
May 5, 2016 - Carroll Cox files ethics complaint regarding Mayor Kirk Caldwell's mayoral campaign.

August 23, 2015 - Hawaii Melting Pot Boils Over. Homeless in Hawaii.

August 2, 2015 - North Shore Farmers
"Deal Not Fruitful'. What will happen to our Kahuku corn and other fruit if farmers are forced off their land under unfair treatment by Turtle Bay Holdings LLC?

July 5, 2015 - Fire at Island Recycling

March 25, 2015 - DLNR - NOT FIRST CLASS - Corruption and waste of money within the Department of Land and Natural Resources

March 18, 2015 - Governor Ige withdraws Carleton Ching nomination prior to senate vote

February 15, 2015 - Animal Remains Discarded

December 12, 2014 - Growing Opposition to Dairy Farm Proposal on Kauai.

October 25, 2014 - "DLNR and DOH: A Toxic Combination " read Carroll's article about ocean pollution, first published in Hawaii Fish News in June 2007 and still relevant today.

October 16, 2014: Former Department of Land and Natural Resources officer indicted on at least 30 counts involving sexual assault in the1st and 3rd degree.

September 11, 2014: State of Hawaii Department of Health investigates coverup of oil released into the ground at Keehi Lagoon, Oahu, Hawaii.

July 2, 2014. ARSON ATTACK - Carroll Cox's cars were set ablaze by arsonists in front of his home. See dramatic video and pictures here.

On May 21, 2014, the military commemorated the little known "West Loch Disaster", where more than 130 African Americans lost their lives in an ammunition explosion in 1944, during a ceremony at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl. It should be noted, the disaster was not talked about, and little was known about it until just recently. Fiver years ago the military started telling the story and has been commemorating the event on its anniversary date ever since. Link here to pictures and story.

February 23, 2014 - Red Hill Fuel Tank Facility and the Red Hill Oily Waste Disposal Pit

January 23, 2014 - Veterans Administration refuses to give serviceman his prosthetic legs

October 2, 2013 - Sludge dumped in Waiane - Complaints filed and Notice of Violations have been issued against SER Trucking for illegal dumping and an illegal business on agriculture land.

August 31, 2013 - Once again, the H-1 Freeway is shut down for four hours, as one lane of cars creeps by a massive clean up by firemen and policemen. Pictures tell the story.

August 31, 2013 - Volunteers replace railroad ties on the Hawaiian Railway track with the Hawaiian Railway Society. Learn how you can voluteer to help save the railway.

August 18, 2013 - How and why Road and Highway Builders LLC was given a key to a locked gate to use a roadway passing through property, leased by Pasha Commercial Storage from the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, allegedly so their overloaded trucks could bypass the state inspection station.

July 2013 - City fails to pick up trash at several housing complexes, leaving
thousands exposed to stench and
unhealthy conditions.

May 2013. DLNR IS SHEEPISH about Moulon sheep on cliff above Makapu'u Point. Read our article first published in Hawaii Fishing News http://www.hawaiifishingnews.com

February 22, 2013. Jobie Masagatani faces strong opposition to here appointment as head of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. Listen to the hearing, and Michelle Kauhane's tape of meeting illustrating her reason for opposition. Also, listen to the show of 2/10/13 for more information.

January 24, 2013. Urethane Grout Material Found in Board
of Water Supply Reservoir in Aina Haina. Public not informed of the situation.

January 5, 2013. While Bill O'Reilly discusses the Blue State of Hawaii, Hanabusa leaves other minorities singing the blues. Carroll discusses the issues here, in response to the article, "O'Reilly comment prompts Hanabusa's call for an apology" in the StarAdvertiser, 1/5/13.

December 15, 2012: Residents in Hau'ula and surrounding areas question the rational for the placement of a valve to prevent and reduce the threat of flooding from mountainous runoff into the mouth of the Kaulani Stream.

November 7, 2012: Polling places on Oahu run out of ballots. Is it voter fraud? There are many checks and balances that should have prevented this. We have posted a copy of "2012 Delivery & Collections Manual" and other information regarding the situation.

