January 29, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carroll talks about the Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) overcharging Bellows Air Force Station for their use of water. Carroll was told it was possibly as much as 50 million dollars. Remember
the whole fiasco when the BWS billed customers for several months based on "estimated water use"? Carroll asked the BWS questions, and tells us how the BWS's answers show some of the government's new use of "Alternative Facts" seem to be in play. It appears the BWS knowingly overcharged the United States Air Force up to 50 million dollars, but in answer to Carroll's questions, the BWS said it has "reached out" to the Air Force
to resolve the issues, and it involves "substantially less" than 50 million. So, what does that mean? Bottom line, this is another example of
how millions are squandered and the taxpayer pays.
The second hour Carroll talks about the treatment of Police Chief Kealoha, who has high marks as chief, and has not been charged with a crime, but was forced to resign. He relates the situation to other cases of corruption and special treatment.
Carroll then talks about the use of public land and the PLUC. Several times Carroll has talked about Suzanne Case, Chairman of the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), hiring her own people as contractors, who then impede the work of state employees. Now it looks like the practice is spreading to other agencies.
Regarding the DLNR, Suzanne Case is now asking for state funds to install fences, but has not said where they will be installed, and who will do it. Carroll also notes, statistics show Suzanne Case's special Community Fishing Enforcement Unit on Maui has done very little enforcement, but Case is asking for more money for that unit.
Many people are criticizing Trump and holding rallies. Maybe they should consider looking at their own state. He then compares the refugee controversy to the homeless who, it is said, just want something for nothing. Our own people have suffered far too long from economic inequities.

Look over your shoulder, watch the bills