SUNDAY, December 06, 2015
- December 06, 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carroll asks for your thoughts about news reporters working for the government after leaving their media jobs. Have reporters been light on reporting government activity because they want to eventually work for the government? Andrew Pereira, a reporter for KITV, even stated, after leaving his reporting job, that he always wanted to work for the government.
Many others have gone on to be spokespersons for government agencies and private companies. You may have seen them on TV reporting on their employer's business. Is this OK?
The second hour Carroll's guest is Shayne Enright from the Honolulu Emergency Medical Services Department, Ocean Safety and Lifeguard Services Division. They are the ones who respond when people find themselves in trouble in the ocean, and they are busy. They cover approximately 200 miles of shoreline around Oahu, monitoring the beaches, warning
the beachgoers, and rescuing when needed. Lifeguards put themselves in danger, in big surf, sewage spills, and sometimes even jumping off cliffs to go to the rescue. Hawaii lifeguards are professional, and are considered to be the best in the world. But, they need more resources to do their job. The division only has six jet skis, and they are spread out thin. These people are definitely our unsung heroes.
- Ocean safety and education is important. Shayne tells us how many people we have lost to the ocean while hiking, taking pictures, and jumping off cliffs like the one at Spitting Cave. Lifeguards' jobs are made harder because, despite warnings, people tend to do what they want.
- According to Shayne, if you call emergency medical services, be clear on the location and the condition of the person(s) in need. Give as much information as you can. It will also help if you can wave the responders down so they can immediately find you.
- For more information about emergency services, link to: www.co.honolulu.hi.us/esd.html
- Shayne was also interviewed on the John Nolan Show, 12/7/15. Link here to listen to the John Nolan Show.

Shayne Enright
On watch |

The waters of Hawaii, where our Ocean Safety Division jumps in to help - under any condition

Carroll announces he is a regular guest on the John Nolan Show from 6 - 7 p.m. on KWAI 1080 AM. Listen and call in!
Carroll continues his discussion about local issues on O'lelo Public Television, Channel 54.
Link here to a list of his upcoming shows
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.
Follow: Carroll Cox, Shayne Enrigiht, Honolulu Emergency Medical Services, Department, Ocean Safety Division, lifeguards, emergency response, drownings, news reporters, goverrnment jobs.
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