October 21, 2012: The Kaukonahua Bridge near Wahiawa is also falling apart. Witnesses heard popping and crackling sounds when wind turbines were transported over the bridge. How safe it is? See pictures here.

September 30, 2012: Illegal dumpsite run by the City and County of Honolulu is exposed.

September 12, 2012: Last month two playgrounds near homes in Maili were turned into piles of rubble and abandoned. The leftover materials have sickened children and parents are concerned. After we reported the problem, temporary fences were placed around the old playgrounds. On September 13, 2012 the State Housing Authority cleaned up the playground rubble. Read more and view pictures here.

July 30, 2012. Councilman Tom Berg's Campaign Manager threatened with possible sanctions by the Neighborhood Commission

May 24, 2012. The family of victims of the Waikele Cave explosion and fire filed lawsuits. See the press release and full complaint here, along with our pictures of the cave and fire.

May 13, 2012. Fishermen are unknowingly catching and consuming contaminated fish from Pearl Harbor and the surrounding lochs, Some are even selling their catch. Faded warning signs were immediately replaced after Carroll notified DOH of the problem.

February 26, 2012 - According to the victim, a racist word painted on his car is vandalism, not a hate crime. He says the Hawaii chapter of NAACP is just escalating the issue for their own benefit.

February 12, 2012 - THERE'S NO BEEF! - What is State Senator Clayton Hee up to with his proposed animal cruelty bills? He is a rancher supported by both the slaughterhouses and The Hawaii Human Society. He is now proposing bills to support animal cruelty. Is there a conflict between doners and his own activities?

On December 30, 2011, for six days, whales followed the fishing vessel, Sea Pearl, for 400 miles, arriving in Honolulu Harbor on January 5. See the dramatic video of the trip here.

December 30, 2011: The ethics commission has confirmed complaints we filed regarding city employee Patty Teruya. Although she did not admit to any wrong doing, today she resigned her position with the city to avoid further investigation and prosecution. We will be discussing this, as well as politicians that benefited from her activites, on our next show, January 1, 2012.

December 14, 2011 - Charter School officials and the Hawaii Dept. of Education cover up the removal of two principals, and the news media downplays the real story. Read about it here.
UPDATE - December 15, 2011 - The state audit was just released with fidnings that it is unethical and illegal to have the principal be a
K12 employee. This may be why Jeffrey Piontek was released.

August 31, 2011 - We just learned the U.S. Marine Corps exposed an untold number of people to radiation after a helicoptor crashed in Kaneohe Bay on March 29, 2011 - and they never told anyone or officially reported it. Read the story here, and listen to our show on September 4, for more information.

August 10, 2011 - The Ethics Commission confirms our complaint against Andrew Jamila. Read about it here!

August 7, 2011 - View our pictures of Aloun Farms. Also, listen to our Show of 8/7/11. Sou's Attorney, Steve Hisaka, tells the real story!

July 29, 2011 - Throwing Stones - Keith Rollman's response to the Eric Ryan / Kymberly Pine controversy.

July 20, 2011 - Recently, in several news reports, Representative Kymberly
Pine told the public about her claims of "cyber attacks", extortion, career destruction, character assassination,
her concerns with physical harm, but said
nothing about having her eye on the District One City Council position and her
plan to change political parties.
These, and other topics qwew discussed on The Carroll Cox Show on
Sunday, July 24, 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM on radio station KWAI 1080 AM.

July 18, 2011 - the H2 freeway was closed approximately 4 1/2 hours due to an early morning accident in the south-bound lanes between the Kipapa Bridge and Ka Uka Blvd, caused by a wrong way driver. See pictures here!

June 25, 2011 - An illegal dump containing trash from Norwegian Cruise Lines was found in Campbell Industrial Park. Read the story and view pictures here. Click here to view picture of the clean up effort.

Our show on 5/22/11 highlighted problems at the City and County of Honolulu Refuse Division. In answer to our questions, they said 60 of 155 trucks are inoperable. Workers without trucks spend the day at the baseyard just waiting for trucks to return so they can pickup their routes, then work overtime
to service their routes. See their reply to our questions here.

