Carroll continues his discussion about Hawaii's charter schools. He attended the audit review meeting on 12/19, and plays a tape of Marian Higa's presentation on the show. It is very enlightening. She does a great job discussing "Autonomy without Accountability" - auditing both academics and operations. The schools must conduct an Annual
Self Evaluation (ASE), but the data is not reliable. A big problem - charter schools are exempt from procurement rules, and Ms. Higa gives several examples of what happens when taxpayer money is given to schools with no oversight. She also talks about problems at HTA, K12, Inc. and Jeff Piontek
Link here to listen to the entire audit meeting
Link to last week's discussion about HTA here
Read our news story about HTA here.
Review the state audit report here
Read our story about Race to the Top, the school board, Stephen Schatz and nepotism first discussed on our show of 10/30/11

Pictured L to R - Roger McKeague, Carl Takamura, Ruth Tshumy, Marian Higa
Marian Higa - State Auditor