Carroll and attorney Michael Ostendorp continue their discussion of Governor Abercrombie's proclamation suspending state statutes protecting the environment, historic sites, public access to recreation areas, and environmental policies. Although the proclamation was signed 6/14/11, it was only brought to light last week on this show, much to the surprise
of the public, while the Hawaii state legislators and other government agencies claimed they did not know about it. After our big reveal, the Honolulu Star Advertiser also published a number of articles and editorials explaining the situation.
Today Carroll and Michael Ostendorp bring into question DLNR Chairman William Aila's role in the process. Previously a big defender of the environment and Hawaiian rights, he is now in classic politician mode -- going along to get along. Instead of advising the governor, he, in his words, is in place to implement the governor's policies. The DLNR is in disarray, with temporary chiefs and open management positions, while Aila plays slight of hand with testimony and politics.
On August 1, 2011, Aila sent a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers granting right of entry in accordance with the 6/14/11 proclamation suspending laws. Read it here.
Read about DLNR'S Public Land Optimization Plan - Act 55 - that went into effect 7/1/11, in a very informative article published on on 6/28/11
On 3/18/11 Ian Lind, on his website, wrote an article about Aila entitled: "Land director misstates law and exceeds authority in trying to muzzle news reporting" .
Read Abercrombie's emergency proclamation here. - updated link
Read Senate Bill 1555 here
Carroll has asked Governor Abercrombie to rescind the proclamation (see attached)


Chairman Aila at work on the sandbar