
12/25/12 - A memorial tribute to Nova Lei Gonzales. Nova Lei spent countless hours volunteering to help the community, particularly those suffering from AIDS and Hepatitus. He had a beautiful spirit and truly inspired the many people around him. He will be missed.

On December 30, 2011, for six days, whales followed the fishing vessel, Sea Pearl, for 400 miles, arriving in Honolulu Harbor on January 5. See the dramatic video of the trip here.

12/25/11 - GHOSTS OF SHOPPING PAST - What happens to plastic bags when we are done with them?

Firemen at work - Video of fire in Kalama Valley, 4th of July, 2010. Is there any debate fireworks should be banned?

FISHERMEN SPEAK UP - interviews with Tina Quizon - 30 min

Sandra Parks talks about fishermen trying to be heard - 10 min

Sandra Parks talks about harassment by DLNR while fishing - 10 min

Laura Thielen, Chairwoman, DLNR, discusses budget issues (4 min39sec)

Videos from the 146th Annual Meeting of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, 10/23/09: