




    SUNDAY, August 21, 2011



      Carroll talks with Jim Anthony regarding status of developments in Laie and keeping country country.   This is the last true stretch of rural Oahu and the large hotel being planned for the area is out of place.  Proposals are still before the City Council.   Contact your councilman to find out what's happening.

      Carroll then brings us up to date on Mr. Rex Johnson, who was fired as head of the Hawaii Tourism Agency for sending out inappropriate and insensitive  racial and pornographic emails.   He is now working for Pacific International Center for High Technology and Research (PICHTR)  at UH as Project Director of the National Disaster Preparedness Center  (link to their website).   Has he learned his lesson or will his attitude affect students and other employees at UH?   (link here to his original emails).

      The second hour Carroll talks with Ms. Momi Robins, author of Candy Canes and Coke.   Momi is an 8th grade teacher in Waianae who is concerned about kids as young as 10 who are getting into serious relationships before they even know themselves.  This is something she went through at the age of 12 so she can relate.  She hopes her book will help the community understand what is needed and be able to start conversations between parents and children.  It was a hard book to write, but by opening up about herself, she believes it will help parents and the community get involved so kids can avoid going down the same path she went down.   Let's talk about dreams and goals, not just test scores.   

      Check out her website:  www.momirobins.org

      Her book is available at her website, Amazon.com,  and BarnesandNoble.com.


      Taking care of keiki