August 31, 2013. Do you want to work on the railroad? Yes, it is hard work, but it is an accomplishment you can immediately feel and appreciate. Just ask the employees of Hunt Hawaii, who volunteered to replace ties along the route near the Ko'Olina Golf Course.
The Hawaiian Railway runs along the original, and historic, Oahu Rail and Land Company's right of way. Every Sunday, at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., the trains run between Ewa and Nanakuli. You can even ride in the Dillingham's private car. Call 808-681-5461 for more information about the train rides.
The railroad is maintained by the Hawaiian Railway Society (HRS), and volunteers like you. On Saturday, 8/31/13, our work day started with a trip to the work site from the Ewa baseyard, located at 91-1001 Renton Road. Our engineer was Zach Jackson, and our work was supervised by the society's Vice President, Larry Howard and other HRS members.

Engineer Zach Jackson

VP Larry Howard

