SUNDAY, April 3, 2016
- April 3, 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Carroll talks about Mayor Caldwell and his public relations and budgeting skills fueled by big business. After some big dealings Howard Hughes Corporation now controls the development of Kewalo Basin Harbor. Carroll talks about some of the dealings behind the deal. He reads from a 2014 press release from former
Governor Abercrombie's administration, with Caldwell in the background, that stated the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) and Ward Village donated a dock, a lifeguard station and a "state-of-the-art rescue boat" to the city for ocean safety. Carroll tells us the real story behind the story. How much of the announcement had to do with Howard Hughes Corporation's takeover of the harbor?
Read The 2014 Press Release
The press release states, "The HCDA donated a rescue boat worth up to $120,000 to the city Ocean Safety and Lifeguard Services division". The boat, which is not state-of-the-art, finally arrived approximately two years later but has not been donated to the City and County
of Honolulu as the mayor and otehrs claimed in the 2014 press release. Instead, leasing the boat by the city is being considered. We were told by HCDA that the city renting a boat slip from the Howard Hughes Corporation and we would have to ask the Howard Hughes Corporation for specifics. We were told allegedly that the city is paying upwards of $700.00 a month for mooring fees. Read
Questions Carroll asked about the boat and answers from Shayne Enright, Ocean Safety Division. Also note pictures of the boat, the lifeguard station, and the new dock at Kewalo Basin on this page.
On 3/29/16, when Carroll asked written questions, HCDAA stated, "No, the HCDA did NOT donate the boat to the City and County of Honolulu or Ocean Safety Division". HCDA also told Carroll HCDA purchased the boat and holds the title to the boat. Carroll was also told the city would have to work with Howard Hughes Corporation regarding
the cost of mooring the boat because Howard Hughes Corporation controlled the harbor. In addition, no jet ski hoist has been built, as indicated in the press release.
The new "state-of-the-art rescue boat"

Anything special here? Looks like a standard fishing boat

Here is the type of boat now being allowed to dock at Kewalo Basin Harbor:

The second hour Bridget Hammerquist, Friends of Maha'ulepu, brings us up to date about their opposition to the proposed industrial dairy on Kauai. They just visited the site of the proposed dairy, did water samples, and analyzed the effect a large amount of cow manure would have on drinking water, groundwater, runoff, and the nearby streams and ocean. The
situation is not good now. What will happen with the addition of an industrial dairy with thousands of cows. Bridget also states signs are not posted when there are high levels of pollution because the Health Department thinks nobody uses the beach. Bridget claims that is definitely not true. Among the many unique features of the area, cavereserve.org
shows an active archeology site in the area that needs to be protected. Poipu Beach has been recognized as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Visit friendsofmahaulepu.org for more information and pictures of this beautiful area.
Carroll and a caller discuss the situation with the city and state's handling of feral cats. Carroll is concerned with Governor Ige's hands-off approach when it comes to his administrators, particularly Suzanne Case and the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Carroll tells us how she is turning out to be a big problem to the State of Hawaii's
resources by allowing private organizations and non-profits to infiltrate and influence the agency.

The new state-of-the-art Ocean Safety dock

The new dock and state-of-the-art lifeguard station (big building in background)
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.
Follow: Carroll Cox, Howard Hughes Corporation, Kewalo Basin Harbor, Ward Villages, Governor Abercrombie, Mayor Caldwell, Ocean Safety, Hawaii Community Development Authority, HCDA, Bridget Hammerquist, Friends of Maha'ulepu, Governor Ige, DLNR, Suzanne Case, feral cats.