SUNDAY, March 27, 2016
- March 27, 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Carroll's first guest is Carl Berg, Ph.D., head of Surfrider Foundation Kauai and Blue Water Task Force Kauai. They monitor water quality in oceans and lakes. Conservation, activism, research and education. Once a month they sample oceans, surf sites, beaches and streams. They go to places the State Department
of Health (DOH) does not sample. DOH monitors recreational beaches, or those most heavily used, and that includes five beaches on Kauai. During heavy rains the state issues brown water warnings, particularly for areas with streams flowing into the ocean. However, they do not put up warning signs and tourists generally do not hear such warnings. Berg tells us the Maha'ulepu Stream is averaging eight times more bacteria than what is in the Ala Wai Canal, and everyone
knows not to get into that water, but the DOH will not put up warning signs. Berg tells us the government is not listening to citizen scientists, such as the Blue Water Task Force. The Surfrider Foundation and Blue Water Task Force are meeting with DOH to ask for a policy change. They are asking for signs to be posted, not just for human sewage from overflows and storms, but also from animal sewage. They are hoping for some real action from the government over the next few weeks. Hawaii
has an ethical responsibility to let tourists and locals know what water is not clean. Berg notes, like Flint's water problem, the government has been very slow to respond to health issues in our oceans and streams. Surfrider is also concerned about protecting all sea life, and the effect of all the plastic and nets in the oceans.
- For more information visit website www.kauai.surfrider.org, or the national organization at www.surfrider.org
- Carroll's next guest is Sylvia Thompson, owner and chef of Greens & Vines Gourmet Raw Vegan Restaurant. They talk about raw foods and eating healthy. She started her restaurant after her husband was diagnosed with heart disease and they found a diet change returned him to health. The restaurant is not just salads. They have some
wonderful, very creative meals, and Carroll highly recommends their "living lasagna". Sylvia tells us how she creates her many meals for the restaurant. The restaurant is at 909 Kapiolani Boulevard, on the corner of Ward Avenue and Kapiolani Boulevard. Parking is in back. Try it out! They also have weekly meal plans available at very reasonable prices.
- Greens & Vines' phone number for takeouts is 536-9680. Visit their website at www.greensandvines.com
- or, for their meal plan visit www.e-liciousdishes.com
The second hour Carl Berg and Sylvia Thompson talk about the environmental harm caused by dairy farms in Hawaii, and in particular, the industrial dairy farm proposed to be built above Kauai's Maha'ulepu area. Besides the huge runoff problem from the dairy, that will pollute our streams and ocean waters, Dr. Berg notes the proposal states the dairy will be using 3 million gallons
of water a day to support their operation. Dr. Ber and others are concerned the dairy will destroy a portion of Kauai's drinking water, streams, beaches, and the ocean.

One cow. What will happen with a "2,000 cow" industrial dairy?

Just Talking
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email carroll@carrollcox.com.
Follow: Carroll Cox, Dr. Carl Berg, Surfrider Foundation, Blue Water Task Force, brown water, plastic in the oceans, Kauai, Sylvia Thompson, Greens & Vines, gourmet vegan restaurant.