SUNDAY, February 9, 2014

Carroll's guests are James Rivers - International VP BCTGM for the 4th Region where the Memphis Lockout is taking place, and Earle Earley - Local VP of local 252G, the local union representing the workers locked
at the Memphis cereal plant. They continue the discussion of Kellogg's Memphis Production Facility's lockout of employees over the proposed two-tier employee system.
They tell us, this is an attack on the middle class, as Kellogg proposes to lower wages, hours, healthcare and other compensation for future employees. They also tell us bargaining in Memphis is illegal in this forum.
Mr. Earley has been with Kellogg for over 25 years. He expresses his opinion Kellogg used to be as a family-oriented company but has now transitioned
into a profit-at-all-costs operation. This is happening at many large companies, and it is how the middle class is being cut out of America.
Mr. Rivers discusses the issues related to the lockout,
community support, the letter just recently sent from the Congressional
Progressive Caucus, work with the new community coalition COPPER and
asistance from civil rights and religious community leaders here in
Memphis and why the fight by these workers is a fight for the protection
of all working people in Memphis and across the country.
Joyce Griffin, a Kaiser Hospital worker and elected leader of the Local 5 board, calls in to share information regaarding actions taken by Kaiser against union workers' benefits. Among other things, Kaiser is laying off workers, and now they want to take employee pensions and move them to 401k plans.
All agree, they are concerned about the future workers and their families.
For more information about the Memphis Lockout, visit website: www.bctgm.org
The following links contain information provided by the BCTMG union:
The second hour Carroll starts a discussion about the Red Hill fuel leak, which he will continue next week. Carroll conducted research of the most recent and earlier spills at the Red Hill tank facility. He then provided the documents he uncovered to the StarAdvertiser, which they used for their front page story on Sunday, 2/9/14 entitled: "Fuel leaked dozens of times over 6 decades, Navy says". Carroll tells us the military is covering up the number and size of leaks that have occurred over the past 60 years. A caller tells us about the antiquated system used to measure water quality in Hawaii. What are we drinking? Read the story and call your legislators, then listen and participate next week as we discuss the problem in detail.
- Follow: Kellogg's, Memphis labor dispute, Kellogg lockout, Kellogg cereal, BCMTG, James Rivers, Earle Earley, leaks, contaminated water, Dept. of Health. EAL, water quality, drinking water, contaminates., Navy, Pearl Harbor, Red Hill.

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To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.