July 2, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carroll's guest today is a city lifeguard who has had staph, strep and other infections of concern from working on the beach and water in Waikiki, and notes other lifeguards have also had infections. He discusses the condition of the outdoor showers in Waikiki, and attributes some of his infections to working around the showers. Showers are needed to rinse off sand, but people
abuse the privilege by using soap and shampoo, washing diapers, and doing other prohibited activities. The polluted water flows out onto the sand, and into the ocean. After Carroll's complaint, he received a letter from the Department of Health's Clean Water Branch regarding the showers. The state notes, when built, it was expected the showers would only be used to rinse off sand of beach goers. The state said they will be re-evaluating
the situation. Tourists and local residents need to be aware of the condition of the showers and surrounding area, and what to watch out for. And, lifeguards need a clean environment to work in. The city needs to do something now!
Carroll talked about the showers on his show of 6/18, and view his pictures here. Also, watch his television show, Bittersweet News, on Olelo Channel 54, next Thursday, 7/6/17, at 7 p.m.
Here is what a staph infection looks like: |
The second hour Carroll talks about a heavily polluted stream in Iwilei, behind Best Buy and the Eagle Cafe, that flows into the ocean. Several years ago the state told Carroll the milky white color was caused by oxygen from sump pumps running in the area. After reporting the many pollutants found underground in the Iwilei area, Carroll decided
to investigate further. The sump pumps are used to suck up water and send it to the ocean to prevent flooding. What could be in that water?
Link here to HawaiiNewsNow story on 7/3/17

What is this?
