur.
Richard notes the rail is all about TOD - Transit Oriented Development, not moving people and taking stress off of traffic. Unfortunately, the TOD has turned out to be high priced condos in Kakaako. Richard talks about contractors and why the rail is out-dated steel wheel on steel rail. He also recommends stopping the rail at Middle Street.
Richard makes a point regarding audits, unless you have consequences nothing will be fixed.
Carroll notes, Governor Ige talks a good story and wants to get things done, but has a big problem delegating the right people to do it.