Today Carroll starts the show with a discussion about party politics and the democratic process. This is illustrated by several problems including the recent debacle surrounding lack of ballots during the voting process, Governor Abercrombie's suspension of environmental laws, and now the controversy over civil rights laws and gay marriage. Recently,
complaints were filed against Hawaii State Senator Mike Gabbard and House Represenative Sharon Har because their stand against gay marriage goes against the Democratic Party platform. Governor Abercrombie intervened and the complaints were withdrawn. The same thing happened on the Big Island when Abercrombie intervened in another political complaint against State Representative Clift Tsuji. Carroll has obtained the evidence Abercombie intervened and influenced the complainants
to withdraw their complaints. The question is why didn't Abercrombie allow the natural political process to occur.
Carroll points out what is happening behind the scenes thwarts the democratic process. Another caller says, "Keep equality, keep it simple, and let freedom ring."
Joanne Adams calls in to provide more information about the complaint, the withdrawal, why Gabbard changed parties, and why he is still allowed to actively support Republican issues that go against the Democratic platform. She also discusses why a special session of the State Legislature is needed to focus on gay marriage and not be distracted by other bills during the normal session.
Joanne is an attorney specializing in estate planning. Look for her show on O'lelo, channel 54. You can also contact her at 528-2100.
Carroll then points out an article about Tulsi Gabbard saying she (and her family) are Hindu disciples of Jagad Guru. Look
Jagad Guru up on Google. In a video shown on O'lelo, Jagad Guru mocks and makes disparaging comments about Christianity with Mike Gabbard and his family sitting close by and nodding along. (Note, Jagad Guru may have removed some of the links to his videos and discussions due to controversy.)
Carroll gives us an update about issues with Hawaiian Homes Lands and their excuses for why they are not giving out leases to the native Hawaiians on their list, particularly when so many are homeless. One excuse, they may get sued over race bias like Kamehameha Schools was. DHHL officials also indicated they are concerned they cannot swing good deals
with the media watching.
Carroll also talks about permit issues regarding Road and Highway Builders LLC, a mainland company with a contract to repair roads on Oahu, storing crushed rock on property leased from Hawaiian Homes Lands.by Pasha. The state has confrimed they do not have valid NPDES permits. Carroll has filed a complaint with Governor Abercrombie expressing concerns about how Ward K. Young handled the permit process and allowed Pasha to sublease the land to Road and Highway Builders LLC. Link here to the complaint. Link here to followup story on KITV.