At approximately 10:10 pm Honolulu Fire and Police Department personnel responded to a 911 call and rescued three fishermen adrift at sea approximately one hour after their fishing boat, the Leimomi, was struck by lightning.
Atta Ohelo, Brad Shin and Dennis Galves departed from the Hawaii Kai boat harbor at approximately 8:00 pm for what would generally be a routine fishing trip for bottom fish. Atta told Carroll Cox that they were fishing for bottom fish approximately three miles out from Hawaii Kai Harbor when lightning struck the boat's antenna and destroyed all their electrical and navigation equipment. Atta also told Cox that he was standing in the front of the boat and was thrown from the front to stern by the lightning bolt's energy. The lightning charred the electrical wires and some smoke was observed for a short time but no fire was observed coming from a circuit box or the boat's global positioning unit. After realizing what had happened they also discovered that they had no radio or power to start the boat's motors. Atta said they felt pretty lucky because he had his cell phone. He first called the United States Coast Guard who told him to call 911. After he called 911 Fire Department personnel launched its rescue boat and towed their boat back to shore. Atta said the impact and loud noise from the lightning impacted his hearing. he will be examined by a doctor tomorrow to determine the extent of the damage. He also received minor scratches on his forehead from being thrown around by the energy of the lightning boltThe crew praised the police and fire department who came and rendered assistance. They were glad to be bac k on shore.