December 22, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carroll notes, if we could eliminate the waste, fraud and abuse in our government our taxes would be a lot less than they are today. Carroll lays out what is happening at the Keehi Transfer Station as another example of how cost overruns are running rampant in Hawaii, at the expense of the taxpayers. Trash is stacking up, and smelling up the community,
instead of being transferred to H-Power. View our story on HawaiiNewsNow to see how much trash is there.
There is also the non-functional building used to wash trucks, that is currently being used to park a truck contaminated with radiation. This picture shows the truck parked in the unit, with no restrictions to entry, or any other protection from public contact. Link here to Carroll's 12/11/16 show where he talked about conditions at the Keehi Transfer Station.

Carroll then tells us the bankrupt contractor, Performance Systems, Inc (PSI) that worked on the unfinished H-Power solar building also defaulted on a contract for work at the Keehi Transfer Station. Millions of dollars of work may have to start over. Link here to the bid to modify the Keehi Transfer Station. Link here to the bid for the solar project.
Here are pictures of PSI equipment still sitting at the Keehi Transfer Station and by the solar building at H-Power. Note
the white sticker with "PSI" on the equipment. Carroll talked about the solar building on his show of 6/25/17.

The unfinished solar building at H-Power
Next Carroll talks about the city's cleanup of the nearby homeless encampment. But, how much was really cleaned up. Here are pictures after the latest cleanup by the Keehi Transfer Station. Trash was run over, broken up and left behind, leaving the area even worse than it was. Not only that, a nearby sewage pipe is broken and has been leaking for years, with nothing done.
Got the blues from looking at all the trash
