Just thought I would try and refresh our memories regarding the ethical treatment of medical waste in the past.    The DoH and others are suggesting that the medical waste now in our ocean, coming from the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill, was sterilized and we should not worry.   Assuming all handlers of medical waste are ethical and manage all waste properly, we would not have to worry.    The fact of the matter is, all of them are not ethical and do not handle medical waste properly.   The following photographs depict buckets of medical waste that had been dumped and left sitting in the parking lot of the former Hawaii Medical Vitrification plant, exposed to the sun for months on end, without treatment.   Can we be assured that this waste is not part of what was in cell  E6, and what is now in the ocean? 

DOH, who is now assuring us the waste in the landfill was sterilized, is the same agency that permitted a major medical waste processor to leave waste sitting in the sun for months.  We should remind the city, DoH and Waste Management Systems of the problems found at Hawaii Medical Vitrification so they will not be so quick to assure us that everything is safe.     To this day we do not know what happened to this particular waste.

Whether sterilized or not, the issue is a red herring, the real issue is mismanagement of the landfill.