August 12, 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carroll is now broadcasting on the Internet at Download the mobile App from the website link and listen live on Sunday mornings, 9-11 a.m. Call in to 808-782-6627.
Carroll talks about the elections, and what will happen to the losers, particularly those who gave up their positions in government to run for office. He notes some will most likely get jobs in the administration. The second hour Carroll discusses politics and parties with Albert Lanier.
Carroll then talks about the Department of Land and Natural Resources' (DLNR) ongoing procurement process for obtaining cat traps to catch the estimated 300,000 cats on Oahu. Management of cats is needed, but not in an offensive, inhumane manner. The caretakers' TNR program of trap, neuter and release is still needed and should continue. DLNR and the National Oceanic and Atomospheric Administration (NOAA) report toxoplasmosis from cats is killing monk seals, but there are many other things killing monk seals. Carroll talks about the eight monk seals killed on Molokai, by humans, and the lack of investigation and resolution by the DLNR. The DLNR says it is a federal problem, and NOAA is responsible for the investigation. Carroll tried to talk to NOAA but was rebuffed.
Carroll has concerns about chemicals and toxins in the environment causing problems for people and wildlife. One site with problems is the former incinerator site in Kakaako that is now a children's center and a park where children slide down the hills on cardboard. Carroll provides information from the Environmental Hazard Management Plan from 2010 backing up his many statements about contaminants in the area. The plan notes toxins leaching into the ocean. Also, sewage occasionally spills into the ocean around the area. Could this also be a problem for the monk seals?

- Cats, monk seals, politics and toxins
