Carroll is now broadcasting on the Internet at Listen live on Sunday mornings, 9-11 a.m.
We want to hear from you. Call 808-782-6627 to participate.
Carroll talks about the Red Hill Fuel Tanks and the oily waste disposal site associated with the tanks. He has recovered documents from the Department of Health under the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) that show there is a cover-up due to the lack of reporting the extent of fuel spills from the tanks and the oily waste pits. Carroll tells us fuel tanks are needed, but must be maintained and monitored. Both the federal and state governments have failed requirements to monitor spills and check water quality. Is our water contaminated? Are they telling us the whole truth?
Carroll explains some of the documentation that he recovered includes statements about waste pumped from the Red Hill oily pits and intentionally dumped on the ground and into South Halawa Stream. Records show there was a 1.2 million gallon spill in the past. Since the material was never recovered, we are concerned it is leaching and percolating into the groundwater as we speak.
Pictures recovered from Department of Health files under Uniform Information Practices Act
These, and other kittens like them, are looking for a home. Ages range from 3 to 12 months.
They have been neutered or spayed, and they are litter box trained. Now, all they need is your love. Who can resist a new kitten?
To adopt, call Carroll at 782-6627, or email
Join Carroll on www.envirowatch.orgto view some of the environmental and corruption issues
he investigated,
and resolved, in the past. You will also find him on YouTube at cox7826627 and on facebook.
Carroll continues his discussion about local issues on Olelo Public Television, Channel 54.
Link here to a list of his shows.They
can also be viewed
on Olelo video on demand.
Follow: Carroll Cox, Red Hill Fuel Tanks, Department of Health, Board of Water Supply, Department of the Navy, water contamination.