Carroll is now broadcasting on the Internet Listen live on Sunday mornings, 9-11 a.m. We want to hear from you. Call 808-782-6627 to participate.
Carroll talks about the State's intentional acts to prevent the people of the State of Hawaii of having a say in government, providing transparency, being free from heavy-handed tactics, and a general lack of understanding. This is illustrated by what is happening at Mauna Kea with the University of Hawaii's subleasing land to owners of telescopes and the protest of the Hawaiian people. Carroll has also been looking into the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), how it is managed, and their involvement at Mauna Kea.
Carroll then talks about a DLNR conservation officer and how the DLNR administration may be covering up the fact that Michael Harken did not have a driver's license. The point is, DLNR management should know better. Conservation Officer Michael Harken is a good person, but somewhere along the line he lost his driver's license. Even so, he is still driving a state vehicle for law enforcement. This month he was in an accident and cited for no license. He was still driving, even though he was also cited for no license in October, 2018. The problem is DLNR's lack of good management. Harken was recently promoted, twice. When a person is promoted, they need to be vetted. Was he, and if so, how did they miss his lack of a driver's license, particularly when his job requires driving? And, why didn't Harken say he did not have a license, or did he tell his managers he did not have a license? Officers are paid extra under a Code of Ethics agreement for good behavior, and to make sure they talk to management about any problems or negative interactions with other law enforcement entities.
This situation is similar to DLNR management ignoring claims of workplace violence against another officer, as previously reported by Carroll. Carroll has also reported officers deliberately scrambling their truck GPS systems so they cannot be tracked. Recently, there have been concerns about officers committing suicide. Furthermore, it has been reported there are now at least three officers on ROPA (Release of Police Authority).
An officer's job is to meet with the public and protect our environment. What is management doing to help officers do their jobs and handle their stress? Perhaps it is management's policies and acts that are causing much of the stress. Something needs to be done to fix DLNR's management, and government in general.
Carroll notes, former Governor Ariyoshi has been on television advertising his support of the TMT project on Mauna Kea. Back when he was governor in the 80's, he called for a full-use impact study of activity on Mauna Kea, out of concerns regarding too many requests for use. Carroll is researching to find out if the study was done, and what was the outcome.
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email
Join Carroll on www.envirowatch.orgto view some of the environmental and corruption issues
he investigated,
and resolved, in the past. You will also find him on YouTube at cox7826627 and on facebook.
Carroll continues his discussion about local issues on Olelo Public Television, Channel 54.
Link here to a list of his shows.They
can also be viewed
on Olelo video on demand.
Follow: Carroll Cox, Mauna Kea, Department of Land and Natural Resources, DLNR, Michael Harken driver's license, Governor Ige, George Ariyoshi.