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                   THE CARROLL COX SHOW  :  1080 AM




   SUNDAY, October 13, 2013


        Carroll talks about "truth in government".  There seems to be a story about everything, and if caught, the story changes.    Recent examples:  The Hawaii Deptartment of Health's comments about molasses in the harbor,  sludge in Waianae, medical waste from the dump flowing into the ocean,  diet pills that kill, and so many more stories we have talked about on this show.

        Carroll also notes, there is a tangled web of people working multiple jobs,  or on company boards, that possibly conflict with each other.   Carroll gives two examples:  The boards and commissions behind the Department of Hawaiian Homelands and communities on the Waianae Coast, and Chris Lee, who is possibly working for both Matson and the Coast Guard  (Matson will not answer our questions regarding this situation).

        Renwick "Uncle Joe" Tassill,  Hawaiian Homelands Commissioner, calls in to talk about molasses in the harbor.  Besides killing an untold number of fish, it covered up the coral, a natural resource.  Uncle Joe expresses his concerns and disappointment in the explanation it was an accident.

        Terri Peake calls in with another example.  She knows first hand about the toxic danger of breast implants, even though the government tells us everything is okay.  (Listen to our show 11/4/12).    

        The second hour Carroll talks more about empty homes on Hawaiian Homelands.  He first reported the story during his show on 2/17/13  and posted  pictures of abandoned properties. Today the Honolulu StarAdvertiser ran a feature story about the situation.  This week we also toured the area again, and  here are more houses that have been abandoned - some for years. 

        Uncle Joe Tassill calls in to tell us more about problems people with Hawaiian ancestry are facing, and asks why outside companies are getting big leases while Hawaiian beneficiaries do not.   Another example:

        Gravel Gate is back, and stronger than ever!     

        This story was first reported during our show on 8/18/13, and is another example of how the Department of Hawaiian Homelands is not benefitting the people.   While native Hawaiians are waiting,  Road and Highway Builders, Inc.  is stockpiling tons of gravel on leased  land.   The Department of Transportation told us they were investigating, but our complaint must have fallen on deaf ears.    Linda Chin, Dept. of Hawaiian Homelands, said they would be evicting Road and Hawaii Builders, but the company is back in business, recently adding an estimate of more than 43,000 tons of gravel and sand to the site,  On October 11, 2013, Carroll and Uncle Joe  spend hours watching  gravel trucks transporting material from the harbor to Road and Highway Builder's land (VIEW VIDEO).


                                                      Uncle Joe is watching

        Carroll has been talking a lot about PASHA and Road and Highway Builders, Inc.   On Tuesday, October 15,  HawaiiNewsNow ran a special story about DHHL leasing land to PASHA, but not to a native Hawaiian company in the same business.   Link to their story here.


        Follow:   DHHL, Department of Hawaiian Homelands, Hawaii Department of Health,  gravel gate, Road and Highway Builders,  abandoned homes, Uncle Joe Tassill,  Matson, truth in government,  sludge in Waianae, molasses in the harbor 







                   Uncle Joe Tassil in front of PASHA's gate.


                                Trucks hauling gravel at PASHA's gate




          Listen to our show  - 10/13/13: