SUNDAY, August 14, 2016
- August 14, 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Carroll and callers talk about the elections and how the people of the state, and the country, are frustrated and divided. Once again we have low turnout and nothing new. Callers discuss politicians, the major candidates, and how Cedric Gates won in Waianae. Politics affect our daily lives
as individual citizens of this state and we should all be concerned.
- Here is another example of how the state is run to the benefit of politicians and friends, not the people, and no one is held accountable. Carroll is investigating complaints of dust from a solar farm being built in Waianae. Dust from the project is heavy in the adjacent elementary school and nearby homes. A number of complaints were made to the state
earlier this year, from April through July. They were investigated and documented but nothing was done (see attached for some of the complaints). Carroll was told by the state they could not take action because they did not see the dust fly over from the construction site. The owner of the facility causing
the dust acknowledged the problem, but the state still says they "see no violations". Listen to our show of 07/31/16 and view pictures of the site. Maybe this is why the people voted for Cedric Gates instead of an incumbent not out helping the community.
- Albert Lanier calls in to discuss the very close race in Manoa between incumbent Isaac Choy and newcomer Dale Kobayashi. Even though Choy won, it was by only 58 votes. This shows it may finally be possible to beat incumbents in Hawaii in upcoming elections. Changes must be made within the party during the primary elections, not in the general elections. They also discuss the nature and role of the media in elections. People need to participate, go online to research the candidates, and make a real choice instead of voting like the media tells them to.
- Voting is a special right we should all be participating in. Let's try to do it better next time.

Still Looking
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.
- Join Carroll on www.envirowatch.org to view some of the environmental and corruption issues he investigated,
and resolved, in the past. You will also find him on facebook.
- Carroll continues his discussion about local issues on Olelo Public Television, Channel 54.
- Link here to a list of his shows. They can also be viewed
on Olelo video on demand.
Follow: Carroll Cox, elections, politics, Charles Djou, Mayor Kirk Caldwell, Cedric Gates, city council, incumbents, Democratic Party.
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