Carroll and his guest, Talk to
Action journalist Bruce Wilson, ( discuss Hawaii politicians, including Lt. Governor Duke Aiona,
Mayor Mufi Hannemann, City Councilman
Gary Okino and Norman Sakamoto's, involvement with the International Transformation
Network (ITN) and its founder Ed
Silvoso. Hawaii’s politicians apparently
have a close relationship with this group, which is openly anti-gay, anti-civil
union. Bruce Wilson describes their supports Uganda’s current
legislation to ban gays: “ITN operatives have played a
significant role organizing and inspiring Ugandan legislators who have drafted,
cosponsored, and backed the draconian and internationally denounce Anti
Homosexuality Bill before Uganda’s parliament which would mandate the execution
of many HIV positive Ugandans and also require, on pain of three years in
prison, that citizens report to the police anyone suspected of being gay. The penalty for being homosexual in Uganda is
imprisonment for life."

Bruce Wilson

Lt. Gov Aiona

Mayor Hannemann

Gary Okina

Norman Sakamot