SUNDAY, April 24, 2011
The first hour Carroll talks with Amy and Keith Roylance. Their cat, Kramer, was put in state quarantine when they moved here with short notice. Kramer was certified as perfectly healthy, but a couple of weeks later they were told he was limping. They immediately went to the quarantine station and found he could not even walk. X rays showed
his hind leg bone was broken into two pieces. The state inferred Kramer broke his leg himself and they were evasive with answers. Amy and Keith were billed for $5,400 for medical expenses. They were then told they could file a claim to see if the state would reimburse them, after an investigation. They were alslo told they would have to pay to get the cat's records. The Humane Society told them there was
they could do. Amy called The Carroll Cox Show for help. After calls from the Carroll Cox Show, the state agreed to pay the medical bills, but offered no other explanation or apology.
The second hour Carroll talks about Waikele Caves with Pam Davis, a retired planner with the city Department of Planning and Permitting. She had involvement in the issue when the DPP issued a Notice of Violation at Waikele Caves. She was shocked when
the Notice of Violation was withdrawn by the city after a letter from the Navy, to Corporation Counsel, claimed federal land cannot be regulated by local governments and the city had no jurisdiction on anything on federal land. The Navy argued " it did not intend to waive sovereign immunity since it [the lease] was entered into for the express purpose of furthing a federal interest". However, the withdrawal was strictly political. Since
the Navy
is not directly using the area, it is no longer under federal jurisdiction. The NOV was issued because the area was converted to commercial use for storage and manufacturing. Now it is not subject to any city or state regulations. The Waikele Caves are lawless, and five people have died.
- Notice of Violation - 1/4/10
- NOV Withdrawal - 12/30/10
- Letter to Corporation Counsel from Navy
Fireworks at the caves |

Kramer is broken

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