Carroll and attorney Michael Ostendorp discuss Governor Abercrombie's proclamation, signed 6/14/11, suspending state statutes protecting the environment, historic sites, public access to recreation areas, and environmental policies. For what reason, and why wasn't the public informed? Basically, the governor has declared a state of emergency and suspended
a broad set of laws so the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can look for and blow up old munitions (that have been around for many years) wherever they are found. By suspending laws under the "emergency proclamation" he alone can now dictate and do whatever he wants with state resources and property. If it is an emergency, why didn't he tell anyone?
This, along with senate bill 1555 introduced by State Senator Donovan Dela Cruz allowing the state to transfer public land to a corporation for generating revenue, could devastate both our public and private property rights. We wonder, what's coming up with APEC and the rail project in the works?
Read the proclamation here.
Read the senate bill here
Carroll also brings us up to date regarding parts containing radioactive materials from the U.S. Marine helicopter that crashed on the Kaneohe Sandbar last March (discussed on our show 9/4/11).
First, the raft holding the recovered IBIS units came loose and was seen freely floating around the bay for at least five days, coming in contact with numerous citizens. Second, Carroll tells us the Honolulu Fire Department was lied to by the military about the presence of radiation (see the attached HFD response to our questions). They were not told about the presence of radiation at the crash site until early April. Later in April they were told no one was exposed even though the marines had to clean up contamination on their base that leaked from the recovered raft.

Up the creek without a paddle