June 3, 2011 - Hazmat at work: The Honolulu Fire Department Hazmat-1 unit responds to a report of a gas leak at the Pacifica Building on Kapiolani Blvd.

June 1, 2011. Why aren't our trash bins picked up in a timely manner? Find out here!

April 8, 2011. A fire in a Waikele Caves self storage units kills five and injures one worker. We questioned what was going on at Waikele Caves in 2010. View pictures and more on the story here.

SPECIAL - 3/23/11: Learn more about Carroll Cox. Listen to Sonia
Fabrigas interviewing Carroll on her show, Peace of the

March 29, 2011 - A marine Helicoptor crashed on the sand bar in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. One marine died in the crash, three others were in critical condition. View pictures of the downed helicopter here.

A former employee of
the Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation, alledgedly under investigation for embezzlement or misappropriation of state boating funds, resigned as of Friday, March 18, 2011. Read more here.

March 13, 2011 - Tsunami in Hawaii. BEFORE - We stock up. AFTER - Sailors untie knots at Keehi Lagoon and the La Mariana Sailing Club.

At approximately 10:10 pm on Wednesday, February 23, Honolulu Fire and Police
Department personnel responded to a 911 call and rescued three fishermen adrift
at sea approximately one hour after their fishing boat, the Leimomi, was
struck by lightning.

February 18, 2011 - 5:00 PM - a daring rescue took place in rough waters off the Lanai Point Lookout near Kokohead. See pictures and video of Lifeguards, Firemen and Paramedics in action here.

Years after the five
hundred thousand dollar "Ala Wai
Canal Phyto-Remediation Project"
was completed we found that equipment such as pipes , hoses,
netting and wires, is still littering the banks of the Ala Wai
Canal. See more information and pictures here.

See the attached for some of our thoughts regarding the recent declaration that the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill problems have been fixed. We will be discussing this subject during our
next show, on Sunday, February 20, 2011.

February 15, 2011 - A possible case of H1N1 flu may have been identified at the Waimanalo Job Corp office, but the Hawaii State Department of Health would not answer our questions about the story. Read more about it here.

2011, in a news story featured on KHON News, we warned the DOH and public that something
like this just might happen. Now it has and officials are trying to cover up the real story. Read about it here and listen to our next radio show January 23, to learn more.

1/20/11 - Carroll Cox calls for
the resignation of newly elected Council Member Ernest Y. Martin to step down
from his newly appointed position as Chairman of Honolulu's City Council Budget
Committee. Read why here.

MORE ITN NEWS - 10/29/10 - in video clips recently uncovered, it appears that some local politicians are making a concerted effort to stand in line to mix church and state to advance a specific religious agenda. New video has been posted showing Cam Cavasso and other politicians attending the ITN event in Waikiki

September 18, 2010. Danger is lurking overhead on Nuuanu Street. An overhanging awning is about to fall down and the city says there is nothing they can do about it!

September 16, 2010 - Poamoho fire investigated - Exclusive photos of investigators at work

Mr. Harold Barnes, a Management Analyst in the City Managing Director's Office, hired by Mufi Hannemann and Kirk Caldwell, is party to at least 5 civil cases against him for non-payment of bills. Is he a man of integrity? Read more here!

September 9, 2010 - The City and County of Honolulu is fined $140,000 for "willful" violations at their Kaneohe Pump Station.

Hawaiian Waste Systems was sued on July 2, 2010, for not paying for or returning leased containers and equipment, but Hannemann administration still did not want to cancel the city's contract with the failing company. Read more about it here.

Under Investigation - 7/25/10 - executive secretaries from a city dept. are being used by Mufi Hannemann to work in his campaign headquarters!

At approximately 2:10 pm, Saturday July 24, the Honolulu Fire Department and federal fire fighters battled a large bush fire at the U.S. Military's Makua Valley Military Firing Range on Oahu, near Yokahama Beach. As of 9:00 pm the fire was still not under control.

7/19/10 - Leeward Land Co. files a suit against the city over proposed Waianae Regional Park. We explain what is behind Mayor Hannemann's actions.

7/6/10 - Governor Linda Lingle announced her veto of HB 444 -The Civil Unions Bill. Our comments, pictures, videos and audio of the event are here.

Warship anchors in Maunalua Bay - July 12, 2010, causing concern for damage to the coral reef

Firemen at work - Video of fire in Kalama Valley, 4th of July, 2010. Is there any debate fireworks should be banned?

6/29/10 - Unknown substance dumped in Nanakuli is picked up by PENCO. Do you know anything about this dump?

an upcoming show we will be discussing another of Mayor Hannemann's "Honest Mistakes" in re-appointing Mr. Andrew Jamilla to the Planning Commission when his company gets grants from the City and County of Honolulu. (more info)

Tuskeegee Airman Lt. Col. Bill Holloman III, a frequest visitor to Hawaii and a guest on our show, passed away last week. for more information and pictures, Link Here. Listen to our shows with Holloman and fellow airman, Col. Alexander Jefferson from February 22, 2009 and March 1, 2009.

On June 9, 2010, Mayor Hannemann attended a fundraiser in Pittsburgh for his gubernatorial campaign. However, his press release said he went to a meeting in Washington DC on 6/9 to discuss rail funding, then on to Oklahoma for a mayor's conference on 6/10. Why didn't he mention the trip to Pittsburgh in his press release? Who paid for the Pittsburgh campaign trip? More Information
Click here for a TIMELINE of events surrounding the Pittsburgh trip.
June 15 I filed a complaint on campaign spending violations with the State
Campaign Spending Commission. (see attached)

On 5/4/10 Carroll filed an ethics complaint against Lt. Gov. Aiona and Senator Sakamoto, regarding their involvement with International Transformation Network and separation of church and state. The story was broadcast on KITV news.
- 1. 6-minute segment aired 5/4/10
- http://www.kitv.com/news/23456532/detail.html
- 2. Full 20-minute interview (raw footage)
- http://www.kitv.com/video/23457293/index.html

Trash is piling up in Campbell Industrial Park. Pictures tell the story! (posted 1/14/10)
Update: March 14, 2010 - It's still there....

For the past three years fishermen claim they have been harassed by DLNR officers at Kaena Point and other shorline fishing spots around Hawaii. Here is their story and what they are trying to do about it.

After numerous complaints to our leaders, over a six month period, piles of trash dumped along Farrington Hwy is still not picked up and remains an unhealthy eyesore. Mufi, what's up with this? posted 12/13/09

Longline tuna boats collide, with 20-30k estimate damages - 10/23/09

The Honolulu Rail Project - Draft EIS is flawed and incomplete, failing to touch on sensitive subjects such as view planes, burials, historical sites, special management areas - 10/25/09.

Councilmember Djou wants a law to ban people from sitting or sleeping on the sidewalk. How could it possibly work? Why can't we find a better solution?

Hawaiian Humane Society's harassment and unethical treatment of Norman Pang of Animal Haven, Inc. and Jennifer Kishimori of OSPCA, who tried to help him with his animals after his wife's untimely death: HHS
BREAKING NEWS - 9/27/09: According to local media sources, the prosecutor's office has decided NOT to pursue animal cruelty charges against Animal Haven and Norman Pang!
The Story - 8/23/09
Pictures of Bonnie Pang's Memorial Service - 9/6/09
Federal Lawsuit filed - 9/11/09

Mr. Charles Djou is running for Congress. His website contains a picture showing him in uniform. Does this violate Dept. of Defense Directives? (See pic & directive) Does the DOD endorse Mr. Djou? We asked other candidates what they think. Learn more, and participate in conversation on Sunday, Aug. 30, 2009.

On Friday, 8/14, a visitor from Japan disappeared while snorkeling in waters off the Hilton Hawaiian Village. The U.S. Coast Guard and Honolulu Fire Dept. rescue team continued their search Saturday, but he was found drowned early Sunday morning. (pictures)

On July 30, 2009, a man drowned in the Hilton Hawaiian Village Lagoon. He was trapped while being sucked in by a whirlpool to a drain, and the rescuers had a hard time freeing hime. Read the story and view a video of a bucket and a child swirling in the whirlpool that the Hilton claims did no harm.

