March 12, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carroll's guests are Dean Otsuki and Suzanne Frazier from B.E.A.C.H - Beach Environmental Awareness Campaign Hawaii. Their mission is to reduce and remove plastic marine debris from our ocean, streams and shores. They are sorting debris, identifying sources, bringing awareness, and looking for solutions. They also educate school groups and work with volunteers who
help them with their effort to gather and sort plastic and debris.
Suzanne tells us debris comes from many sources, including fishing boats, cruise ships, and individuals. Some even comes from people throwing trash into streams and storm drains that flow into the ocean. Much of the trash in the ocean lands on our beaches, particularly in Kahuku on Oahu's north shore. The trash is a threat to both birds and fish. Albatross
look for their food in the ocean, and from there they feed the plastic pieces they pick up to their young. Bottle caps and tooth brushes have been found in dead bird's stomachs, causing the birds to starve to death. Suzanne tells us over 250,000 albatross die each year with plastic in the stomachs.
Dean and Suzanne also question where the millions of dollars Japan gave Hawaii to clean up tsunami debris went, and why the ban on plastic bags is not working. For more information visit their website or
call them at 393-2168.

This is
one of the things we are doing every day.
The pictures below were taken before and after a beach cleanup in Kahuku about 20 years ago. It is much worse now. Which way do we want our beaches to look?
The second hour Carroll's guests are Tommy Yarbrough and Sharon Yarbrough, President of SEH - Sisters Empowering Hawaii. On Sunday, March 26, 2017, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., they will be honoring six women at their 2nd Annual Women Making History Awards Luncheon. Last year's celebration was a big success, and this year the theme is "Redefining
Standards, Making a Difference and Inspiring Others". Sharon talks about the many projects SEH is involved in, from career development to domestic abuse. For more information about their organization, to buy tickets for the luncheon, check a list of honorees, or provide support, please visit their facebook page at There is also information at, or you can call (808) 599-2998. Their email is
If you would like to help other people attend the event, or contribute to their scholarships and other programs, you can also send a check payable to Sisters Empowering Hawaii, 1515 Nuuanu Avenue, #163, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Sharon and Carroll also talk about the recent African American Film Festival that Sharon was involved in, and look forward to next year's festival.
Mountains to climb