Carroll has been investigating issues with treated sewage water spilling into Lake Wilson for many years, and now debunks claims made by DLNR, the media and others regarding the recent stories about stuck valves and water levels in Lake Wilson. The news media is reporting exposed shopping carts and other trash. But, there have been many spills of
partially and untreated sewage into Lake Wilson in the past, and warning signs are permanently posted. Is the pollution now concentrated in higher levels in the lowered lake? People are still fishing and coming in contact with the water and mud. They are also eating the fish. How much more dangerous is it? Link here for more information, pictures and documents on the reservoir.

During the second hour Dr. Robert Geffner, Clinical Research Professor of Psychology and President of the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) in San Diego discusses training and other programs to prevent abuse. He is in Hawaii for his 8th Annual Conference on Preventing, Assessing and Treating Child, Adolescent and Adult Trauma, starting
Tuesday, March 8, 7:30 am, at the Ala Moana Hotel. Everyone is welcome to attend. There are 8 separate tracks over three days, including one on Criminal Justice and Legal Issues. This is particularly important due the problems with the Hawaii court system and judges we recently exposed on our show. See IVAT's website, ivatcenters.org for more information.

"Treated" sewage water flows from Lake Wilson into Kaukonahua Stream and its irrigation system. The brown color is dirt and silt that will eventually impact our coral reefs. It also contains heavy metals including Dieldrin, DDT and mercury, that is in the fish people eat.