Video - City illegally dumps chunks of cement in Mailiilii Stream - 6/12/09

Video & Pictures - Stolen Honda flips truck in Mililani. Suspects flee scene.

Video & Pictures - a Kiowa Warrior helicoptor crashed today at Wheeler Army Airfield, killing two 25th Infantry Division soldiers. The helicoptor was performing exercises above the runway in preparation for deployment to Iraq - 5/27/09.

Video of HAZMAT truck responding to a bulging chlorine tank at BEI Hawaii facility in Campbell Industrial Park - 5/22/09

- Video of Cement Tower Collapse in Campbell Industrial Park
- 5/16/09

Every night the city deliberately diverts leachate from the quarry into the marsh. Carroll investigated and exposed the issue after a whistle-blower complaint.

Information on H.R 669
To prevent the introduction and establishment of nonnative wildlife species that negatively impact the economy, environment, or other animal species, or human health, and for other purposes 04/19/09

Big Brother gives Big Business a Big Break - Management issues at the DLNR.

The Tuskegee Airmen - Books and other information

- Tanker spill closes H1 Freeway for hours - Saturday 2/21/09
- pictures by Carroll Cox - on the scene

Inspite of local laws against sharkfinning, they are still being processed in Hawaii. New laws to close loophole are being proposed to stop this practice

Another Norovirus outbreak on cruise ship in Hawaii - 2/1/09

NON-FOOD GRADE SALT - A list of company and products - 1/31/09

The Superferry Audit Report - 1/11 - 1/18/2009

IS YOUR POKE FRESH? Fish treated with carbon monoxide to make it look fresh is common in our stores. Do you know what you are getting when the sign says "made fresh daily"?
Sign Waving Protest at the Safeway store, Kapahula, brings attention to this problem - December 29, 2008

AIRPLANE CRASH IN KALAELOA - December 20, 2008 - Story and Pictures

MEALS ON WHEELS - Their story, and how you can help

Santa Claus Parade - Kaneohe, Hawaii - December 6, 2008

- PACIFIC SHORES - What is the State of Hawaii doing about this vessel? It is an eyesore, taking up valuable dock space, and leaking oil into the harbor!

- Al Bento Got The Blues - Lures that is
- Carroll and master fisherman Al Bento talk fish stories - Nov 16, 2008

- The United States Navy Not So Neighborly Some Pearl City
Residents Claim - The Carroll Cox Show is first to report the Navy Seal Submersible Vehicle fire on November 9, 2008

- vs.
- Imported Fish - FDA Reports - Inspected fish is rejected for Salmonella or as "Filthy".
- It is also treated with carbon monoxide to make it look fresh, and mislabled with "local" names!

DISASTER ON GULICK - structure collapse is another example of government mismanagement and inaction - October 2008.

- What is happening to expensive equipment disappearing
- from the Sand Island Treatment Plant? We have the answers.

Pictures of the sailboat Kialua, which ran aground Oct. 14, 2008, while the skipper was below working on the engine and a passenger was steering. No one was injured. The boat was towed Oct. 17.

BETRAYAL OF A COMMUNITY - Carroll comments on Rex Johnson, his email, the Hawaii Tourism Authority, and the Hawaii State Government - Oct. 2008

THE AUDITOR'S LETTER - Carroll's comments regarding his request for a letter written 6/25/08 regarding Higa's audit of Johnson's email - from State Auditor Higa to Governor Lingle, Calvin Say, Colleen Hanabusa and otehrs. His request for a copy of the letter was denied.

- THE JOHNSON EMAILS - Warning - content is offensive
- A sample of just a few of the emails.......you get the idea

- CITIZENS PROTEST HTA and Rex Johnson in Waikiki - Photos
- September 27. 2008. Rex Johnson resigned on Oct. 8, 2008.

Concealing, downplaying and ignoring the racist content of Rex Johnson's emails is consistant with the Lingle administration's past response to acts of racism and hatred.